Grammar check and new ability
|13th||class="left" | +13/+8/+3 || +8 || +4 || +4
| class="left" | [[#Surge of Healing|Surge of Healing]], [[#Surge of Death|Surge of Death]], [[#Reactionary Surge of Resilience|Reactionary Surge of Resilience]]
In any case, this ability only applies to the {{anchor|primary damage type}} inflicted by the attack, prioritized in this order: hit point damage > ability damage, burn, or drain > negative levels > penalties to skills, saves, attack rolls, or other checks > power point damage > essentia damage > damage to other [[Limiting Points (3.5e Other)|limiting points]] > spell slot erasure > maneuver removal > negative condition duration > everything else. A weapon's physical damage takes precedence over any energy damage it may deal, unless the weapon only deals energy damage. For other types of attack, the attack usually designates which damage type is considered to be the primary damage type (if not, the decision is up to the DM, and should be kept consistent throughout the campaign). Generally, the damage that is inflicted in the greatest amount, has the most potential for being enhanced (by ability scores, critical hits, etc.), or is mentioned first in the attack's descriptive text is the primary damage type. At the DM's discretion, you may pay additional [[#surge points|surge points]] to augment other types of damage separately, but your total [[#Surge Points|surge points]] spent on a single attack can never be greater than your class level. This surge cannot be used with an attack that does not actually attempt to inflict damage, impose a penalty to rolls, or inflict a finite-duration negative condition if successful (such as a [[SRD:Trip|trip]], [[SRD:Overrun|overrun]], [[SRD:Disarm|disarm]], non-damaging [[SRD:Spell Descriptions#Touch|touch]] [[SRD:Spell Descriptions#Touch Spells and Holding the Charge|spell]], or [[Time Walker (3.5e Class)#Delay|delaying strike]]). (It can be used with a damaging touch spell, assuming that you actually have any.)
No matter what other factors apply, the [[#surge points|surge points]] are spent as the attack is declared - — that is, before the attack roll is made. If the attack misses, the surge fails to do anything whatsoever (except maybe cause a highly localized atmospheric disruption — that's just a fancy way to describe displacing air, so don't expect it to actually do anything) and the [[#surge points|surge points]] are wasted. <!--This surge is the answer to pretty much every damage-dealing spell ever.-->
'''{{Anchor|Surge of Skill}} {{Ex}}:''' Whenever the surge fighter is required to make a skill check, he may spend a number of [[#surge points|surge points]] no greater than his class level to increase the skill check by +4 per surge point spent. Like ''[[#Surge of Accuracy|Surge of Accuracy]]'', ''Surge of Skill'' must be declared and the surge points must be spent before the skill check is actually made; the surge points remain spent regardless of the skill check's success or failure.
'''{{Anchor|Surge of Energy}} {{Su}}:''' As part of an attack action, a surge fighter may spend 1 [[#surge points|surge point]] to convert all of the damage his attack deals to fire, cold, electricity, acid, or sonic damage. This allows him to bypass most forms of [[SRD:Damage Reduction|damage reduction]], though he may have to pick his energy type carefully to avoid running afoul of resistances, immunities, or worst of all, absorption. The descriptor of this surge is the same as the energy type the attack is converted to. This surge must be declared before the attack roll is made; if the attack misses, the surge is wasted. ''Surge of Energy'' and [[#Surge of Force|''Surge of Force'']] cannot be applied to the same attack roll (but see ''[[#Surge of Multi-Energy|Surge of Multi-Energy]]'' below).
*'''{{Anchor|Surge of Multi-Energy}} {{Su}}:''' Starting at 11th level, any combination of up to 5 ''Surges of Energy'' (each having a different energy type) and [[#Anchor|Surge of Force|''Surge of Force'']] may be applied to the same attack action. All of the damage dealt by the attack is each type of energy selected, and the target must resist, be immune to, or absorb all of the energy types to reduce the damage (in which case the smallest damage reduction applies). All of the surges must be declared before making the attack roll, and if the attack misses, the surges are wasted. As always, the maximum number of surge points that can be spent on a single attack action is equal to the surge fighter's class level.
'''{{Anchor|Surge of Force}} {{Su}}:''' As part of an attack action, a surge fighter may spend 4 [[#surge points|surge points]] to convert all of the damage his attack deals to force damage. This enables him to attack incorporeal creatures and bypass most forms of [[SRD:Damage Reduction|damage reduction]] and energy resistance. This surge has the [Force] descriptor. This surge must be declared before the attack roll is made; if the attack misses, the [[#surge points|surge points]] are wasted.{{sidebar|Wait, this is usable at 1st level?!?|[[SRD:Magic Missile|''Magic missile'']], as a 1st-level spell, is usable by a 1st-level [[SRD:Wizard|wizard]]. [[#Surge of Force|''Surge of Force'']] is meant to be the surge fighter's answer to [[SRD:Magic Missile|''magic missile'']], so, it is necessary for it to be usable at 1st level. At the same time, [[#surge points|surge points]] are among the "cheaper" type of limiting points, about equivalent to [[SRD:Power Points|power points]]; 1 [[#surge points|surge point]] is far too cheap a cost to pay to convert a physical attack's damage to force, considering that force resistance is very, very, ''very'' rare. Thus, I made the cost 4 [[#surge points|surge points]] and included a clause to allow the surge fighter to pay a reduced cost in exchange for doing less damage. [[SRD:Magic Missile|''Magic missile'']]'s damage is kind of low for 1st level anyways, and −2 damage is a huge deal at lower levels, so it all balances out.
