Talk:Bleach D20 (3.5e Sourcebook)/Old Talk

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Yay 4/5 rating[edit]

Party at my house! Except for none of you are invited. Just me and my pet hedgehog.The Dire Reverend 06:59, 6 December 2010 (UTC)

Now get it to 5/5.  ;) --Havvy 08:43, 6 December 2010 (UTC)
That's the plan.The Dire Reverend 11:20, 6 December 2010 (UTC)
I just found out a few hours ago that this existed. I've skimmed through it and I've got to hand it to you, you've all done a fantastic job thus far. I WAS making a class based off of Shinigami before I found this. I've scrapped it, in favor of this source book. Hope you don't mind, but I'll be referencing your work, disclaimer included, in my Complete Vampire Overhaul. I altered the bloodline that focused on spiritual power to fit the shinigami classes. FiddleSticks96 19:21, 5 April 2011 (UTC)
Can you show me a link to your work?The Dire Reverend 20:04, 6 April 2011 (UTC)
User:FiddleSticks96/FS96_Sandbox:Vampire --Havvy 02:43, 7 April 2011 (UTC)

Really? 22:47, 9 December 2010 (UTC)[edit]

Um, I really don't think this is playable unless u have hollow abilities, etc. THough the hollow abilities really stand out, along with the lack of non-shinigami classes ( I mean, paragon hollow exists, but without hollow abilities, isn't playable). I just don't think it would be much fun to play a game where the only thing you could be & fight would be shinigami. So, i just don't think it is really 4/5 done.

If you were to completly read the first page, you would see that the the part that says that empty parts are found on a PDF. derp
Dire Reverend 1; Unregistered user 0 The Dire Reverend 07:55, 12 December 2010 (UTC)


Why don't you put in the Segunda Etapa for the capstone ability? If you don't know what it is then it is basically a second Resurrecion,--Stryker 05:42, 24 December 2010 (UTC)

Segunda Etapa is gained through Arch-Arrancar.The Dire Reverend 10:00, 30 December 2010 (UTC)

Why not add a feat that lets hallows gain 1 0r more additional hallow abillities

I can't see why not, I mentioned it to a AShadowofLife, and we agreed to have some sort of feat that did just that, but i just have not put it in the feats section yet.The Dire Reverend 10:00, 30 December 2010 (UTC)
for the espada, why not create options for the clasifide abilities, such as Nel's cero doble?
I was reading the PDf and noticed that arch arrancar did npt have abillities for levels two through four. I have some sugestions if you are willing to here them.Anonomass 5:26, 10 march 2011
Sure, if you're still reading this, just post it here. The Dire Reverend 07:37, 14 March 2011 (UTC)
Well, perhaps an extra advanced hollow abilitie wile in resurection or segunda etapa. Then maby granting a bankai abillity wile in resurection, to make it a more fitting parrelel to the vizard unleashed. Also, segunda entapa does not seam to do anything untill level five, are there any plans for that? I hope you find these sugestions helpful. ananomass 3:58 15 march 2011
Are you still there? ananomass 7:22 16 april 2011


When a paragon hallow becomes an arrancar, What is the damage for there zanpakuto?

Human Augmenter[edit]

First off, would It be better to call the class Augmenter instead of Spiritually Aware Human (Augment)? It's kind of a mouthful, and depending on the DM's campaign, they might not need to be humans.

also, the text does not match the table. The table shows that an Augmenter gains an enhansement bonus to it's augment at twice and at two different times. The text says that it gains a bonus to it's ac equal to it's enhansement bonus, but there is a different section in the text (and table) about bonuses to AC. From what I can tell, the text is outdated, and the enhansement to the AC is NOT equal to the bonus, but is instead is separate.


At the end of the bankai page, the is bold face type saying "bankai-shikai only abbillities". What does this mean?

zero enna[edit]

As a veteran player of revised 3rd edition rules, and more importantly a huge fan of Bleach and Tite Kubo's work, i would like to offer my assistance in the continued work on this project. I can be reached by email at if you have any questions. Thanks for your time. - zero_enna

Discussion about revisions, gramattical errors and other topics of that nature should go here.

