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Slow Time (3.5e Feat)

215 bytes added, 18:17, 14 June 2014
Time stop for fighter now, with a little bonus.
|types=Combat Form
|summary=In a moment of truth everything seem to slow down to a crawl except you. Bullet time in dnd.
|prereqs=Bab 815+, Combat Focus, [[Intensified Reflexes (3.5e Feat)|Intensified Reflexes]]and 2 more combat form feats.|fluff=<!-- Any non-mechanical flavor you want to show -->|benefit=As a swift standard action while you may greatly intensify the effect of your maintain combat focus, until you can replicate the start effect of your next turn you are [[SRD:HasteTime Stop|''hastedtime stop'']] while all other creatures except the duration is always 3 rounds. While under the time stop you are [[SRD:Slow|''slowed'']] , this effect bypass immunity and is not suppressed by [[SRD:Haste|''haste'']]. Unlike a normal time stop you may still attack or affect objects, although doing so immediately end the effect (including alliesbefore the attack is resolved). If you attack attack it is automatically a confirmed critical hit if it hit. At the start end of the time stop your next turn you combat focus is automatically expended. You may use this If you have 8 or more combat form feat only once per encounterextend the time stop duration to 4 rounds.|example=If you have 6 12 or more combat form feats you remain hasted for 2 additional rounds, your combat focus is expended at the end of your haste instead of at are not [[SRD:Slow|''slowed'']] during the start of your next turntime stop.|example=

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