If you want to know more about what a "limiting point" is, check out [[Limiting Points (3.5e Other)|the page I made for them]].}}
This surge may be used even if the surge fighter isn't able to pay enough [[#surge points|surge points]] to fulfill its entire cost (whether this is due to insufficient class level or not enough remaining [[#surge points|surge points]] for the day); that is, it can be performed for only 1, 2, or 3 [[#surge points|surge points]]. However, for every 1 [[#surge points|surge point]] not paid, the surge fighter incurs a cumulative −2 penalty on the damage roll or damage inflicted (which cannot reduce the damage below 1). As with the bonus provided by [[#Surge of Power|''Surge of Power'']], this penalty only affects the [[#primary damage type|primary damage]] of the attack.
'''{{Anchor|Surge of Sleep}} {{Su}}:''' As part of an attack action, a surge fighter may spend at least 1 [[#surge points|surge point(s)]] to imbue the weapon with sleep energy. If the attack connects, the target must succeed on a Will save (DC = 10 + ½ surge fighter's class level or number of surge points spent on the surge, whichever is higher + the primary ability modifier applied to the surge fighter's attack roll (usually Strength or Dexterity, though other abilities aren't unheard of)) or else immediately fall asleep, as though affected by the [[SRD:Sleep|''sleep'']] spell (except with no maximum limit on the target's HD). The victim will remain asleep for at most 1 round per 2 spent surge points (minimum 1) unless it was already [[SRD:Exhausted|exhausted]] or otherwise about to fall asleep anyways; however, it can be woken up early by anything that would be able to end any other ''sleep'' effect (such as shaking the victim awake). [[SRD:Elf|Elves]] and other creatures with immunity to sleep are unaffected by this surge. The total number of [[#surge points|surge points]] spent on a single attack action cannot exceed the surge fighter's class level, and all surges must be declared and surge points applied before the attack roll is made.
'''{{Anchor|Surge of Confusion}} {{Su}}:''' As part of an attack action, a surge fighter of 7th level or higher may spend at least 1 [[#surge points|surge point]] to attempt to scramble his foe's nervous system a bit. If his attack hits, the target must succeed on a Will save (DC = 10 + ½ surge fighter's class level or # of [[#surge points|surge points]] spent, whichever is higher + surge fighter's main attack roll modifier) or become [[SRD:Confusion|''confused'']], as the spell, for 1 round per spent surge point. The total number of [[#surge points|surge points]] spent on a single attack action cannot exceed the surge fighter's class level, and all surges must be declared and surge points applied before the attack roll is made.
'''{{Anchor|Surge of Fright}} {{Su}}:''' As part of an attack action, a surge fighter of 7th level or higher may spend at least 1 surge point to make it clear to his opponents just how far out of their league they are. By spending 1 surge point, the surge fighter makes the creature he strikes with his attack [[SRD:Shaken|shaken]] for 1 round unless the victim succeeds on a Will save (DC = 10 + ½ surge fighter's class level or # of [[#surge points|surge points]] spent, whichever is higher + surge fighter's main attack roll modifier). The surge fighter may spend 2 additional surge points to [[SRD:Frightened|frighten]] the target, or 5 additional surge points to [[SRD:Panicked|make the target panic]]; alternatively, he may spend additional surge points to extend the duration by 1 round per surge point. This is a [Fear, Mind-Affecting]] effect.
'''{{Anchor|Surge of Dimensional Anchoring}} {{Su}}:''' As a standard action, a surge fighter of 7th level or higher can spend [[#surge points|surge points]] on a single melee or ranged attack. If this attack beats its target's touch AC, the target is placed under the effect of a [[SRD:Dimensional Anchor|''dimensional anchor'']] for 2 rounds per surge point spent. The target is entitled to a [[Will]] save (DC = 10 + ½ surge fighter's class level or # of [[#surge points|surge points]] spent, whichever is higher + surge fighter's main attack roll modifier) to halve the duration of the ''dimensional anchor''. This is not an attack action, and so cannot be enhanced by [[#Surge of Accuracy|Surge of Accuracy]], [[#Surge of Power|Surge of Power]], etc.
'''{{Anchor|Surge of Resilience}} {{Ex}}:''' As a swift action, a surge fighter of 7th level or higher can spend [[#surge points|surge points]] to gain [[SRD:Damage Reduction|DR]] 10/— per surge point spent for 1 round.
*'''{{Anchor|Reactionary Surge of Resilience}} {{Ex}}:''' Starting from level 13, [[#Surge of Resilience|''Surge of Resilience'']] can be used as an immediate action.
'''''{{Anchor|Surge of Far Sight}}'' {{Sp}}:''' As a full-round action, a surge fighter of 7th level or higher can spend [[#surge points|surge points]] to imitate [[SRD:Scrying|''scrying'']], as the spell. The [[SRD:Caster Level|caster level]] is equivalent to the number of surge points spent.