I assume all the finished works is at yes? Havvy 05:24, July 28, 2010 (UTC)

Actually, I am working off of a PDF made from that thread. Here it is.The Dire Reverend 05:57, July 28, 2010 (UTC)

Hah me and a friend have been editing this for 3 months. --Stryker-Fyre 00:03, July 30, 2010 (UTC)
If you are willing to assist us, then feel free to tell me what you edited. I'll do the hassle of implementing it.The Dire Reverend 05:02, July 30, 2010 (UTC)
We changed around the classes and I personally edited the Quincy class and made Hollows more player-friendly by making it a class as well as changing some other stuff, if you give me an email address I can send you it. --Stryker-Fyre 06:55, July 30, 2010 (UTC)
No offence, but I don't want to put my email address up on this site.The Dire Reverend 07:04, July 30, 2010 (UTC)
fair enough.--Stryker-Fyre 12:02, August 2, 2010 (UTC)
I put my Email on your talk page.The Dire Reverend 19:22, August 2, 2010 (UTC)
I can't believe this thing yet draws breath. I also can't believe how much stuff I wrote for a niche fansplat I never actually played. Best of luck with it, you guys. Viatos 20:20, 26 October 2011 (UTC)
Thank you, Viatos. Dire Reverend has kept it breathing long enough for there to be a whole development team now, and we're working hard to make it work for everybody. Nerameshu 01:24, 3 November 2011 (UTC)


Add your suggestions here! The Dire Reverend 08:11, 8 September 2011 (UTC)

I have a question. If you are playing as a Paragon Hollow and you take the size increase hollow ability should it also change the damage of your natural attack? Say from 1d6 to 1d8 to reflect the change from medium to large? It doesn't specify either way as it is currently written.

No. The Paragon Hollow's damage increases due to level. However, all the other changes that would accompany the size change, such as ability scores and slam attack damage, do increase. (This is to keep the levels balanced. Also, if I happen to be wrong, some one will come by to correct this.)Nerameshu 01:12, 3 November 2011 (UTC)

in bleach there are only two people that use shunpo. both are powerful stealth squad members, so i suggest that it only be used in the 2nd squad operative prestige class.nevermind i just realized i got shunko and shunpo mixed up.


Are the classes taken only from the manga, or are there going to be things from the films, like the residents of hell, or anime filler, like the bount.- 6:50 26 july 2011

I want the current classes to be perfect before going onto other classes. The Dire Reverend 08:11, 8 September 2011 (UTC)
I was merely asking if there are any plans for them in the future.
Bount is currently up, but is still being worked on. In addition, there are prestige classes being worked on right now, including a few for the Bount. These will be released once they have been given a good look over, and the development team is satisfied with where they are heading.Nerameshu 01:24, 3 November 2011 (UTC)

Can I translate it in Italian?[edit]

I want to play this in italian. Can I translate it and share my italian translation? —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talkcontribs) at

I didn't write this sourcebook, but I can answer your question. As long as you attribute the original author, the licensing here totally allows translation. Really, it's an added bonus to us. I'm not quite sure how we should handle separate languages on this wiki yet, so for now, please create a user accuont and put your translation in a sandboxed area (see [[1]] for information about making a sandbox). I'll leave a message on your user page once we figure out what to do about hosting non-english pages. Thanks for your interest. --Aarnott 18:57, 24 August 2011 (UTC)
All content hosted here is licensed under the CC-BY-SA 3.0. Under the terms of the license you may translate or adapt the work as long as you credit the original in your work and also release your translated work under the CC-BY-SA 3.0 or substantially similar license. As long as that sounds fine to you, you are allowed to go ahead. Letting the author know and asking permission anyway is a nice thing to do though :-).
So more or less what Aarnott said, but you are welcome to host it wherever you like. If you'd like to host it here you are certainly welcome to do so. We don't mind figuring something out for it.- Tarkisflux Talk 20:38, 24 August 2011 (UTC)
Tarkis, just to explain why I'm not sure what to do about non-english content: it will appear in search results. Perhaps a new namespace might be the correct solution, but that may be limiting in the long run. --Aarnott 20:57, 24 August 2011 (UTC)
I'm aware of the weirdness of doing it as it's own page, but we probably don't need a new namespace. I don't even want a new namespace unless we start hosting a substantially greater number of translations. In this case it could be a direct subpage of this work with a note and link on the main project page and it wouldn't show in search results or be too weird. - Tarkisflux Talk 00:02, 25 August 2011 (UTC)
Mojang does {{PAGENAME}}/{{LANGUAGE CODE}}. So a translation for this page would be under "Bleach D20 (3.5e Sourcebook)/it", but I'm not sure how that would mess up our templates. --Havvy 08:51, 25 August 2011 (UTC)
I created this account. I start my translation, but it will be slow. I work every day from 8 am to 7 pm. I will work to this in the evening, one or two hours per day. Can I share my translation on a blog, linking the translation to this site and naming the authors? - Shin Talk
If you feel like publishing your translation on a blog, just make sure to make a note of the authors and to publish it under CC-BY-SA 3.0 (you can just say "This content is published under CC-BY-SA 3.0" at the bottom of your blog post). A link would be nice, but isn't actually required. If you mean to only link to something here on your blog rather than publish elsewhere, you don't have to make any special attributions :-). --Aarnott 18:36, 25 August 2011 (UTC)
And also, when crediting the author, make sure to also credit the co author, AShadowofLife. She did not get credited in another work based off this, and it upset her. The Dire Reverend 19:57, 25 August 2011 (UTC)


