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Organ Smasher (3.5e Maneuver)

89 bytes added, 20:27, 11 November 2017
''You swing your weapon directly towards your enemy's neck.''
You make a single melee attack aimed directly at one of your opponent's organs, your choice. If you hit, your opponent must make a [[Fortitude ]] save or suffer an effect dependent on where you hit. The initiation time of this maneuver depends on where you try to hit.
*'''Heart:''' Full-round action. If your opponent fails their Fortitude save, they die instantly. However, the sternum exists to ''prevent'' such a thing from happening, and you have to hit extra-hard to actually pierce it; the save DC is decreased by 1 unless you score a critical hit.
*'''Spinal Cord:''' Full-round action, can only be chosen if you would be able to perform a sneak attack (you do not actually need the ability to sneak attack). If your opponent fails their Fortitude save, they are permanently [[SRD:Paralyzed|paralyzed]], and only a [[SRD:Greater Restoration|''greater restoration'']], DC 30+damage dealt [[SRD:Heal Skill|Heal]] check, or stronger effect can cure them. The spinal cord isn't exactly capable of repairing itself.*'''Brain:''' Standard action. If your opponent fails their Fortitude save, they take 2d10 [[Intelligence ]] and [[Wisdom ]] [[SRD:Ability Drain|drain]]. If your opponent rolls a natural 1 on their Fortitude save, or you score a critical hit, they instead die instantly. You take a −3 penalty to the attack roll.*'''Lungs:''' Standard action. If your opponent fails their Fortitude save, the lung is wounded and torn, and begins to be flooded with blood. The foe will [[SRD:Drowning|drown ]] in 1 minute unless given prompt medical attention (magical healing that restores at least as much damage as your attack did, or a [[SRD:Heal Skill|Heal ]] check with a DC equal to 10 + the damage your attack did). If your opponent rolls a natural 1 on their Fortitude save, or you score a critical hit, your opponent begins drowning instantly.
*'''Stomach:''' Standard action. If your opponent fails their Fortitude save, they are [[SRD:Nauseated|nauseated]] for 2 days per initiator level (3 days per initiator level if your opponent rolls a natural 1 on their Fortitude save or you score a critical hit, or 4 days per initiator level if your opponent rolls a natural 1 on their Fortitude save and you score a critical hit).
*'''Groin:''' Standard action. If your opponent fails their Fortitude save, they become sterile forever, and more importantly (for you), they collapse [[SRD:Prone|prone]] and are wracked with pain to the point of complete and total [[SRD:Helpless|helplessness]] for 1 round per 2 initiator levels (1 round per initiator level if you score a critical hit). Even on a successful save, the foe is wracked with pain, falling prone and becoming helpless for 1 round. You take a −1 penalty to the attack roll.

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