{{Rating |rater=Quey
|rating=hateneutral|reason=WowThere was some confusion due to miscategorization. TerribleThis is a re-rate. I Some things should probably be mentioned, like the possibility of a weak wielder (it can drag 300 lbs., what if the character can't believe you tried to pass off ?). Still not sure how that stolen picture as even coming close 's supposed to what you describedlook like a light crossbow. Beyond that, your description How does it affect creatures it hits? How is inconsistent (pressure-launchthe hook removed? Not as essential, but you how does retraction work? When using two, can apparently pump and recharge the tank with one hand for -2?!?!? What is that???). I'll stop. If you don't know why else this is badanchor yourself to something immobile, then... Yeah I'm done here.drag something heavier than you but within your drag capacity?
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