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This page provides a simple browsing interface for finding entities described by a property and a named value. Other available search interfaces include the page property search, and the ask query builder.

Search by property

A list of all pages that have property "Summary" with value "There are worse things out tonight than Vampires.". Since there have been only a few results, also nearby values are displayed.

Showing below up to 26 results starting with #1.

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List of results

  • Grey Dragon World (5e Campaign Setting)  + (The world was young, but it was weak, it w
    The world was young, but it was weak, it was sick. No magic could be found, anywhere! The most important gods came together and decided that one of their own would heal the sickness. The Grey One, yes, he is the healer! Learn the story and play your part in the future of a world that was never meant to be fantastic.
    orld that was never meant to be fantastic.)
  • Shadow Wound (3.5e Maneuver)  + (The wound isn't real, until it is.)
  • Hylozoth the Green Wrath (3.5e Elder Evil)  + (The wrath of a planet mistreated, awake, alive, and angry. The wrath of Hylozoth.)
  • Lesser Pseudodragon (3.5e Race)  + (The youths of pseudodragons (or simply those weaker than most), these pseudodragons sometimes forgo the steady employment of familiarhood and instead delve into the adventure directly themselves.)
  • SRD:Yuan-ti (Race)  + (The yuan-ti were cultists descended from h
    The yuan-ti were cultists descended from humans whose bloodlines have been mingled with those of serpents. The purebloods are the lowest of the yuan-ti caste system and often disguise themselves as humans and work among them as spies for their abomination masters.
    em as spies for their abomination masters.)
  • SRD:Yuan-Ti Pureblood (Race)  + (The yuan-ti were cultists descended from h
    The yuan-ti were cultists descended from humans whose bloodlines have been mingled with those of serpents. The purebloods are the lowest of the yuan-ti caste system and often disguise themselves as humans and work among them as spies for their abomination masters.
    em as spies for their abomination masters.)
  • SRD:Elves, Wood (Race)  + (Their hair color ranges from yellow to a coppery red, and they are more muscular than other elves.)
  • Longtooth (5e)  + (Their lycnathrope heritiage makes them strong and fierce)
  • Worldly Wanderer (3.5e Alternate Class Feature)  + (There a few Minstrel who instead of focusing on the Path of the Art instead prefer to learn from nature itself. They learn and draw their power from nature, gaining strange abilities, including the ability to shift into other forms.)
  • Quicken Maneuvers (3.5e Feat)  + (There are a lot of standard action strikes
    There are a lot of standard action strikes that lose most of their value once multiple attacks per full attack come online. This feat is a way to keep them useful.
    It's also a DM tool to further enhance monsters who have gained maneuvers through Martial Study and still have spare feats to spend. With this feat, standard action maneuvers become something to add to a monster turn 1x/encounter and still do the thing the monster would normally do at the same time.
    Move action maneuvers are covered to make this useable with the [ToB Rushes] by Garryl.
    p://] by Garryl.)
  • Drifting Justiciar (3.5e Alternate Class Feature)  + (There are few vagabond paladin who eschew the use of the heaviest armor and instead rely on their agility to fight. These paladins travel light by foot to dispense justice far and wide.)
  • Acrobatic Savant (4e Paragon Path)  + (There are many different acrobatic traditi
    There are many different acrobatic traditions all across the world. Some types of acrobats include gymnasts, circus performers, dancers, and martial artists. A potential acrobat needs to have good balance, agility, and motor coordination. As an acrobatic savant, you have these traits in abundance. You routinely perform feats of acrobatics that awe and amaze enemies and allies alike.
    at awe and amaze enemies and allies alike.)
  • Surger (3.5e Class)  + (There are many different breeds of adventu
    There are many different breeds of adventurer, those who are masters at martial combat, those who are masters of the arcane and the divine, and there are those more gifted. Surgers are a collective of people who use their innate abilities towards increasing their own physical abilities, and/or attaining new levels of arcane or divine power.
    ning new levels of arcane or divine power.)
  • Unworthy (3.5e Prestige Class)  + (There are many people in this world who fight for glory, or for power. Then there are those who fight for respect and honor, and who so fight with a fevor rarely ever matched by anything.)
  • Soulbinder Wizard (3.5e Alternate Class Feature)  + (There are many things which drive great me
    There are many things which drive great men and women to the path of wizardry. In this case, intense grief can lead an arcane caster in a foolish attempt to preserve someone they care about. This always goes wrong, causing the soul to become a shadow of its former self or be trapped inside an object. The soulbinder wizard has managed such a tragic feat, and the intense study of necromancy which allowed this deed to be achieved granted them great talents
    to be achieved granted them great talents)
  • Ascetic (3.5e Prestige Class)  + (There are people in this world who seek wisdom, and they are known as monks. Then there are people who actually have become wise, and they are known as wise men. But then there are Ascetics, and they are as to wise men as wise men are to monks.)
  • Mont Tage Training Grounds (3.5e Location)  + (There are places where one can train in an untrained task and learn its many secrets. It is only a use to those who go in with fresh and untrained minds.)
  • Impediment (3.5e Prestige Class)  + (There are those in this world who claim that they cannot be stopped by anything, then there are those who stop them.)
