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Talk:Shape Eater (3.5e Class)

528 bytes added, 05:30, 15 June 2013
Activating lesser shifts
:Yes, both of those uses are possible by activating lesser shifts. As for stacking size increases, keep in mind that "No two Shifts with the same names can be active simultaneously, unless specified in the shift's description." --[[User:Foxwarrior|Foxwarrior]] ([[User talk:Foxwarrior|talk]]) 05:18, 15 June 2013 (UTC)
ok i was wondering because of the minor shift that allows you to "increase by one size category" and then the major shift that allows you to "incrase by one size category" and was wondering first of all, if maybe you meant for the second one to be 2? and secondly if they could stack... otherwise why woulnt you simply use the least version?
also, i assume that you wouldnt be able to stack the ability score modifiers either, since it specifically states that it can be used multiple times, but only for different abilities?

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