'''Body of Pain {{Su}}:''' Grappling you can be a painful experience. Creatures in a grapple with you automatically take half your eldritch blast damage each round.
'''Composite Element:''' Choose a second element. Your Eldritch Blast now deals mixed damage (half of each element), and you gain resistance to both elements as per the basic bloodline power.
'''Discorporation {{Su}}:''' As a full round action you can partially discorporate into your element, duplicating the effect of ''[[Heart of a Champion (3.5e Maneuver)|heart of a champion]]''. Requires class level 8.
'''Elemental Absorption {{Ex}}:''' Any damage blocked by your elemental resistance instead heals you.
'''Elemental Flight {{Su}}:''' You can run like lightning, or shoot your element out behind you like a jet...of acid...or something. You gain a fly speed (good maneuverability) equal to twice your land speed. Requires Elemental Trail.
'''Elemental Shielding {{Ex}}:''' Your element of choice occasionally bursts or zaps around you. You gain a +1 natural armor bonus to AC, plus an additional +1 at 4th level and every 4 levels beyond.
'''Elemental Trail {{Su}}:''' When you move, you leave a trail of your element behind you. For one round, anyone moving in a space you moved through in the prior turn takes half your eldritch blast damage. Requires a class level of 3.
'''Piercing Element:''' Your eldritch blast ignores an amount of elemental resistance equal to your own elemental resistance. If you somehow gain immunity, it ignores immunity, though not against creatures with the elemental subtype matching your element.
'''Ascension:''' You gain the elemental type with a subtype equal to your chosen elemental type, with everything this implies. You can still be raised from the dead as per your previous type.
==== Entropy ====