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Bloodline Warlock (3.5e Class)

5,340 bytes added, 01:46, 7 February 2014
'''Ascension:''' Your presence is unnatural and cannot be comprehended. You become immune to all Divination spells, any divination attempts registering clearly nonsensical information. In addition whenever someone speaks your name (or a title of your choosing) you become aware of their position, though you don't know any other information. This effect does not distract you.
''{{Anchor|Aberrent Aberrant Biology}} {{Ex}}:'' You look normal on the outside but inside you're a freak. You gain 25% fortification. This stacks with fortification from other sources (to a maximum of 100%) and unlike most bloodline powers you may select this multiple times.
''{{Anchor|Forbidden Knowledge}} {{Sp}}:'' You gain knowledge of things you should not know. Once per day you can use ''[[SRD:Commune|commune]]'' as a spell-like ability. The casting time is only 1 round instead of 10 minutes. In addition you gain a +2 insight bonus to all Knowledge checks. Requires a minimum class level of 8th.
''{{Anchor|Incomprehensible Invocation}} ''{{Ex}}'':'' Your spell-like abilities (including your eldritch blast) are alien and difficult to comprehend. You gain a +4 bonus on effective caster level for the purpose of resisting counterspells and dispel attempts, and against successfully identifying the effect with Spellcraft.
''{{Anchor|Incomprehensible Psychology}} {{Ex}}:'' Your alien mind makes controlling you difficult. You become immune to charm and compulsion effects. Requires a minimum class level of 3rd.
''{{Anchor|Non-Euclidean Blast}} {{Ex}}:'' Your eldritch blasts take impossible paths to their targets. You ignore cover and total cover as long as they are within 60 feet, though you suffer concealment as normal (including the 50% miss chance for attacking a creature you cannot see past total cover). Requires a minimum class level of 3rd.
''{{Anchor|Squamous Flesh}} {{Ex}}:'' Your skin is covered in hardened scales not normal for your kind. You gain a +1 enhancement bonus to natural armor plus an additional +1 at 4th level and every four levels beyond.
''{{Anchor|Uncomprehensible Psychology}} {{Ex}}:'' Your alien mind makes controling you difficult. You become immune to charm and compulsion effects. Requires a minimum class level of 3rd. ''{{Anchor|Worming Tendrils}} {{Ex}}:'' You gain two tentacles which grow out of some part of your body, each dealing 1d6 points of damage (for a medium creature). These tentacles have reach, but unlike most weapons with reach they can attack adjucant adjutant squares. The tentacles can hold objects, but not wield weapons or shields. You gain a non-standard body type and armor must be custom made for you (x2 normal mundane cost).
''{{Anchor|Yog-Sothoth Is The Gate}} {{Sp}}:'' You gain ''[[Passage of the Warp (3.5e Spell)|passage of the warp]]'' as a spell-like ability at will, except you suffer no chance of wisdom damage. However other creatures still suffer potential wisdom penalties. Requires a minimum class level of 13th.
==== Abyssal ====
Your power stems from demonic blood, or a pact with some terrible abyssal entity. Your blasts are filled with destructive chaos, born from a hate of all things and an unsatable insatiable wrath. The power of the abyss fulfills your power needs, but one day you feel this same power may consume you as well.
'''Ascension:''' You become a demonic version of yourself, your appearance somehow more feral and terrifying. You become immune to poison and electricity, and gain telepathy out to 100 feet. You also gain the Summon spell-like ability of a demon, calling in any number of demons whose CR equals your HD or less a day, and none whose CR is greater than 1/2 your HD. For example, a level 20 warlock can have up to two CR 10 demons. Summoned creatures are actually called beings who otherwise follow your instruction and who exist for 1 hour before being sent back.
''{{Anchor|Wild Blast}} {{Ex}}:'' You can choose to turn your eldritch blast into a wild blast. Roll a die anywhere between 1d4 to 1d20 (your choice). Rolling higher than average gives you a bonus to your effective class level for eldritch blast damage, while below average lowers it. For example a 1d6 can either lower your damage by 3, 2, or 1 die (results 1, 2, and 3), or increase it by 1, 2, or 3 die (results 4, 5, and 6). The higher the die, the higher the risk and reward. Requires a minimum class level of 13th.
