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User:IGTN/Elemental-Bodied (3.5e Race)

105 bytes added, 01:54, 14 October 2010
Changed formatting for Book of Elements
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 <onlyinclude>Elemental-bodied are [[Summary::Humanoids humanoid creatures composed of the primal elements]], that form naturally on the elemental planes composed . They are closely related to elementals, and are intended to be a playable form of the primal elementsbasic elemental species.]]<noinclude>
Elemental-bodied have a wide range of personality, as varied as the primal forces and building blocks of creation that they represent. Many elemental-bodied, however, fall to one of two extremes of either stoicism or emotionality, and a few can be caused to switch between them. A stoic elemental-bodied feels and expresses nearly no emotion, while an emotional elemental-bodied feels their emotions strongly and suddenly, changing at the slightest cause.
==Physical Description==
Elemental-bodied are formed of the primal stuff of the elements, although even Air and Fire are somewhat more solid than one might expect. They vaguely resemble androgyne, genderless humans, with no secondary sex characteristics of any kind. They average about 6' tall. Further, they have an internal structure of different forms of elements with vital organs and similar.
Elemental-bodied distrust efreet and dao, as the latter often enslave the former. Even djinn and marid are looked on with some suspicion. They get along well with [[SRD:Elemental Type|elementals]], who they perceive as kin. Nearly every elemental-bodied on the Material Plane is a stranger to the land, with little preconceived notions other than those it might have heard from friends and siblings who had been summoned.
Elemental-bodied tend toward neutrality, although they can be found in any alignment.
Elemental-bodied live in their appropriate elemental planes. Sometimes they carve out kingdoms of themselves and like-minded elementals. Other times they're enslaved by genies. Still other times they live solitary lives among their appropriate element.
As planar creatures, elemental-bodied are not noted for their piety to any religion. A few worship appropriate elemental gods or the essences of the plane itself. Fewer worship mortals' gods.
Elemental-bodied are born with an innate knowledge of the appropriate elemental language: Aquan, Auran, Ignan, or Terran.
Elemental-Bodied are given names by those near them. They have a very practical view of names, taking them only as unique identifiers; they do not name themselves unless necessary, and will shed an old name when the people who use it are gone. They are, however, canny enough to recognize and rebel against derogatory names.
==Racial Traits==
<span style="display:none"/noinclude>{{#setThe racial traits of Elemental-Bodied depend on their type, but they all have some commonalities:Racial Ability Adjustments=Variable}}</span>* [[SRD:Strength|+2 Strength]] (Earth, Water), [[SRD:Dexterity|+2 Dexterity]] (Air, Fire), {{Property Link|Racial Ability Adjustments|SRD:Intelligence|-2 Intelligence}} (All): Elemental-bodied are slow-witted. They also gain other ability adjustments depending on their type.* Medium Size. Elemental-bodied average about 6' tall. They have no sex or gender.* 20' movement, plus additional movement depending on type.* {{Property Link|Type|[[SRD:Outsider Type|Outsider}} and one Elemental Type]], appropriate subtype: ([[SRD:Air Subtype|Air]], [[SRD:Earth Subtype|Earth]], [[SRD:Fire Subtype|Fire]], or [[SRD:Water Subtype|Water]]). Elemental-Bodied are (Extraplanar) on the Material plane, and native to their the appropriate elemental plane.* {{Property Link|Size|, and are ([[SRD:MediumExtraplanar Subtype|Medium}}: Elemental-Bodied gain no bonuses or penalties for their size.* Elemental-Bodied [[base land speedExtraplanar]] is 20 feet, unless otherwise noted for their type. Every Elemental-Bodied also gains another movement speed based ) on their typethe Material Plane.* Elemental Flesh: Elemental-Bodied are counted as [[SRD:Elemental Type|Elementals]], not Outsiders, for effects that target specific creature types.