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Glacial Rider (3.5e Alternate Class Feature)

29 bytes removed, 20:15, 17 November 2020
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'''Chilling Challenge {{Ex}}:''' The extra damage dealt by glacial rider's challenge is dealt as cold damage.
'''Glacial Steed {{Ex}}:''' This class ability functions as the mount class feature, except her mount is made of snow and ice given life. A glacial steed is statistically a normal mount except it possesses the cold subtype, its movement speed is speeds are reduced as if it was wearing medium armor by 10 ft and it gains bonus hit points point as a construct of its it size (to a maximum 5 hit points per HDHDs). Unlike a normal mount, a glacial steed is a creation of ice and snow, and thus unerringly obeys its creator to which it has a telepathic link of 1 mile, it does not learn tricks like a normal animal companion. If a glacial steed spends more than 24 hours outside it's master telepathic link it melts away into nothingness.
A slain glacial steed can be rebuilt with ice and snow with a 8 hours ritual, or over the course of a minute if such elements are abundant. The glacial steed returns with half of its maximum hit points and any ability damage, drain, negative level and such removed. Unlike a cavalier, a glacial rider does not need to mourn for her slain mount and it automatically regain all of it abilities.

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