Ripple Fist (3.5e Feat)

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Author: Leziad (talk)
Date Created: 3rd February 2016
Status: Complete
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Ripple Fist [Fighter, Monk] The ripple fist is a dreaded technique which makes the body of those struck violently tear itself apart.Prerequisites: Bab +6 or Monk 6th, Stunning FistBenefit: You gain the ability to use the ripple fist ability, as a standard action you may make an unarmed strike attack using a Stunning Fist attempt. Ripple fist counts as stunning fist for all intent and purpose, such as for feats which improve it. If the attack hits, the base damage is doubled alongside the damage added by a high Strength (or other ability score if used instead). The struck foe must also make a Fortitude save (same DC as your stunning fist) or become dazed and stunned for 1 round. An attack augmented by ripple fist always deals lethal damage, even if the attack would deal non-lethal damage (such as through regeneration or a Ring of Durability) and may be used on creatures immune to critical hits. If a creature is slain by ripple fist, it explode violently making it body unsuitable for raise dead.

At Bab +11 or Monk 11th the base damage dice and strength-based damage is tripled, and quadrupled at Bab +16 or Monk 16th. Special: A Monk may select ripple fist as a bonus feat at 6th level.

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Leziad's Homebrew (4499 Articles)
Article BalanceHigh +
AuthorLeziad +
Identifier3.5e Feat +
PrerequisiteBab +6 or Monk 6th + and Stunning Fist +
RatingUnrated +
SummaryAn augmented version of stunning fist, greatly increases attack damage and possible daze and stun struck foes. +
TitleRipple Fist +
TypeFighter + and Monk +