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Sorcery Traits for the GT Mage (3.5e Other)

Author: Grog_toad (talk)
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Sorcery Traits for the GT MageEdit

This is a List of Sorcery Traits for my base class the Mage


Name of Sorcery Trait Requirements if any What it does...

When a prerequisite lists a spell grade and a path, you may ignore the path prerequisite by increasing the spell grade prerequisite by 2. If the path prerequisite is written Path (only) you may not do this.

Undead Mastery Necromancer, spellgrade 3

When using a spell that allows you to control or create undead, the amount of undead you can create or control is increased by (Your Charisma bonus x your Caster Level).

Undead Minion Necromancer, spellgrade 0

You gain an Undead Minion as per the Skeletal Minion class feature, except it costs nothing to summon and it may be a human warrior skeleton or a human warrior zombie. Your Undead Minion has weapon and armor proficiencies as a fighter. If you have a Necromantic Creation feat that allows you to create additional types of undead with the animate dead spell, your undead minion may be of one of those types instead. The Undead Minion is always mindless (Int-)

Undead Creation

You gain a bonus feat. This feat must be a Necromantic Creation feat or from the following list: Any feat that has Corpsecrafter as a prerequisite, Horde Controller, Mother CystLM, Necrotic Poisoner. You may select this sorcery trait multiple times, each time select another feat.

Necromantic Rituals Necromancer or Cleric, spellgrade 2

The mage may craft a necromancer's altar for 1000 gp and 8 hours of work, she may only a single altar at any time and may create another if her previous altar was destroyed or lost. A mage does not need to use material components when creating undead or resurrecting the dead within 30 feet of his altar. An altar is a large object with 100 hit point, 10 hardness and weighs 6 tons. The mage gains a +2 caster level bonus on his necromancy and healing spells while in a graveyard, cemetery, hospital, church, or burial/healing/worship site. If installed for at least 24 hours her necromancer's altar the caster level bonus increase to +4 while in proximity of his altar.

Improved Undead Minion Undead Minion

The Undead minion's BAB improves one step (poor to average, average to good), its Fortitude save progression becomes good, and it gains the weapon, armor, and shield proficiencies of the Fighter class. The Undead gains the benefits all the Improved feats for various combat options (bull rush, disarm, feint, grapple, overrun, sunder, and trip) and the Improved Unarmed Strike, Power Attack, and Combat Expertise feats. It is treated as having these feats for the purpose of prerequisites. If it already possesses a feat for one of the Improved combat options, the feat instead grants a +8 bonus instead of the usual +4 and ignores any size limitations (such as being unable to grapple creatures two or more size categories larger than you). If it has Improved Feint, it can feint as a swift action. If it already has Improved Unarmed Strike, it instead gains Superior Unarmed Strike ToB feat. If it already has Power Attack, it instead gains Heavy Power Attack. If it already has Combat Expertise, it instead gains Superior Expertise. This applies retroactively, even if it gains these feats at a later date. . Additionally it now retroactively gain feat as if it was a intelligent creature.

Intelligent Undead Minion Undead Minion

The Undead minion now gain all the benefits and bonuses of a familiar as if you were a wizard of your class level and counts as a familiar for all purposes.

Zone of Desecration Necromancer, spellgrade 3

You radiate a desecrate effect out to a radius of (10ft x highest grade spell you have access to). If you have the Necromantic Rituals sorcery trait, the altar counts for the desecrate effect. At Mage level 10, you count as an altar, if your altar from Necromantic Rituals is also in your zone of desecration then the bonuses and penalties are tripled instead (–9 profane penalty on turning checks, +3 profane bonus and +3 hit points per HD for undead in the area).

Death Magic Necromancer, spellgrade 4 or know 5 or more [death] spells

Creatures who are immune to [death] effects are no longer immune to your [death]. Instead, they gain a +4 bonus to their saving throw. This even affects creatures that are constructs or undead, but they gain a +8 bonus to their save instead of the normal +4. Whenever a creature succeeds on a saving throw against one of your [death] effects, it takes 1d6/2 caster levels damage and dies if its hit points drop below 0.

