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Talk:Sorcerous Origin - Pyroclastic Bloodline (5e Subclass)

2,570 bytes added, 00:31, 30 December 2017
Discussion v2: new section
Ok, the more polished version of this has been posted. Hope this helps, One thing that I am additionally considering is moving the push effect from '''Pyroclastic Flow''' into a bonus action that expends sorcery points to accomplish, or just flat making it cost socery points (like some sort of specialist Metamagic). As I said earlier, thank you for your feedback. Always appreciated.[[User:Gr7mm Bobb|Gr7mm Bobb]] ([[User talk:Gr7mm Bobb|talk]]) 03:25, 8 September 2016 (UTC)
== Discussion v2 ==
I'm really uncomfortable with changing the calculation rule for AC in the way you've done with Volcanic Legacy. Consider what happens on a one level sorcerer dip for a barbarian; or what what the AC of a Dwarven Pyroclastic looks like. Even assuming the net effect is only as good as permanent mage armor; you've still blown past the dragon sorcerer with the additional spells available. Or you would have if they weren't mostly sorcerer spells already. I think you originally intended these as additional spells known, rather than extending the sorcerer list. While simply extending the list is a much lower impact feature, you're already borderline with Draconic as it is. As increased spells known it's completely unacceptable.
Crack the Earth seems better than Elemental Affinity as it's generally better to deal more damage upfront to remove the threat of a combatant. It'll vary a bit at low levels, but where your Charisma usually stops improving at 8th level, Crack the Earth just keeps getting stronger. The initative bonus leans further on this playstyle of ambushed blowouts rather than prollonged fights. That's not a bad choice, and I'm nominally willing to allow it considering you give up the defensive benefit of resistence (though only until 18th when you get it back with extras). Terraforming seemed fine until I got to the last sentence. Not only is three spell-like effects too much for a single feature, but cheap tremorsense feels too strong. Pyroclastic Flow has similar overcrowding, two different effects in one feature.
The last feature clinches one of the big things that puts me off about this archetype. Not until 18th level do you have a feature that really cares about the sorcerer casting spells. Fixing the expanded spell list will help, but it'll be easy to run into overtuning issues. Between Charisma to initiative and Con to AC, this sorcerer can pretty casually dump dex. That can not only drive multi-classing (since all these features only require a one level dip), but don't do anything to encourage spellcasting. Unlike the Dragon's damage bonus; Crack the Earth works with weapons but requires melee attacks. Terraforming further discourages casting actual spells, since its effects are purchased with the same currency but cheaper and with less restrictions. I appreciate if you're trying to make an origin that's friendlier to front-line combat, but the core of a sorcerer archetype should always be spellcasting.--[[User:Vaegrim|Vaegrim]] ([[User talk:Vaegrim|talk]]) 17:31, 29 December 2017 (MST)

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