Investing essentia into an [[SRD:Magic Items|item increase ]] increases that item 's effective [[SRD:Caster Level|caster level ]] for the purpose of determining his resistance to ''[[SRD:dispel magicDispel Magic|dispel magic]] '' and, for items that duplicate spell effects such as [[SRD:potions]], [[SRD:scrolls]], [[SRD:wands]], and [[SRD:staffs]], it increase the effect of the spell according to this new effective [[SRD:Caster Level|caster level]].
Only the creature using the item can invest it with essentia. The essentia remain in the item until either the user divests it, the item is no longer in the creature's possession, or the item is destroyed, suc such as after using a [[SRD:Scrolls|scroll]].
Any creature with an essentia pool instinctively know that they can invest essentia into the item if they hold it for, at least, one minute.
|example=A [[SRD:Scrolls|scroll ]] of ''[[SRD:fireball |fireball]]'' has a minimum [[SRD:Caster Level|caster level ]] of 5th, and create a [[SRD:fireball |fireball]] dealing 5d6 points of damage, . if the [[SRD:Scroll|scroll ]] was created using this feat, you could invest one point of essentia into it, increasing its effective [[SRD:Caster Level|caster level ]] to 6th and when used, create a fireball dealing 6d6 points of damage.
|summary=You can create magic item that gain in effectiveness if essentia is invest into them.