==== Celestial ====
Your powers stem from the radiant heavenly beings of the universe; both the traditional humanoids with wings and the angels from deep within the light of the world, those multidimensional aberrant beings covered in eyes with unfathomable morality. Their good nature lets you fit in better than the typical Cthulthu-powered warlock, but their natures can also be uncompromising and seemingly cruel in the name of the greater good.
'''Ascension:''' You ascend to a higher plane of existence, and gain the [Good] subtype and may use ''[[SRD:Greater Teleport|greater teleport]]'' (self only) as a spell-like ability. You are always under the effect of ''[[SRD:Tongues|tongues]]'' and gain the Protective Aura of an angel. Against attacks made or effects created by evil creatures, this ability provides a +4 deflection bonus to AC and a +4 resistance bonus on saving throws to anyone within 20 feet of the warlock. Otherwise, it functions as a ''[[SRD:Magic Circle Against Evil|magic circle against evil]]'' effect and a ''[[SRD:Lesser Globe of Invulnerability|lesser globe of invulnerability]]'', both with a radius of 20 feet (caster level equals warlock’s HD). This aura can be dispelled, but the warlock can create it again as a free action on its next turn.
If an ally would die within 30 feet of you from an attack, you can choose to sacrifice yourself in their place as an immediate action. Doing so causes the fatal action to your ally to be negated and your ally subject to a ''[[SRD:Heal|heal]]'' effect, but you "die" in their place and your body fades away. You respawn in the upper planes 3 days later unharmed, allowing you to try and travel back to the material plane.
Your presence is unnatural and cannot be comprehended. You become immune to all Divination spells, any divination attempts registering clearly nonsensical information. In addition whenever someone speaks your name (or a title of your choosing) you become aware of their position, though you don't know any other information. This effect does not distract you.
''{{Anchor|Angel Wings}} {{Ex}}:'' Your develop beautiful wings soft as down, but strong enough to lift you into the air. You gain a fly speed (good maneuverability) equal to twice your land speed. Requires a minimum class level of 8th.
''{{Anchor|Aura of Righteous Terror}} ''{{Su}}'':'' Your presence is at once awe inspiring and terrifying. The ability takes effect automatically whenever the warlock attacks, charges, or otherwise displays aggression. Neutral creatures within a radius of 60 feet are shaken for as long as long as they remain in the aura, and evil creatures are frightened for 1 round and then shaken for as long as they remain in the aura. A successful [[Will]] save negates for neutral creatures, and makes evil creatures only shaken for 1 round. Good creatures are unaffected.
''{{Anchor|Divine Resistance}} {{Ex}}:'' Your soul is guarded by angels watching over you, granting you good fortune in your life. You gain a +1 resistance bonus to all saving throws plus an additional +1 at 4th level and every four levels beyond.
''{{Anchor|Eyes Inside and Out}} {{Ex}}:'' Tattoos resembling eyes mark your body and grant your omniscient vision. They seem to move and twitch on their own when unobserved. You can see in all directions and cannot be flanked. You always act in a surprise round, and are immune to dazzling and blindness. Once per day you can use ''[[SRD:Commune|commune]]'' as a spell-like ability. Requires a minimum class level of 13th.
''{{Anchor|Fearless Crusader}} {{Ex}}:'' You've faced such innumerable horrors fighting evil, nothing can phase you. You gain a [[SRD:Paladin|paladin's]] Aura of Courage, becoming immune to fear. Requires a minimum class level of 3rd.
''{{Anchor|Halo}} {{Su}}:'' You can choose to display a halo over your head which sheds light as a [[SRD:Torch|torch]] as a standard action. It acts as a holy symbol and divine focus, and clearly marks you as an agent of good. While it is active, you can use ''[[SRD:Detect Evil|detect evil]]'' at will and all evil creatures in 10 feet take a -2 penalty on saving throws. It can be discharged as an immediate action to provide an ally in 10 feet a reroll on a failed saving throw. They must accept the result of the reroll, even if it is lower than the first.
''{{Anchor|Holy Power}} {{Su}}:'' The fires of purification run through you and all your weapons. Any weapons (including weapon-like spells such as eldritch blast) gain the benefit of the [[Holy, Lesser (3.5e Equipment)|lesser holy]] enhancement. This turns into the [[SRD:Holy|holy]] weapon enhancement at 9th level and beyond. This stacks with the actual holy weapon enhancement. Requires a minimum class level of 3rd.