Death Eater Necromancer (only), Death Magic

Whenever you kill a creature whose CR is at least half your ECL (or CR) you regain 2 points of Mana. If the slain creature's CR was equal or higher than your ECL (Or CR) you regain all your Mana.

Undead Apotheosis (Least) Necromancer spellgrade 2

You gain a +4 racial bonus on any save or check that a creature with the undead type would either be immune to or not have to make. You gain a 25% chance to ignore critical hits and precision damage. You are healed by negative energy and damaged by positive energy like an undead, you can be targeted or affected by effect which only work on the undead (but have a +4 bonus against such effects), and mindless undead will ignore you unless you attack them.

Undead Apotheosis, Moderate Undead Apotheosis (Least), Necromancer, spellgrade 3

The bonuses from UA,L become +6 and 50%. Your soul is bound to your body, you are immune to effects that affect your soul (magic jar, possession), and will never die of old age (but you do continue to age, penalties and bonuses accrue).

Undead Apotheosis, Greater Undead Apotheosis (Moderate), Necromancer, spellgrade 4

The bonuses from UA,L become +8 and 75%. You may use your Charisma in place of your Constitution for all purposes (HP/HD, concentration checks, how long you can run, Fortitude saves, etc...).

Undead Apotheosis, Final Undead Apotheosis (Greater), Necromancer spellgrade 5

Your type changes to Undead, you still count as a creature of your previous type when beneficial.

You receive a special version of the Why Won't You Die feat. However instead of taking effect immediately it take effect 1d4 rounds after destruction, causing the Undead Paragon to rise again immediately at 1 hit point, ignoring the attack which felled it completely. Even if the 50% chance fail the Undead Paragon, unless slain by positive energy, a holy weapon, inside a consecrated zone, while being turned or have it body destroyed it will not be destroyed. Instead it will fall inert for 1 minute, after which it is raised at 1 hit points.

Additionally if you have Undead template or ability which allow you to respawn (such as Ghost or Lich) you respawn at half the normal rate.

You gain the Lich template with no LA. If you meet the prerequisites you may obtain a different undead template.

Violent Animation Necromancer (only), spellgrade 7

Whenever he kills any creatures of his CR or less with a melee attack or a spell, it is animated as per animate dead with no HD limits.

Speaker for the Dead Necromancer, spellgrade 2

You can speak with mindless undead with perfect ease, replicating the effect of wild empathy as a druid of his level (except for mindless undead only). Additionally he can use speak with dead as a supernatural ability at will and can always communicate with intelligent undead as if they had a shared language.

Ghost Whisperer Necromancer, spellgrade 2

You gain blindsense out to double close range (50ft +5/lv), but you only detect incorporeal and ethereal creatures. You may pinpoint the location of any of such creature as a move action. This blindsense is based on your instinct and thus is extraordinary and ignore effect which make creatures undetectable by blindsense. In addition you can use séance at will. Lastly you, and any equipment you wear, hold, or carry, are treated as being ghost-touch. Equipment that leaves your possession loses this property after 1 round.

Ectomancer Ghost Whisperer, spellgrade 2

You gain Phantasmal Summons and Master of Shrouds as bonus feats and can summon creatures with the Phantom template with a CR equal to 1/2 your caster level but no more than twice the spell's grade. You add Spiritual Projection your list of spells known as a bonus spell known.

Unseen Servant spellgrade 2, must know Unseen Servant

You gain a permanent unseen servant effect as long as you maintain your mystic focus, except that its effective Strength score is equal to your Charisma bonus (min. 2) and it can take additional damage from area attacks equal to your Wisdom bonus x your highest Grade of spell. It may use the following skills using your skill ranks and intelligence bonus: Disable Device, Open Lock, Sleight of Hand, and Use Rope. You can command your Unseen Servant telepathically. If destroyed or out of range, it returns to your side 1 round later. You can expend your mystic focus to use telekinesis except the duration is one round and you may only use the combat maneuver or violent thrust options.