I'm relatively new to creating content for any d20 system, but if you would like some help, I would be more than willing to do whatever is needed. If you would like, we could talk about it through email exchange. Nerameshu 01:55, 1 September 2011 (UTC)Nerameshu

Adding the stuff I did not do yet would be beautiful. Instead of posting your name on every page you worked on, I can add you as a contributor under the author section. The Dire Reverend 23:41, 6 September 2011 (UTC)
Awesome, thank you. Since it had been a while since I last saw you change the page, I thought you may have dropped the project. Also, some friends and I will playtest the final material at some point. Nerameshu 00:47, 7 September 2011 (UTC)
I removed the note from the first page, but added you as a contributor. Once The Mage King adds his stuff, I will add him to Contributors as well. Also please update the todo list/changelog, and sign changes. For example:

13/42/2022 by Chuck Norris, Man of Steel.

Added the Roundhouse Kick Zanpakuto type.
Removed everything else, because the project is now called Chuck Norris D20.
Added Quincy class, updated the changelog. Would you like my Skype account or email account for communication purposes? —Preceding unsigned comment added by Nerameshu (talkcontribs) at
Skype, please. Glados.42 is mine. The Dire Reverend 04:56, 7 September 2011 (UTC)
Added you last night. My Skype name is Nerameshu, just like on this wiki. Also, would you be terribly upset if I made the abbreviation 'del' in 'Joyas de el Diablo'? 'del' is just a Spanish contraction of 'de el', which still means 'of the'.
Also, do we need the section on Hollows? I don't mean the Hollow abilities, but on Hollow Qualities. Nerameshu 23:28, 7 September 2011 (UTC)
From what I understand, the Hollow qualities are for mundane hollow. We should mention that somewhere. The Dire Reverend 03:22, 26 September 2011 (UTC)

PDF editing[edit]

Right. So, I'm starting to work on revamping the pdf. I think we need a place to discuss the changes that'll be made to rebalance the material, and to keep the flavor. The-Mage-King 00:22, 7 September 2011 (UTC)

What kind of changes are you making? Do you have a list handy? Nerameshu 00:49, 7 September 2011 (UTC)
I will offer hosting for the PDF on my website, as long as the PDF does not contain hardcore pornography. Also, I was thinking of making a post on Giant in the Playground for Bleach D20. The Dire Reverend 03:33, 7 September 2011 (UTC)
Spelling checks, grammar checks, and removing extra stuff. I'm probably going to just go through the wiki articles and the pdf, find what needs to be changed (for instance, in the Barrier part of Shikai, there's one that grants +2 to AC, a save, or DR 2/-, and there's three that each grant one of those. Either set will need to go), and change it, then send it to Dire. As for content, don't worry, it'll be the same basic pdf that is was, only... Well, so that "Warrior Shinigami" doesn't take up four pages with it's table and so on. And I'll use spellcheck, too. The-Mage-King 04:51, 7 September 2011 (UTC)
I've also seperated [Quincy] feats to their own type, to make it easier to find the feats you need. Just need to figure out the markup code, and I can upload the fixed feats... The-Mage-King 05:02, 7 September 2011 (UTC)
That was awesome. Thank you. Also, I know some feats are missing from the PDF on the wiki. Could you help me find things that are not yet on the Wiki? The Dire Reverend 06:31, 7 September 2011 (UTC)
Well, I've added a few of those- most of the Quincy feats weren't there, as well as the "Expanded Bankai" and "Expanded Shikai" feats, and a couple of others. I've added a clause allowing Quincy and Arrancar to take Shunpo feats, using their equivilants to it to qualify. If you want, though, I'll remove it, though I think it won't come into play much.
I'm also about to start looking at Shikai abilities, to try and trim the total number down by a bit. Several stick out to me, though a thread would be very nice to work on these on- we can get feedback on specific issues quickly that way. The-Mage-King 01:32, 8 September 2011 (UTC)
I take it you mean you're trimming the abilities that are copies of others in the section? Also, what do you guys think about the Arch-Arrancar class? Just seems bare to me, but I also keep forgetting that the PrCs also gain the base classes' progression. Nerameshu 02:01, 8 September 2011 (UTC)
Yep. Removing the excess abilities will do us some good. Also, Nera, do you have a giantitp account? If not, you should probably get one, so that when Dire starts the thread *meaningful glare* you'll be able to post in it and start discussing the mess that this system is at the moment. The-Mage-King 02:26, 8 September 2011 (UTC)
Starting one now. Same name as on this wiki. Nerameshu 04:00, 8 September 2011 (UTC)
THE THREAD The Dire Reverend 19:45, 8 September 2011 (UTC)

