Talk:Ghost Neck (3.5e Equipment)

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RatedFavor.png Leziad favors this article and rated it 4 of 4!
Hugh, a cheap graft that grant immunity to a whole slew of things including a +5 enhancement, a unique fun power and hairbinder's chocking grasp. And that only what is coming to mind just now.

Oh it grant an absolutely minor penalty, which may or may not be alleviated.

I don't like immunities right off the bat and this is ridiculous. At least do like the Armored Collar did and do a 50% chance of ignoring it.\

Ohhh now that pretty interesting, definitely worth a favor now. I have a pretty funny image of someone using it to escape handing as the rope simply go through his neck.

Rating Response![edit]

Hmm. I don't remember what I was thinking with this one, but your objections are pretty valid. It's a niche defense for niche attacks, I dunno. I'm changing the item substantially, so tell me what you think. - Spanambula (talk) 23:26, 5 February 2017 (MST)