Any time you cast unseen servant, you gain an additional servant with the same changes for the duration. Multiple castings give you Multiple Servants.

If you possess a familiar, your Servant does not disappear for moving out of range as long as it is within range of you or your familiar.

Phantom Servant Ectomancer and Unseen Servant

Your Unseen Servant gains the Incorporeal Nature ability of a [[Phantom (3.5e Template)|Phantom. Its Speed is equal to 15ft + (5x highest spell grade), and it counts as a creature of the undead type that you have created.

Improved Unseen Servant Unseen Servant

Your Unseen Servant's Strength is equal to your Charisma score and its speed doubles. The range of your Unseen Servant doubles. When you expend your mystic focus to use telekinesis, it has a +4 bonus to its caster level and becomes uncapped.

Unseen Forces Unseen Servant

You have multiple permanent Unseen Servants. You have a number of permanent servants equal to your highest spell grade. You can command all of them with a single action, each may perform a different action. When you expend your mystic focus to use telekinesis, you may target a number of creatures with the combat maneuver option equal to the number of Servants you can have, and target objects and creatures to be thrown can be further apart than 10ft if they are within the range of your Servant.

Magehand spellgrade 1, must know mage hand

You are under a permanent mage hand effect as long as you maintain your mystic focus. The weight of an object that can be affected is a Light Load, using your Charisma score as your Strength score. Complex actions are possible as long as they could be performed with one hand, use your Intelligence instead of Dexterity, and Charisma instead of Strength for checks to perform these actions. You cannot use magehand to perform attacks.

Telekinetic Tricks Magehand

When using magehand, you may perform actions that require two hands. You can move objects up to 30 feet per round instead of 15. You can expend your mystic focus to use telekinesis except the duration is one round and you may only use the combat maneuver or violent thrust options. In addition, as long as you maintain your mystic focus you can use your Intelligence instead of your Dexterity score for dexterity checks, dexterity based skill checks, and in place of dexterity for attack and damage rolls.

Telekinetic Strength Magehand

When using magehand, you can lift more weight. You can lift Medium and Heavy Loads, but doing so reduces the speed at which you can move objects (medium = 2/3, and Heavy = 1/3). In addition, as long as you maintain your mystic focus you can use your Charisma instead of your strength score for strength checks, strength based skill checks, in place of strength for attack and damage rolls, and determining carrying capacity.

Telekinetic Durability Magehand

While maintaining your mystic focus, you gain a deflection bonus to AC equal to your Wisdom bonus and temporary hp equal to your HD x your Wisdom bonus. You may expend your focus as a nonaction whenever an attack or effect would kill you, if you do so, you survive with 1 hp.

Telekinetic Puppet Magehand, spellgrade 2 and at least one of Telekinetic Durability, Telekinetic Strength, or Telekinetic Tricks

As long as you are maintaining your mystic focus you can move your body telekinetically, allowing you to act while your body would be unable. This allows you to act when Stunned, Paralyzed, at Strength or Dexterity of 0 or similar situation where you cannot move but able to take mental action. This does not apply to status caused by an external force holding you, simply when you lack agency to do it yourself. While telekinetically controlling yourself you count as having a Strength or Dexterity score equal to it normal score, or 10, whichever is lower. Add control body to your spells known. When you cast this spell it is fully augmented.

If you have Telekinetic Strength, use your Charisma Score as your Strength Score for all purposes while using Telekinetic Puppet. Also use Charisma instead of Wisdom for Will saves.

If you have Telekinetic Tricks, use your Intelligence Score as your Dexterity Score for all purposes while using Telekinetic Puppet.

If you have Telekinetic Durability, use your Wisdom Score as your Constitution Score for all purposes while using Telekinetic Puppet. You still die when your Constitution Score becomes 0, but you do not take penalties for it decreasing while using Telekinetic Puppet.

