'''Water Gun (Sp):''' Wartortle can fire a jet of compressed water. This can either collect in a puddle - in which case it acts as a create water spell cast by a druid of a caster level equal to their hit dice, or it can be used as a weapon - in which case it inflicts 2d6 points of bludgeoning damage (regular or subdual) and requires a ranged touch attack. In either case, it has short range (25 ft. plus 5 feet per 2 hit dice).
'''Bubble ([[Su]]):''' A Wartortle can emit a highly accurate stream of acidic bubbles. They always hit, and inflict 1d3 points of acid damage for every 2 hit dice the Wartortle has.
'''Bite ([[Su]]):''' A Wartortle's bite inflicts an extra d3 negative energy damage on living or undead targets.