* [[SRD:Darkvision|Darkvision]] 60 feet. '* Elemental-bodied Bodied do not sleep, and are immune to magic sleep effects. * +4 to saves [[SRD:Saving Throw|saving throws]] against [[SRD:PoisonsPoison|Poison]], [[SRD:Disease|Disease]], and [[SRD:ParalyzedParalysis|Paralysis]]. Elemental-bodied Bodied have an unusual physiology that is not subject to the same constraints as mortals.* Light Fortification ([[SRD:Special Abilities Overview#Extraordinary|Ex]]): Elemental-bodied have a 25% chance to negate any critical hit or sneak attack against them, exactly as if they were always wearing armor with the that would not affect an elemental).* Favored Class: [[SRD:FortificationElemental Brute (3.5e Class)|Light FortificationElemental Brute]] property.* Ageless: As creatures of the elements, elemental-bodied do not deteriorate with age from internal forces alone. They take no aging penalties or bonuses and live until killed[[Elemental Weird (3.5e Class)|Elemental Weird]]* [[Automatic Languages]]: Appropriate elemental language: Aquan (Water), Auran (Air), Ignan (Fire), Terran (Earth). * [[Bonus Languages]]: Abyssal, Aquan, Auran, Celestial, Common, Draconic, Formian, Ignan, Infernal, Slaad, Terran, Umbral.* [[Favored Class|Favored Classes]]: {{Property Link|Favored Class|Elemental Brute (3.5e Class)|Elemental Brute}} and {{Property Link|Favored Class|Elemental Weird (3.5e Class)|Elemental Weird}}* [[Level Adjustment]]: +[[Level Adjustment::0]] * [[ECL|Effective Character Level]]: [[Effective Character Level::1]]
Elemental-bodied also have additional racial traits by elemental subtype: <span style="display:none">{{#set:Racial Ability Adjustments=Variable}}</span>====Elemental TraitsAirbodied====* [[SRD:Dexterity|+2 Dexterity]]. Airbodied are nimble, and often grow moreso as their power increases.* Airbodied can [[SRD:Fly|Fly]] at a speed of 15' (Perfect), and have a 30' base land speed* +2 bonus on [[SRD:Constitution|Constitution]] checks to continue strenuous activity. If using the [[Tome of Prowess (3.5e Sourcebook)|Tome of Prowess]], apply this bonus to [[Tome_of_Prowess_(3.5e_Sourcebook)/Physical_Skills#Athletics|Athletics]] checks.
Elemental-bodied gain the following special abilities from their subtype====Earthbodied====* [[SRD:Strength|+2 Strength]]. Earthbodied are immensely heavy, making lifting other things seem lighter by comparison.* Earthbodied can burrow at a speed of 20'. They do not leave a tunnel when burrowing, and cannot burrow through stone.* +2 bonus on [[SRD:Survival|Survival]] checks.
====Firebodied====* Airbodied can Fly at a speed of 15' (Perfect), and have a 30' base land speed and a +2 bonus on [[Tome_of_Prowess_(3.5e_Sourcebook)/Physical_Skills#AthleticsSRD:Dexterity|Athletics+2 Dexterity]] checks (take . Firebodied are as nimble as Con checks to continue doing strenuous activity if not using the [[Tome of Prowess (3.5e Sourcebook)|Tome of Prowess]]).* Earthbodied can burrow at a speed of 20' and gain a +2 bonus on Survival checks. They do not leave a tunnel when burrowing, and cannot burrow through stoneairbodied are.* Firebodied gain have a 20' Climb speed, and have a 30' base land speed. They also * Firebodied shed lightfrom their bodies, brightly illuminating up to 40', and shedding shadowy illumination over twice that distance, or a minimum of 5'. They may change brightness or douse thesmelves to smoulder (5' shadow illumination) as a swift action. They also gain a * + 2 bonus on [[Tome_of_Prowess_(3.5e_Sourcebook)/Physical_Skills#Acrobatics|Acrobatics]] checks (take as [[SRD:Balance|Balance]] and [[SRD:Tumble|Tumble]] if not checks. If using the [[Tome of Prowess (3.5e Sourcebook)|Tome of Prowess]], this bonus applies to [[Tome_of_Prowess_(3.5e_Sourcebook)/Physical_Skills#Acrobatics|Acrobatics]] checks instead. ====Waterbodied====* [[SRD:Strength|+2 Strength]]. Waterbodied are backed by the strength of the oceans.* Waterbodied gain have a 60' Swim Speed and breathe both water and air. They also gain a * +2 bonus on [[SRD:Escape Artist|Escape Artist ]] checks. ====Psuedoelementals====Elemental-bodied can also take the [[Psuedoelemental Being (3.5e Feat)|Psuedoelemental Being]] feat, which replaces the traits of one of the main elements with a rarer element.</onlyinclude>
==Vital Statistics==
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