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Talk:Hookshot (3.5e Equipment)

1,605 bytes added, 09:00, 15 August 2012
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:::Actually one of those wasn't a good catch, because it seems you already had a retracting action listed. Whoops. But I'll go ahead and rate it on the presumption that you'll remove one of them. --[[User:DanielDraco|DanielDraco]] 11:42, 6 August 2012 (UTC)
(Replying to Quey's new rating.) Some good questions, time to answer. For weak wielders, this should be find as it is the hookshot doing the musclework and the wielder need only hold on and brace themselves. This is a little unrealistic, but I'm not going to worry about grip strength and just assume that everyone has enough grip. To that end, whatever your strength is this assumes you have the strength to move 300 lbs dragging. (Fun fact, a Str 6 character can drag 300 ft. However, characters push at a stupidly slow rate. I guess the hookshot has more umph when it comes to speed.)
It doesn't look like a light crossbow, but it acts like one if you try to use it in combat. That is, 1d8 damage, move reload (to draw back the line), etc... with exception of the hard 50 ft. range due to the length of rope. I didn't specify if the hook enters creatures so I'm adding that now (it doesn't).
On retraction, unspecified. The base fluff suggest a motor powered by (insert power source of choice) so it's a tech item. A lower tech version probably uses some high intensity springs and levels and gears and whatnot. This is why it can shoot out and retract at such speeds.
Clever use on anchoring there. You would be attached to one immobile heavy object, so you won't be pulled away from it. You can almost say it's as if you're carrying the weight of that object, so presumably the second object you're attempting to retract would come to you, because you're well anchored. I consider that a very clever use of the hookshot. -- [[User:Eiji-kun|Eiji-kun]] 09:00, 15 August 2012 (UTC)

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