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User:IGTN/Elemental-Bodied (3.5e Race)

56 bytes added, 14:27, 14 October 2010
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* +4 to [[SRD:Saving Throw|saving throws]] against [[SRD:Poison|Poison]], [[SRD:Disease|Disease]], and [[SRD:Paralysis|Paralysis]]. Elemental-Bodied have an unusual physiology that is not subject to the same constraints as mortals.
* Light Fortification (25% chance to negate any critical hit or sneak attack that would not affect an elemental).
* Favored Class: [[{{Property Link|Favored Class|Elemental Brute (3.5e Class)|Elemental Brute]] }} and [[{{Property Link|Favored Class|Elemental Weird (3.5e Class)|Elemental Weird]]}}
* Automatic Languages: Appropriate elemental language
* Bonus Languages: Abyssal, Aquan, Auran, Celestial, Common, Draconic, Formian, Ignan, Infernal, Slaad, Terran, Umbral.

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