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'''Limited Targeting {{Ex}}:''' The Jupiter-9 Autonomous Railgun can only attacks square transmitted to it by a [[SkyEye-767 Autonomous Scout (3.5e Monster)|SkyEye-767 Autonomous Scout]] with it Jupiter Super Railgun.
'''Jupiter Super Railgun {{Ex}}:''' The massive main railgun on the Jupiter-9, the Olympus Jupiter Super Railgun take most of the bot's interior space and is incredibly potent. In order to aim the Jupiter Super Railgun the Jupiter-9 must take a full-round action to aim it, each round it aim that way it gets a cumulative +20 bonus on it attacks (as some method of fire involve multiple attacks), the Jupiter Super Railgun has a range increment of 100 mile and has 25 its range increment instead of 5. It always aim at a square, however if a creature or object occupy the square it count as being hit. If the OLYMPUS Jupiter Super Railgun miss hitting a square, the shot land 1d10 miles in a random direction away from the original target. The Jupiter Super Railgun has multiple method of firing:
:''Bot Shot:'' The Jupiter Super Railgun may fire up to 12 [[Bot (3.5e Subtype)|bots]] in a single round, the bots arrive unharmed at the square the OLYMPUS Jupiter Super Railgun fired at. If the Olympus Jupiter Super Railgun miss the square or the square is occupied, both the bot and any creatures/object on the square take 20d8 bludgeoning and fire damage.
:''Container Shot:'' As bot shot except the railgun fire a single 10x30 or 20x60 container which can contain [[Bot (3.5e Subtype)|bots]] or various material. The containers are very resistant, being made of [[SRD:Adamantine|adamantine]], each possess 100 hit point with a hardness of 20. If the container take damage during the fall, it cargo is only damaged if it completely destroyed.
:''Doomsday:'' The Jupiter Super Railgun fire a single nuclear warhead, causing a [[Tactical Nuke (3.5e Epic Spell)|tactical nuke]] effect centered on the square it hit.
:''Volley:'' The Jupiter Super Railgun fire up to 5 consecutive shot each round, it maintain it volley, treat these as huge [[Siege Railgun (3.5e Equipment)|siege railgun]] (20d12) attacks. Sadly volley quickly lose accuracy, halve the aim bonus to attack roll each round the OLYMPUS Jupiter Super Railgun maintain it volley.
After the Jupiter-9 cease firing it must cool it OLYMPUS Jupiter Super Railgun with a full-round action before firing again.
'''SkyEye Launcher:''' As a swift action the may launch up to 10 [[SkyEye-767 Autonomous Scout (3.5e Monster)|SkyEye-767 Autonomous Scout]], each appearing in a space adjacent to it.