  • Creepy Kid (3.5e Feat)  + (There are those in this world who have been born with unnatural forces coursing through their veins. These individuals, from even an early age, affect the world around them in terrible ways.)
  • Mercurial Warrior (3.5e Prestige Class)  + (There are those in this world who have the ability to accelerate to virtually impossible speeds, and move with uncanny dexterity. These individuals are known as mercurial warriors, and are said to be able to outrun their own shadows from time to time.)
  • Thoughtless (3.5e Prestige Class)  + (There are those in this world who seem to
    There are those in this world who seem to have portions of their psyche erased from existance, and who can actually control portions of reality that should not even exist, and that are entirely unquantifiable. These entities are known as the thoughtless, and they are feared for their virtually uncontrollable mental ability.
    r virtually uncontrollable mental ability.)
  • Wise One (3.5e Feat)  + (There are those in this world with a natural connection with the magic forces that criss-cross underneath reality. These powerful individuals tend to be incrediblly calm, and incrediblly wise.)
  • Painter (3.5e Class)  + (There are those who make painting into more than a simple painting. Their paintings are not only lifelike, but alive. The Painter utilizes his ink and paintbrush to bring life to his art, and turning it into a deadly weapon.)
  • Sea Scholar (3.5e Prestige Class)  + (There are those who respect the sea, then there are those who become the sea.)
  • Schismsoul (3.5e Prestige Class)  + (There are voices in your head, driving you crazy. It's time to take control and bend them to a more useful purpose.)
  • Belarpithorpe's Self-Illusion (3.5e Spell)  + (There is a disappointing lack of illusions that affect the caster. This seeks to remedy that some.)
  • Highlander (3.5e Template)  + (There is a tale that there was a race of m
    There is a tale that there was a race of men blessed, or perhaps cursed, by strange eldritch forces beyond their ken to live forever unless a creature removes their head. Born all over the world, they were given a task to kill each other until there could be only one.
    each other until there could be only one.)
  • Johnnya4344/sandbox/Master of Unlife  + (There is an art to creating undead. Some do it the simple way, while you sacrifice all diversity in your undead armada to have crazy awesome zombies.)
  • Dread Knight (3.5e Class)  + (There is evil and then there is Evil, there are Paladins of Evil and then there are the Dread Knights.)
  • Quasinaught (3.5e Class)  + (There is no such thing as a quasinaught, y
    There is no such thing as a quasinaught, yet this does not stop them from affecting the world. This makes a quasinaught infinitely dangerous, something to be avoided at every expense, for fear of being touched by that which isn't real, for fear of being doused in unexistance.
    , for fear of being doused in unexistance.)
  • Nubian Fury (3.5e Feat)  + (There is nothing scarier than a naked barbarian leaping at you with a greataxe.)
  • Personal Anathema (3.5e Flaw)  + (There is one word that is more offensive than any other to you.)
  • Secrets of the Word (3.5e Feat)  + (There is power in words.)
  • Lethologica (3.5e Power)  + (There is something you're forgetting. It's right on the tip of your tongue...)
  • Murderborn (3.5e Equipment)  + (There once was a string of horrific murder
    There once was a string of horrific murders within the sleepy victorian town of York, a sadistic killer known as the Red Queen who would dismember her victims and steal body parts away. Witnesses, what few their were, claimed that she would use a signature oversized butcher knife for her crimes.
    re oversized butcher knife for her crimes.)
  • Phizbirro the Blasphemous (3.5e Vestige)  + (There once was an infamous case of a man possessed by demons. He sowed chaos and discord amongst his fellow man, and in the attempt to exorcise him, he and those nearby were thrown out from reality to an unknown fate.)
  • FATAL Grenade (3.5e Equipment)  + (There's a point where a bad joke goes too far; we clearly passed and weaponized it.)
  • Single Weapon Fellow (3.5e Feat)  + (There's only really one weapon type you like. You like it a lot.)
  • Alien Blood (3.5e Trait)  + (There's something off about you. You're not a natural part of this biosphere...)
  • Thermalsight (3.5e Creature Ability)  + (Thermalsight gives creatures the ability to sense heat sources visually.)
  • Clawfoot (5e)  + (Theropod used as a mount)
  • Theran Medusa (5e)  + (Theros medusas have serpent-like bodies from the waist down with humanoid-like torso, arms, and head.)
  • Gloves of Mediocre Dexterity (3.5e Equipment)  + (These "Gloves of Mediocre Dexterity" gives you the flexibility of the average man!)
  • Brown Scavver (5e)  + (These 10 ft. [[Scavver (5e)|Scavver]]s love to swallow their prey whole.)
  • Night Scavver (5e)  + (These 15 ft. [[Scavver (5e)|Scavver]]s often hunt the crew of [[Spelljamming ship (5e)|spelljamming ship]]s.)
  • Void Scavver (5e)  + (These 20 ft. [[Scavver (5e)|Scavver]]s can swallow their prey whole and instill fear in their prey.)
  • Gray Scavver (5e)  + (These 6 ft. [[Scavver (5e)|Scavver]]s hunt in packs.)
  • Omnigoggles (3.5e Equipment)  + (These Aperture Magic manufactured goggles are inlaid in a small, but complex magical device containing an array of lens fixtures and light filters, that is strapped in front of the face and translates optical input to a better suited form.)
  • Canin Bully Breed (3.5e Template)  + (These Canin suffer from a mutation that causes them to become "double muscled" making them bigger and stronger than the typical member of the breed)
  • User:Timplate/Elemental Avatar (3.5e Template)  + (These Creatures are the physical embodiment of the natural elements. Either by experimentation or being born this way, they are able to control and utilize an element of nature.)