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User:ThunderGod Cid/Archfiends

4,160 bytes added, 23:58, 13 August 2012
{{quote|''We are everyone. And we are no one. We are Demogorgon.''}}
''At first glance, the gigantic figure before you resembles a baboon of extraordinary size, with a pair of lengthy tentacles in place of each hand and protruding from the back of his midsection. Atop his form rests a pair of ferocious heads, each possessing unusually long, sabre-like canines. Brown fur is splotched with areas of sickly green scales, and each pair of eyes burn with a hatred that epitomizes the conflict and loathing between tanar’ri and obyrith.''
=== Combat ===
The physical entity that is Demogorgon has no anatomical sex that can be determined, and as a result the creature and all it personalities are collectively referred to as ‘it’. That said, Aameul identifies as being a male, and being a fragment of the Queen of Chaos Hethrediah is considered female, hence the pronoun shift in sections that refer to one of those specifically.
By sheer might, Demogorgon easily eclipses all other demons, but its combat effectiveness is severely limited by his insanity. Each of Demogorgon’s two heads has multiple personas within, but none can individually control more than a single head, making total control over the body impossible. As a dual entity, Demogorgon can still dominate battles by utilizing his ability to take two turns in a single combat round. A uniquely half-tanar’ri, half-obyrith specimen, each of Demogorgon’s two heads has a separate gaze attack that is capable of devastating enemies. When they combine their strength, their power becomes even more overwhelming; this combination of both tanar’ri and obyrith abilities gives Demogorgon the power to be justifiably feared as the Prince of Demons.
'''{{Anchor|Aameul's Glare}} ([[Su]]):'''
'''{{Anchor|Hethrediah's Gaze}} ([[Su]]):''' Create alternate personality in foe, which is hostile and can cause them to attack allies
'''{{Anchor|Alter Reality}} ([[Sp]]):''' Demogorgon has the ability to advance his portfolio. This is considered identical to the ''[[SRD:Wish|wish]]'' spell, but may only be used to produce effects appropriate to Demogorgon's portfolio or goals. Demogorgon may only use this ability once per minute.
'''{{Anchor|Flesheater}} ([[Ex]]):''' Perhaps Demogorgon’s most fearsome tactic is literally and wholly consuming its foes, taking not only their flesh but also their minds and abilities. Demogorgon gains access to any spells, martial maneuvers, spell-like abilities, or maneuver-like abilities accessible by a creature it has swallowed so long as they still remain alive in its stomach.
When it dies, Demogorgon attempts to consume any surrounding creatures, which usually includes its killers. All creatures within Medium Range (340 feet) must make a Fortitude save (DC ??) or be drawn into Demogorgon and fully assimilated into its body. Doing so permanently imprisons the creature’s soul and destroys their body.
'''{{Anchor|Godlike}}:''' Although Demogorgon is not a true deity, it has many of the powers of such. It can grant spells to clerics, and gives access to the [[Chaos (3.5e Cleric Domain)|Chaos]], [[Conflict (3.5e Cleric Domain)|Conflict]], [[Corrupt (3.5e Cleric Domain)|Corrupt]], [[Evil (3.5e Cleric Domain)|Evil]], and [[Insanity (3.5e Cleric Domain)|Insanity]] domains. Its favoured weapon is the three-section staff, and his portfolio is conflict, demons, and madness.
Additionally, Demogorgon is immune to any attack that changes its form, mind-affecting effects, ability damage, ability drain and energy drain, unless such an effect comes from a creature that has a caster level or character level (or CR, for monsters) over 20.
Lastly, Demogorgon can burn off some of its essence to stop magic dead in its tracks. As a free action that can be used outside of its turn, Demogorgon can lose XX hit points to counter any spell, supernatural ability or spell-like ability in Medium range, as if by [[SRD:Greater Dispel Magic|''greater dispel magic'']] (although it can counter supernatural and spell-like abilities as if they were spells). This ignores temporary hit points, and can be used any number of times. For any ability with an ongoing or permanent duration, this merely suppresses it for 6 rounds.
'''{{Anchor|Lord of the Abyss}} {{Su}}:''' As the Prince of Demons possessing the power of the former Queen of Chaos in addition to its own, Demogorgon’s power is capable of matching all but the strongest of its peers. It receives a +8 enhancement bonus to attack rolls and damage rolls, a +8 resistance bonus to all saves and a +6 deflection bonus to AC. Demogorgon also has maximum hit points per hit die.

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