Telekinetic Combat Magehand

While mystically focused, you may make attacks with weapons (or improvised weapons) telekinetically at range, attacking as a standard action or full attack action as normal. When doing so, use your Caster level as your base attack bonus. You can attack directly with telekinetic power, treat this as attacking with an unarmed strike (or natural/feral strike weapon if you possess one). You may perform combat maneuvers as per the telekinesis spell, except you use Charisma for Strength and Intelligence for Dexterity.

You may expend your Mystic focus to use the Violent Thrust version of telekinesis, except it is uncapped by caster level, you use your caster level as your base attack bonus, and you add your magehand Heavy Load to the amount of weight you can move.

Improved Telekinesis must know and be able to cast telekinesis, Magehand and/or Unseen Servant

The amount of weight and speed at which you can move things with the Sustained Force and Volatile Thrust versions of telekinesis, magehand, or unseen servant doubles. The base range of magehand and unseen servant improves to medium (100ft +10/lv).

If you have Unseen Servant, a Servant may maintain concentration on telekinesis for you and gain a +4 bonus to caster level when casting telekinesis and similar spells. You may expend your mystic focus to double the bonus to telekinesis' caster level to +8.

If you have Magehand, you can multi-task, taking a standard action, to perform two telekinesis based actions, provided they each would normally take a standard action or less to perform, for example you could hold up a bridge, while using violent thrust to push an enemy off it, with a single standard action. In order to multi-task you must make a Concentration check with a DC equal to 15 + 5 x the number of effects. You may perform 1 + (Highest Spell grade /2 (min. 1)) actions with a standard action this way.

Greater Telekinesis Improved Telekinesis

When you cast telekinesis, you can maintain concentration on it as a swift action and it does not end if you use the violent thrust ability. You can choose to use a new maneuver each round. There is no maximum caster level cap. You gain one additional maneuver, which acts as violent thrust to all creatures in range and launches them away from the caster. Using this version ends the spell.

Eldritch Combat Gish, spellgrade 1

You may as a full round action, make a single standard action attack and cast a spell with a casting time of a standard action or less.

Improved Eldritch Combat Gish, spellgrade 1, Eldritch Combat

You may use Eldritch Combat as a Standard Action.

Eldritch Combat Flurry Gish, spellgrade 3, Eldritch Combat and/or Spellstrike

When you use Eldritch Combat or Spellstrike as a Full Round action, you may make a full attack instead of a single attack. Spellstrike affects only a single target with its spell as normal.

Spellstrike Gish, spellgrade 0

You can use a standard action to cast any spell that requires an attack roll you know and deliver the spell through your weapon with a melee attack. Casting a spell in this manner does not provoke attacks of opportunity. The spell must have a casting time of 1 standard action or less. If the melee attack is successful, the attack deals damage normally; then the effect of the spell is resolved.

Flurry of Spellstrikes Gish (only), spellgrade 4, Eldritch Combat Flurry

When you use Spellstrike, every target you hit with an attack is affected by your Spellstrike spell.

Arcane Archery Gish, spellgrade 2, Spellstrike

You can use Spellstrike with ranged weapons. When using Spellstrike with a ranged weapon, the spell uses the weapon's range rather than the spell's range, thus you can attach spells that normally have a range of "You". This does not function with Flurry of Spellstrikes; Thus you can only imbue one weapon/projectile at a time like this.

Arcane Artillery Gish, spellgrade 2, Point Blank Blast, Arcane Archery

When using Arcane Archery, you may elect to attach an area of effect spell (Such as Fireball, Fog Cloud or Darkness) onto the weapon or projectile; The spell uses the weapon's range rather than the spell's range, thus you can attach spells that normally have a range of "You". This does not function with Flurry of Spellstrikes; Thus you can only imbue one weapon/projectile at a time like this. However, if you successfully hit a target with the weapon/projectile, and the spell attached allows a Reflex save for half damage, the target struck by your attack is allowed no save, since the blast is more or less originating from the sharp object that just embedded itself somewhere in their flesh and if they drop to the floor/duck behind something/etc., the weapon/projectile is going to move with them.