''{{Anchor|Retribution}} {{Su}}:'' One per day as an immediate action you can reduce the damage you've taken from an effect by half, and rebound divine energy back on your attacker. Evil creatures take the full damage they would have dealt, neutral creatures take half, and good creatures are unaffected. You gain additional use of this ability at 10 HD, and every 10 HD beyond (20th, 30th, etc).
If an attack kills you, this ability goes into effect immediately, with no action or daily use on your part.
==== Fey ====
Your power is a result of mischivious mischievous or sinister fey meddling in the affairs of the material world, or the unwitting deal with a fair folk which surely had or will have unexpected consequences. Like the fey, your power is random and capricious, seeming to act with a mind of its own. It is your good fortune that it chooses to obey you for now.
'''Ascension:''' You become more like a fey and may count as a fey when beneficial (though your type remains outsider). Your body is so in tune with the fey you gain regeneration 10 which is bypassed by cold iron and any attacks from aberrations or constructs. You may Hide in Plain Sight when in natural terrain like a [[ranger]].
''{{Anchor|Champion of the Wild}} {{Ex}}:'' You have a powerful hatred for unnatural beings. You gain a favored enemy as a [[ranger]] of your level, but can only choose between aberrations and constructs. You gain the full bonus as if it were your main favored enemy. You may select this power twice, the second time choosing the other enemy type as a ranger of your level -5.
''{{Anchor|Decieving Deceiving Noise}} {{Sp}}:'' Around you, things are never as they seem. You gain ''[[SRD:Ghost Sound|ghost sound]]'' as a spell-like ability at will. If you have both this and Deceptive Vision, they can combine into one effect duplicating ''[[SRD:Major Image|major image]]'' at will. Requires a minimum class level of 3rd.
''{{Anchor|Decieving Deceiving Vision}} {{Sp}}:'' Around you, things are never as they seem. You gain ''[[SRD:Silent Image|silent image]]'' as a spell-like ability at will. If you have both this and Deceptive Noise, they can combine into one effect duplicating ''[[SRD:Major Image|major image]]'' at will. Requires a minimum class level of 3rd.
''{{Anchor|Doppleganger}} {{Sp}}:'' You create a doppleganger to trick your foes. As a move action you can duplicate the effect of ''[[SRD:Mirror Image|mirror image]]'', but only produce a single copy of yourself which lasts until destroyed or dispelled. You can have no more than one doppleganger at a time, and it does not stack with ''mirror image''. Requires a minimum class level of 8th.
''{{Anchor|Fey Trickery}} {{Ex}}:'' You are good at decieving deceiving others in the heat of combat. You gain [[SRD:Improved Feint|Improved Feint]] as a bonus feat, ignoring pre-requisites. In addition if you take a standard action you may take 10 on your bluff check to feint.
''{{Anchor|I Was Never There}} {{Su}}:'' In the blink of an eye, you can appear somewhere else. As an immediate action, after you are missed by a melee attack, you can teleport up to 10 feet to a space that you can see. Requires a minimum class level of 13th.
''{{Anchor|Mind of Telepathy}} {{Su}}:'' You gain the effects of wearing a [[SRD:Helm of Telepathy|helm of telepathy]], including its interaction with certain spells such as ''[[SRD:Phantasmal Killer|phantasmal killer]]''. Requires a minimum class level of 3rd.
''{{Anchor|Obtain Psicrystal}} {{Ex}}:'' You gain the [[SRD:SRD:Psicrystal Affinity|Psicrystal Affinity]] feat. You may share your invocations with your psicrystal whenever you would otherwise use powers.
''{{Anchor|Psi Blast}} {{Sp}}:'' Your eldritch blast can be fired as a psionic blast. It makes the blast a mind-affecting effect, but also destroys 1 power point per damage die (or 1 point of [[Int]] damage if they do not have any power points). For any effects which provoke a saving throw from your blast, you can change it from a [[Fort]] or [[Reflex]] save to a [[Will]] save when desired. Unlike eldritch blast, it suffers from no arcane spell failure. This counts as an eldritch essence.
