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Rapid Death Attack (3.5e Feat)

1 byte removed, 23:39, 24 July 2011
Prereqs format & order
|name=Rapid Death Attack
|summary=You may study your victim more quickly in exchange for making a less precise strike.
|prereqs=Death Attack class feature, [[Spot]]: 10 ranks, 16 [[Intelligence]]: 16 or higher, Death Attack class feature
|fluff=Lacking the time to fully study your target in the heat of battle, you use your keen intellect to more quickly spot a fatal weak point.
|benefit= The regular rules for Death Attack all still apply as normal, with the following change: You may shorten the number of rounds used to study your victim, to a minimum of one round. For each round you shorten your study, subtract 3 from the DC of the Fortitude save against death or paralysis.
emailconfirmed, Administrators

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