Point Blank Blast Gish or Warmage, spellgrade 0

You gain Point Blank Blast as a bonus feat. Spells with a range of close, touch, or less than 60ft gain a +2 bonus on their DC, attack roll, and checks to penetrate SR.

If you have Spellstrike, you may use area of affect spells in addition to spells that require an attack roll. An Area spell Spellstrike cannot be combined with Arcane Archery.

Volley of Spellstrikes Gish (only), spellgrade 4, Flurry of Spellstrikes, Arcane Archery

When using Arcane Archery, you may combine Flurry of Spellstrikes with it. Every target hit by one of your ranged attacks is affected by the Spellstrike spell.

Spellstrike Bombardment Gish (only), spellgrade 5, Flurry of Spellstrikes, Volley of Spellstrikes, Arcane Artillery

When using Arcane Artillery, you may combine Flurry of Spellstrikes with it. However, the spell effect cannot overlap or interact with any targets of other spells you cast in the round, you must choose different targets or areas. For example, you can't cast fireball with Spellstrike Bombardment and have the areas overlap or affect the same creature.

Improved Eldritch Combat Flurry Improved Eldritch Combat, Gish, spellgrade 5

When using Eldritch Combat as a full round action, you may cast either 2 spells with a casting time of a standard action or less, or spell with a casting time of 1 full round action or less. Using this sorcery trait increases the mana cost of all spells involved by 3.

By expending your mystical focus, you may use this sorcery trait as a standard action. Doing so increases the mana costs of all spells involved by an additional 2, for a total increase of +5 mana.

Gish Weapon Training Gish or Warmage, spellgrade 1

Any magic weapon you wield is a Gish weapon and you gain special benefits to using your Gish weapon. Your gish weapon counts as a Focus for any spell whose Material components cost less than 1/20 the gish weapon's cost, and it counts as the focus component for any spell whose Focus component costs less than the gish weapon. A gish weapon grants its enhancement bonus not just to its attack and damage rolls, but also to ranged and melee touch attacks, save DCs, spell penetration check, as well as damage/healing rolls of spells you cast while wielding it.

Despite being called a gish "weapon", a gish weapon need not be a weapon at all. It may be a shield or piece/suit of armor.

Enchanted Arms (Least) Gish or Warmage, spellgrade 1

While mystically focused, any weapon, shield, or armor you wield or wear gains an enhancement bonus equal to 1 + 1/4 your caster level for as long as you wield/wear it and for 1 round after. You may expend your mystic focus to add +5 to your attack rolls or AC for 1 round.

Enchanted Arms (Lesser) Gish or Warmage, spellgrade 2, Enchanted Arms (Least) or Manifest Weapon

Your Enchanted Arms grants special abilities. You may trade out up to 1/2 the enhancement bonus from Enchanted Arms, Least for +1 Special abilities. This is done independently for each such piece of equipment you use. It takes 15 minutes to assign or reassign bonus and abilities per piece of equipment.

Your Enchanted Armst bonus increases by 1. (2 + 1/4 your caster level)

Enchanted Arms (Moderate) Gish or Warmage, spellgrade 3, Enchanted Arms (Lesser)

As Enchanted Arms, Lesser but you can assign +1, +2, or +3 Special Abilities.

Your Enchanted Arms bonus increases by 1. (3 + 1/4 your caster level)

Enchanted Arms (Greater) Gish or Warmage, spellgrade 5, Enchanted Arms (Moderate)

As Enchanted Arms, Lesser but you can assign +1, +2, +3, or +4 Special Abilities.

