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Surge Fighter (3.5e Class)

634 bytes added, 18:05, 6 September 2013
Surge Fighter: More surges
'''{{Anchor|Surge of Far Sight}} {{Sp}}:''' As a full-round action, a surge fighter of 7th level or higher can spend [[#surge points|surge points]] to imitate [[SRD:Scrying|''scrying'']], as the spell. The [[SRD:Caster Level|caster level]] is equivalent to the number of surge points spent.
'''{{Anchor|Surge of Healing}} {{Su}}:''' As a standard action, a surge fighter of 13th level or higher can spend [[#surge points|surge points]] to regain 1d8 hit points per spent surge point.
'''{{Anchor|Surge of Death}} {{Su}}:''' As part of an attack action, a surge fighter of 13th level or higher can spend at least 10 surge points to try to strike his target dead. If he hits, the target must make a Fortitude save (DC = 10 + (½ surge fighter's class level) or (# of [[#surge points|surge points]] spent −10), whichever is higher + surge fighter's main attack roll modifier) or die instantly. This is a [Death] effect.
'''{{Anchor|Surge of Reality}} {{Su}}:''' From 17th level onward, a surge fighter can spend 10 [[#surge points|surge points]] and 50 XP as an immediate action to instantly negate any [[SRD:Wish|''wish'']], [[SRD:Miracle|''miracle'']], [[SRD:Limited Wish|''limited wish'']], or [[Minor Miracle (3.5e Spell)|''minor miracle'']] within Long Range just as it's being cast, preventing it from having any effect. Spent XP is not refunded; the spell is wasted to no effect. The surge fighter must succeed on a [[SRD:Spellcraft Skill|Spellcraft]] check to detect the ''wish'', ''miracle'', ''limited wish'', or ''minor miracle'' while it's still in progress; otherwise, by the time he realizes what the enemy spellcaster did, it's too late to even attempt to undo the alterations to reality. Other than that minor hurdle, this is a great tool for making wizards (and sorcerers and clerics) cry.

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