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Firebrat (3.5e Monster)

10 bytes added, 03:02, 31 October 2013
minor wording
|sad1=A firebrat's bite delivers a dose of burning spittle, a corrosive chemical that burns when exposed to air for a short moment, dealing 1 point of [[SRD:Fire Effect|fire]] damage plus 1 point of [[SRD:Acid Effect|acid]] damage to anything it bites.
|san2=Silk Cord ([[SRD:Special Abilities Overview#Supernatural|Su]])
|sad2=A firebrat, 1/day, as a [[SRD:Standard Actions|standard action]], can jet out a 10 foot line of [[SRD:Silk Rope|silk rope]]. This silk cord becomes brittleafter a week, crumbling to powder, after a week.
|san3=[[SRD:Tremorsense|Tremorsense]] ([[SRD:Special Abilities Overview#Extraordinary|Ex]])
|sad3=A firebrat can detect and pinpoint any creature or object within 5 feet in contact with the ground due to its sensitive hairs and feelers.
Firebrats are treated as [[SRD:Animal Type|animals]] for the purposes of training with [[SRD:Handle Animal Skill|Handle Animal]] checks. They are easily domesticated, and surprisingly bright considering their appearance and take to living amongst intelligent folk with great success (when cared for properly).
A tame and trained firebrat lives for 1d6+3 years in captivity. 2 Two times a year, female firebrats become reproductively viable receptive and release a gentle pheromone which smells reminiscent of a bakery, signaling nearby males that she is ready to mate. Females lay and abandon any unfertilized eggs and abandon them.
A female firebrat lays 2d10 eggs per clutch, which are kept in a warm, dark, dry hole, often covered with a slight bit of sand to stymy predators. These eggs have a hard, slightly translucent chitinous shell with a reddish -gray hue. Female firebrats guard their clutch, leaving only to feed. A firebrat egg hatches in 20 days, and a young firebrat reaches maturity in 60 days. Young firebrats follow their mother about until they reach maturity.
A firebrat egg, roughly the size of a quail egg, is worth a scant 1 sp. Some folk harvest these eggs for food, for citing their mildly spicy flavor and excellently smooth texture. Additionally, some folk harvest firebrats themselves for food, likening them to a mildly spicy lobster (though a bit stringier if not prepared properly).

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