Adding to the Viewtiful Monarch spell list, link-making, and article cleaningking
|lvl= Sorcerer/Wizard 7, Viewtiful Monarch 7
|comp=V, S
|casttime=1 standard action
|summary=Combination of [[SRD:Blink|''blink '']] and [[SRD:Mirror Image|''mirror image'']].
As the name suggests, this spell combines the [[SRD:Mirror Image|''mirror image '']] and the blinking [[SRD:Blink|''blink'']] spells. Each image and the recipient caster has a chance to blink as in that spell's description , plus the images have an AC as in the ''mirror image's ' spell description. Once struck, the image disappears as usual. However, because of the blinking aspect, the recipient caster is always the last one to be struck, : the images must all disappear first. After all the images are gone, the remaining subject caster will continue to blink as the spell until struck , which ends the ''blinking mirror image'', or if until the spell's duration has passedexpired. ''Material Component:'' ''Focus:'' ''XP Cost:''
{{3.5e Sorcerer/Wizard Spells Breadcrumb}}<br/>
{{3.5e Viewtiful Monarch Spells Breadcrumb}}<br/>