Your Enchanted Arms bonus increases by 1. (4 + 1/4 your caster level)

Enchanted Arms (Greatest) Gish or Warmage, spellgrade 7, Enchanted Arms (Greater)

As Enchanted Arms, Lesser but you can assign +1, +2, +3, +4 or +5 Special Abilities.

Your Enchanted Arms bonus increases by 1. (5 + 1/4 your caster level)

Enchanted Arms (Epic) Gish or Warmage, spellgrade 7, Enchanted Arms (Greatest) and Mage 21+

As Enchanted Arms, Lesser but you can assign Special Abilities with any bonus value as long as they are no more than 1/2 your total bonus.

Your Enchanted Arms bonus increases by 1 and the formula changes: (6 + 1/3 your caster level).

Manifest Weapon Gish, spellgrade 0

You create a weapon of pure magical energy in your hand, it can take the form of any weapon or shield you are proficient with. You can summon or dismiss the blade with the same kind of actions required to draw a weapon. If you release your hold on the manifested weapon it immediately dissipates and you need to draw it again unless you have thrown the weapon, in which case the weapon dissipates after the attack is resolved. Projectile weapons produce magical ammunition which dissipates after an attack is resolved, but still require the normal actions to reload.

Your Manifested weapon is a force-effect and thus affects incorporeal creatures normally. The Manifested Weapon has an enhancement bonus equal to 1/4 your caster level.

If you have the two-weapon fighting feat you may manifest two weapons instead of one.

If you have the shield bash feat you may manifest a weapon and a shield.

If you have the Enchanted Arms, Least Sorcery Trait, the enhancement bonus of it is increased by 1 and when expending your mystic focus for an attack bonus you deal an additional +1d8 damage +1d8 per 5 mage levels you possess. Expending your mystic focus to increase your AC also gives you Damage Resistance equal to your caster level until the beginning of your next turn.

Fire Magic spellgrade 0

All spells with the [fire] descriptor are added to your spell list and you gain a bonus [fire] spell known of each grade you can cast.

Fire Mage Fire Magic, spellgrade 0

You gain Energy Substitution (fire) as a bonus feat. You are constantly under the effects of an Endure Elements spell (Su) and gain Energy Resistance (Fire) equal to 3 x your class level. All [fire] spells you cast gain a +1 bonus to their caster level.

Pyromania Fire Mage, spellgrade 1

You gain Cremation and Energy Potency (fire) as bonus feats. In addition you can always start a fire, you gain Ignition Touch which allows you to produce a small flame from your finger/hands at will. The flame gives off light as a candle and allows you to deal 1 point of fire damage with a touch (you can use this flame to light things on fire).

Spread like Wildfire Fire Mage, Pyromania, spellgrade 1

Any [fire] spell you cast and any [fire] damage you cause (directly or indirectly) causes a Reflex save (Mage spell DC for [fire] spells) or catch fire. Creatures on fire take max spellgrade d6 [fire] damage each round, not 1d6.

In addition the Fire attempts to spread. Whenever a creature or object that you have set on fire fails its Reflex save for the fire to go out, all creatures and objects within reach (for objects use creature reach for similar sized creature) or 5ft must make a Reflex save or also catch on fire.

Arsonist Fire Mage, Pyromania, spellgrade 3

You gain Hellfire Spell as a bonus feat. [Fire] damage caused by you is not reduced for objects and ignores Hardness.

Don't Burn the Witch Fire Mage, spellgrade 3

You gain Improved Controlled Immolation and its prerequisites as bonus feats. While immolated your [fire] spells receive a +1 bonus to caster level and deal an additional point of damage per die or additional damage equal to 1/3 your level, whichever is more.

Spell Focus (Fire) Fire Magic

You gain Variant Spell Focus as a bonus feat. Instead of choosing a spell school, it applies to all [fire] spells. In addition your weapon-like [fire] spells have their critical threat range doubled as per Improved Critical (typically to 19-20), and any confirmed critical hit causes the target to catch fire with no save.