RE: Feats[edit]

Right. What's the action taken for A) Super-Charged Shunpo, and 2)Enduring Spirit? That needs to be defined, because someone will argue it works as a free action. Do we really want people to spam uberfast Shunpo or heal to full in a free action? Also, we should alphabatize all the feats by name. The-Mage-King 05:04, 8 September 2011 (UTC)

The Shunpo action should be either a move action or a swift action, whichever the player wishes, just like regular Shunpo. And I aggre about the alphabetizing. the PDF seemed to lack any sort of orginization in that aspect, and I fixed that, but afterwards feats were just added to the bottom of the feat list. and I am not sure what Enduring Spirit should be. How about a swift action? The Dire Reverend 19:29, 8 September 2011 (UTC)
The Shunpo, I think, should be a move action primarily, but only a swift action if, say, you succeed a Ref save, to get away from the source of danger. And swift action for Enduring Spirit sounds good, on the grounds that there is a limit. I mean, I'd love to to be able to heal myself to full every time I get hurt, but for an opponent? That just sounds terrible. (Hint: I don't really think players should have that ability either.) Nerameshu 02:40, 11 September 2011 (UTC)
Feats have been updated. I added a Special to to the Shunpo feat, allowing you to triple the cost for a swift action use. The-Mage-King 17:19, 12 September 2011 (UTC)

No Fair[edit]

I wanted a tan.--Stryker 12:19, 1 October 2011 (UTC)

The Vampiric Zanpakuto Type has a very small demographic (pretty much just myself) and does not belong in the Bleach D20 sourcebook. But anyways, what is your opinion on those two abilities? The Dire Reverend 12:15, 2 October 2011 (UTC)
Just checked it out. Not bad. Planning on putting them somewhere? Nerameshu 01:26, 3 November 2011 (UTC)

SEP System[edit]

I've been trying to figure out the SEP System for awhile now; not how to use it, since it's the same as using power points, but how it scales. I don't see any discernible pattern or formula on how SEP increases are determined based on level and type of SEP (average, medium, high, etc...). Do you guys have a formula in stash for this that I could have or was it made up as you went?

FiddleSticks96 23:19, 9 October 2011 (UTC)

BTW, just noticed that in the Earth-Type Shikai abilities, under Perfect Terra Driver it says "This requires Greater Terra Diver." when it should say This requires Superior Terra Diver.". IDK if I'm allowed to change it or not. Just throwing that out there.

If the change has not been made already, I will be doing that now. As for the SEP progression, that is AShadowofLife's demon, as much as I like it. She'll have to tell you that herself. Nerameshu 01:27, 3 November 2011 (UTC)

Extra Modifications.[edit]

Do you think an Extra Modifications feat could be made? To go along with Quincy's Distinctive Bow and Shinigami's Expanded Shikai/Bankai?

If this has not been made already, it will be shortly. Also, if you have any more suggestions or ideas, feel free to bring them to us at the development forums: Nerameshu 04:27, 4 December 2011 (UTC)

I would like to contribute.[edit]

Hello, my name's Roy. I love the Bleach D20 that you're working on and my friends and I have been playing it for a while now(I'm the DM). I would like to help contribute anything you would be fine with me helping with because I really enjoy working with D20s. I have already created a Dragonball D20(not on the internet anywhere, only used by me and my friends) and I modified the 3.5 Pokemon D20 that is on dnd-wiki to fit a more classic Pokemon setting(rather than the original which assumes you are using Pokemon rules with DnD creatures). Just give me a heads up if you'll want me to join in.

If you would like to contribute, head on over to our forums, located at We would be happy to have you! Nerameshu 00:42, 13 December 2011 (UTC)