Talk:Swift Spell (3.5e Feat)

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RatedLike.png Locke likes this article and rated it 3 of 4.
After some discussion and edits by you, the feat is looking pretty good! I will probably take this next time I play a caster, even. I think it's fairly balanced now that it is +0 adjustment.
RatedLike.png Leziad likes this article and rated it 3 of 4.
An interesting feat in that it not a simple power boost. Reducing the duration of a spell to 1 round and making it a swift action to cast is a tradeoff I would often be willing to make. But not all the time.

I will playtest this and see if my rating improve even further.

What are the consequences of allowing this feat? I don't know! --Ghostwheel (talk) 12:59, 20 February 2020 (UTC)

Reposting a summary of what I said in chat for the sake of others. Negative adjustment is generally a bad idea. I have seen it, rarely, but as a rule its probably a thing to avoid.
As for the effect itself (if you put it at an adjustment of +0), there is precedence for this buuuut it makes me wary. For example: Expeditious Retreat (minutes) and Swift Expeditious Retreat (swift, 1 round). That's fine. I am certain there is something there is something that breaks allowing it on just any spell, but off hand admittedly I can't think of it, so it might work. As someone brought up: Swift Dominate Person may be a game changer for hitting to do just the wrong thing at the right time, but again this does actually seem to be something you'd be doing at this level.
My recommendation: Make it +0. That solves the more troubling part. Keep it unquant. -- 13:54, 20 February 2020 (UTC)
LikedLeziad + and Locke +