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Pumpkin Bomblet (3.5e Equipment)

53 bytes added, 19:44, 8 March 2015
craft DC
''This tiny pumpkin fits in your hand, and has a jack-o-lantern face carved in it. It gives off light, but there doesn't seem to be a candle in it. Something about it is rather unnerving.''
The pumpkin bomblet is a favorite of spooky or Halloween -themed adventurers. [[Summary::An advanced form of alchemical bombs like alchemist 's fire, a small necromantic flame burns bright inside, the result of necrotic supernatural chemicals in the presence of living auras.]] When thrown (range increment 20 ft.) as a ranged touch attack , it deals 1d6 fire damage (and 1 point of splash damage) and creatures damaged must make a DC 11 [[Will]] save or become shaken for 5 rounds. The latter is an extraordinary fear effect.
If used against a creature who is shaken, the damage is doubled (2d6 fire damage, 2 splash damage). If used against a creature who is frightened, the damage is tripled. If used against a creature who is panicked or cowering, the damage is quadrupled.
Pumpkin bomblets emit light as a [[SRD:Candle|candle]].
[[SRD:Craft Skill|Craft]] (Alchemy) DC [[Craft DC::20]]. Market Price [[Cost::30 gp]].

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