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Khonsou's Zoomorphism (3.5e Spell)

431 bytes removed, 13:31, 1 December 2019
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|name= Khonsou's Zoomorphism
|lvl=Bard 14, Druid 14, Wizard/Sorcerer 14
|comp=V, S, M
|casttime=1 minute
This spell transforms you a new form and the new form must be any of the following types : [[animal]], or [[magical beast]], or [[vermin]]. You can’t choose to transform you into a swarm, incorporeal, or gazeous form. The new form must keep the same size category and can’t have more Hit Dice than your HD.
The transformation lasts for the spell duration, or until you drop your hit points to 0 or die. Your game statistics, including Wisdom, and Charisma ability scores, are replaced by the statistics of the chosen new form, but you retains your own intelligence. You also retains your alignment and personality.
! Spell Level ||| Effect
|- | +1 || You can choose a Large Small or a Small Large creature.
| +1 || You can change the spell duration for 10 minute/level.
| +1 || You can assume a [[Humanoid]] or a [[Monstrous humanoid]] form, but only with the [[Anthro]] subtype. If you choose a race and not a creature, make the changes excluding INT. Racials HD are added to your character and counts in the calculation of the total Hit Dice after the transformation as if you had chosen a creature with higher HD. For example, if you have a character with 5 HD and you choose a [[Leode]] with 2 racials HD, it's counted as having a total of 7 HD. You are therefore forced to choose the spell's option which permit to choose a creature whose HD are equal to your character's HD +2 (option +4). These racials HD give you extra HP for the duration of the spell only, and disappear become temporary HP at the end of the spell. Your equipment are not meld into the new form. You can activate, use, and wield your equipment, but if the size category has been changed, penalties and bonuses may apply to the new form.
| +2 || You can choose a Huge or a Tiny creature.
| +2 || You can assume a [[Plant]] or a [[Fey]] form.
| +3 2 || You can change the spell duration for 1 hour/level.
| +3 || You can choose a creature with HD equal your HD+1.
| +4 || You can choose a creature with HD equal your HD+2.
| +4 || You can assume an [[Elemental]] form with a specific element descriptor (Air, Fire, Water, or Earth), you must have at least one spell (level 1 spell or higher) with the same spell descriptor than the chosen creature. For exemple, if you choose a Fire Elemental, you must have at least one spell with the [[Fire]] spell descriptor into your spell list.
| +5 || You can choose a creature with HD equal your HD+3.
| +5 || You can change the spell duration for 10 hours/level. You can choose this option only once per monthweek.

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