''{{Anchor|Soul Stealer}} {{Su}}:'' Souls are valuable, and they weren't using it anyway. Whenever you kill a creature with your eldritch blast or one of your invocations, you can choose to steal their soul. You can hold onto one soul at a time until you release it, use it (with any methods which involve souls), or seal it away in a crystal vessel worth 1000 gp for every HD the creature possessed (as per ''[[SRD:Trap the Soul|trap the soul]]''). Possessing a soul gives you knowledge of how many HD it possesses. As long as the soul is imprisoned within you or a crystal, the creature cannot be revived. If you die, any soul you are currently holding within yourself is freed. Creatures attempting to revive the soul become aware it is trapped and who is trapping it, but nothing else. Requires a minimum class level of 3rd.
''{{Anchor|Terrify the Masses}} {{Ex}}:'' You may make intimidate checks against all creatures within 30 feet. In addition if you spend 1 minute making an intimidating speachspeech, the effect applies to all creatures which can see and hear you. Finally if your intimidate check exceeds the DC by 20 or more, creatures will not become unfriendly or hostile afterwards as you successfully instill fear deep within their core.
==== Primal ====
''{{Anchor|Captain Planet}} {{Sp}}:'' With the elements combined, you are captain planet. You gain ''[[SRD:Control Weather|control weather]]'' as a normal spell-like ability (no arcane spell failure). However you can only have one instance of control weather at a time, a second casting dismisses the first. Requires a minimum class level of 13th.
''{{Anchor|Dampen/Excite Element}} {{Sp}}:'' You can change how vigorous elemental energy is. As a standard action anywhere in Medium range (100 ft + 10ft/level), you can target a magical or mundane effect which deals energy damage (either acid, cold, electricity, or fire). You can either dampen its effect, causing the hazard to deal 50% less its typical energy damage or excite the effect, dealing 50% more energy damage. This has a duration of concentration. If used against an enemy spell effect or an creature which deals energy damage, they get a [[Will]] save to negate. A readied action can apply dampen or excite to instanteous instantaneous energy effects.
''{{Anchor|Elemental Movement}} {{Ex}}:'' You gain a movement related to your element. Choose an element (Air, Earth, Fire, or Water). Air gains a fly speed of 60 ft, good. Earth gains a burrow speed of 30 ft and tremorsense out to 10 feet. Fire gains a +30 bonus to their base land speed and [[SRD:Run|Run]] as a bonus feat. Water gains a swim speed of 60 ft and the ability to breath water. Requires a minimum class level of 8th.
''{{Anchor|Vampiric Blast}} {{Su}}:'' Whenever you hit a creature with your eldritch blast, you heal 1 hp for every die of damage it deals. This only counts as an essence, and only functions on living creatures. Requires a minimum class level of 13th.
''{{Anchor|Vampiric Mist}} {{Sp}}:'' You gain ''[[SRD:Gaseous Form|gaseous form]]'' as a normal spell-like ability at will (no arcane spell failure). In addition if you are brought below 0 hp, you can make a [[Will]] save as an immediate action (DC equals to the amount of damage past 0 hp). If successful, you remain at 1 hp and immedately immediately assume gaseous form. You can continue to make [[Will]] saves to negate damage, but the DC rises by +5 each time. Reverting from this semi-involuntary change takes 1 minute. Requires a minimum class level of 3rd.
''{{Anchor|Vampiric Transformation}} {{Su}}:'' You gain the alternate form ability, though you may only transform into a [[SRD:Bat|bat]], a [[SRD:Small Monstrous Spider|Small]] or [[SRD:Medium Monstrous Spider|Medium monstrous spider]], a [[SRD:Rat|rat]], a[[SRD:Raven|raven]], or a [[SRD:Wolf|wolf]]. Requires a minimum class level of 3rd.
''{{Anchor|Warp Drive}} {{Su}}:'' You can briefly enter FTL speeds, effectively moving from place to place instantly. When you make a move action, you can teleport that distance as long as you have line of effect as part of the movement. As a result, you can move out of grapples and do not provoke attacks of opportunity for movement. You can also stand up from prone without provoking. Requires a minimum class level of 13th.
''{{Anchor|Xenoblooded}} {{Ex}}:'' You're not quite normal, alien genes flow inside you. You gain the [[Xenoblooded (3.5e Subtype)|Xenoblooded]] subtype, and also gain a [[Xenotheric (3.5e Creature Subtype)|bio-energy]] pool, allowing you to take feats normally restricted to xenotheric creatures. When you gain your ascension power, you gain a +2 additional points of bio-energy.
====Epic Very High Warlock====

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