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Glacial Rider (3.5e Alternate Class Feature)

88 bytes added, 05:05, 9 November 2020
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|name=Glacial Rider
|prereq=A glacial rider is a mighty cavalier riding on an icy steed. These cavaliers do not ride living mounts, instead greetings creating theirs with ice, snow and magic. A glacial rider eschew the use of tactics, instead relying on their limited hexes and combat skills.
|class=Pathfinder Cavalier
|level=1st, 2nd, 4th, 5th, 9th, 13th, 17th,
'''Chilling Challenge {{Ex}}:''' The extra damage dealt by glacial rider's challenge is dealt as cold damage.
'''Glacial Steed {{Ex}}:''' This class ability functions as the mount class feature, except her mount if made of snow and ice given life, granting it the cold subtype. Her mount is a construct of ice, it obeys her orders telepathy and never disobey her. If the glacial rider's steed is slain or lost, she can be remade with ice and snow over the course of 8 hours. She does not take any penalties if her mount dies, and it automatically regains all abilities upon being remade.
At 4th level, the glacial steed's hooves leave fresh ice behind. The glacial steed no longer needs to balance on ice and other slippery surfaces and can move upon them as if it was normal terrain. Likewise a glacial steed can move normally on snow-covered ground, as if it was not difficult terrain. Finally the glacial steed freezes liquids under its hooves, allowing it to walk on water and create a walkable ice path which lasts for 1 round. This ability does not function on very hot liquids, like boiling water.
'''Hex {{Su}}:''' A glacial rider gain a hex like a Witch<sup>Pathfinder</sup>, the glacial rider uses her cavalier level as her effective witch level and uses her [[Charisma]] modifier instead of her [[Intelligence]] modifier to determine the DC DCs of her hexes. If one of her hex refers to her familiar it applies to her glacial steed instead. If the glacial rider has levels in another hex-granting class she adds her total levels in both classes together to determine the DC and effect of her hexhexes.
She starts the game with a single hex at 1st level and gains an additional hex at 5th level and each 4 levels thereafter. She can pick her hexes from the following list: Beast of Ill-Omen, Cackle, Evil Eye, Iceplant, Misfortune, Scar and Water Lung.

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