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Idylean Young God (3.5e Template)

254 bytes removed, 16:42, 10 February 2016
Nerfed saving throw bonus
'''Skills''': A Idylean Young God receives 8 extra skill points at 1st level and 2 extra skill point at each additional level. All skills are considered class skill for any class taken by a Idylean Young God.
'''Saving Throw''': A An Idylean Young God adds it highest mental ability score gain a +2 bonus to on all its it saving throws. This ability does not stack with similar abilities such as a [[SRD:Paladin|paladin]]'s divine grace.
'''Immunities and Resistance''' A Idylean Young God are immune to disease, poison, death-effect, polymorphing, petrification, possession-effects (such as magic jar) and form-altering effects. Their powerful mental resistance grant them a +4 bonus against mind-affecting effects.
'''{{Anchor|Mental Conditioning}}:''' At 2nd level an Idylean Young God gain a +2 bonus on saving throw against mind-affecting effect. This bonus increases to +4 at 4th level.
'''{{Anchor|New God's Grace}}:'''A 5th level Idylean Young God add its highest mental ability score gain a +2 bonus to all its it saving throws, this ability do not stack with similar abilities such as a [[SRD:Paladin|paladin]]'s divine grace.

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