Greater Spell Focus (Fire) Fire Magic, Spell Focus (fire)

You gain Variant Greater Spell Focus as a bonus feat. It applies to all [fire] spells, instead of spells of a particular spell school. You may use a [fire] spell to counter spells of the [air], [cold], [fire], and [water] descriptors as per the feat.

Everburning Fire Mage, spellgrade 3

Whenever you cause a creature or object to catch fire, they do not receive a reflex save to put out the fire unless they take a move action to put out the fire. They may use a standard action to put out the fire without a saving throw. Fire spells you cast with a duration other than instantaneous, have their durations doubled. You can make any fire you touches permanent. The fire will remain alight even in condition where it is impossible, such as in an area without air or if the fire run out of combustible. Additionally when you do so, if the fire is at least medium sized you may make it an anchor sigil (as create anchor sigil). She may cast warp as a spell-like ability at will, as long as you are within 20 feet of one of Everburning anchor seals.

'Pyrotechnics Fire Mage, spell grade 2, must have either pyrotechnics or flare or control flames as spells known

You gain pyrotechnics, flare, and control flames as bonus spells known and each of these spells has their spellgrade reduced by 1 (to a min of 0). In addition whenever you cast a [fire] spell, you may cast one of these spells as a free action. If the spell's area was greater than the smoke option of pyrotechnics, use the spell's area.

Flame Squire Gish (only), Fire Mage, Enchanted Arms (Least) or Manifest Weapon

Your weapons gain the flaming property as a free bonus weapon special ability. Any Fire Magic ability that applies to [fire] spells also applies to equipment special abilities that relate to [fire].

Flame Knight Gish (only), Fire Mage, Enchanted Arms (Lesser), Flame Squire

When choosing equipment special abilities with Enchanted Arms (Lesser, Moderate, Greater, Greatest), abilities related to [fire] are treated as having an enhancement bonus value one lower. For example a Fire Forged weapon would normally be a +2 weapon ability, but is now a +1 weapon ability. +1 Equipment abilities are now +1/2 abilities and thus you may have 2 for the price of 1.

Flame Apotheosis (Least) Druid or Fire Mage, spell grade 2, Don't Burn the Witch

You gain a +4 racial bonus on any save or check that a creature with the elemental type would either be immune to or not have to make. You gain a 25% chance to ignore critical hits and precision damage. You gain the Fire subtype. You gain Drought as a bonus feat except its area is a Radius of Close (25ft +5ft/2lv).

Flame Apotheosis (Lesser) Druid or Fire Mage, spell grade 3, Don't Burn the Witch, Flame Apotheosis (Least)

The bonus of Flame Apotheosis (Least) increase to +6, 50%, double Close (50ft + 5/lv). You are under a constant {Ex} flameshape effect with the 1st option (retain ability to speak). If the spell would be forcibly ended, it isn't, but you take 7d6 damage and are dazed for 1 round. You gain Fast Healing equal to your Charisma Bonus +1/5 your class level. Your Strength and Dexterity increase by 2. You cease to age and have no maximum age.

Flame Apotheosis (Greater) Druid or Fire Mage, spell grade 4, Don't Burn the Witch, Flame Apotheosis (Least)

The bonuses granted by Flame apotheosis improve to +4Str, +4Dex, +2Cha, Medium Range (100ft + 10ft/lv). You gain 2 additional abilities from your flameshape. Any [Fire] spell you cast has its Mana Cost reduced by 2.

Flame Apotheosis (Final) Druid or Fire Mage, spell grade 5, Don't Burn the Witch, Flame Apotheosis (greater)

You gain the elemental type, but are still considered a member of your previous type when beneficial. You have all the optional abilities listed in the flameshape spell and they are Extraordinary effects, and the flameshape no longer negates your armor and natural armor bonuses. You gain the benefits of a blur spell due to the enormous amount of heat you generate. You are under the effects of wings of the phoenix as long as you are under the effects of flameshape. You gain Regeneration 10/(Cold, Negative Energy, Vile, Epic, Water).

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