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Blinking Mirror Image (3.5e Spell)

300 bytes removed, 23:36, 10 April 2017
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|lvl= Sorcerer 7, /Wizard 7
|comp=V, S
|casttime=1 standard action
''<!-- An example of what it is like to cast the spell. (optional) -->''
As the name suggests, this spell combines the mirror image and the blinking spells. Each image and the recipient has a chance to blink as in that spell's description plus the images have an AC as in the mirror image's spell description. Once struck, the image disappears as usual. However, because of the blinking aspect, the recipient is always the last one to be struck, the images must all disappear first. After all the images are gone, the remaining subject will continue to blink as the spell until struck which ends the blinking mirror image, or if the spell's duration has passed.
{{3.5e <!--class name (e.g. "Druid")--> Spells Breadcrumb}}<br/>
{{3.5e <!--class name (e.g. "Paladin")--> Spells Breadcrumb}}<br/>
{{3.5e <!--class name (e.g. "Sorcerer/Wizard")--> Spells Breadcrumb}}<!--repeat for every class which can cast this spell--><br/>{{3.5e <!--domain name--> Domain Breadcrumb}}<!--repeat for every domain which can cast this spell--><br/>
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