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Talk:BeePeople (3.5e Race)

768 bytes added, 07:25, 5 May 2021
On a more precise note: maybe it wasn't your design but, thanks to the rule "This race is balanced toward Pathfinder races. Just drop one of their +2 ability bonuses to balance back down again." this race allows the player to customize greatly its BeePerson character: retaining the bonus to Strength and dropping Charisma gives a needed and welcomed bonus to a fighter (a bee soldier maybe), a barbarian (a beeperson going berserk makes my eyes shine) or a paladin (hive protector), while doing the contrary benefits a cleric, bard or sorcerer BeePerson (it comes to mind the Bee domain and all the bee-related spells and the idea of a buzzing bard is appealing). All its racial abilities are flavorful and useful (everyone could benefit of flight and the stinger).

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