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As a result of its superior intellect, it is capable of taking complex orders up to one paragraph, with multiple exceptions, exclusions, and up to 5 contingencies or if/than statements. However any command done through the [[Program (3.5e Skill)|program]] skill override this superior intellect. The Jupiter-9 is considered a complex machine.
'''Limited Range {{Ex}}:''' The Jupiter-9 Autonomous Railgun cannot attack creatures within 10 mile of itself with it OLYMPUS Jupiter Super Railgun.
'''Limited Targeting {{Ex}}:''' The Jupiter-9 Autonomous Railgun can only attacks square transmitted to it by a [[SkyEye-767 Autonomous Scout (3.5e Monster)|SkyEye-767 Autonomous Scout]] with it OLYMPUS Jupiter Super Railgun.
'''Jupiter Super Railgun {{Ex}}:''' The massive main railgun on the Jupiter-9, the Olympus take most of the bot's interior space and is incredibly potent. In order to aim the OLYMPUS Jupiter Super Railgun the Jupiter-9 must take a full-round action to aim it, each round it aim that way it gets a cumulative +20 bonus on it attacks (as some method of fire involve multiple attacks), the Jupiter Super Railgun has a range increment of 100 mile and has 25 its range increment instead of 5. It always aim at a square, however if a creature or object occupy the square it count as being hit. If the OLYMPUS miss hitting a square, the shot land 1d10 miles in a random direction away from the original target. The Jupiter Super Railgun has multiple method of firing:
:''Bot Shot:'' The Jupiter Super Railgun may fire up to 12 [[Bot (3.5e Subtype)|bots]] in a single round, the bots arrive unharmed at the square the OLYMPUS fired at. If the Olympus miss the square or the square is occupied, both the bot and any creatures/object on the square take 20d8 bludgeoning and fire damage.