The Caretaker (3.5e Deity)

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Author: Wildmage (talk)
Date Created: 03-04-2017
Status: Done
Editing: Clarity edits only please
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The Caretaker.png
Intermediate Deity
Symbol: A sickle in a pyramide
Home Plane: Concordant Domain of the Outlands (The Ever Garden)
Alignment: True Neutral
Portfolio: Crops, Harvest, Livingstock, Woodland and Peasants
Clergy Alignments: All
Domains: Animal Domain, Healing Domain, Plant Domain Any Alignment Domain that the worshipper have!
Favored Weapon: Sickle

The Caretaker serves the Creator by blessing the land and watching over the livestock.


As long as mortals have plantet crops and held livingstock the Caretaker have helping.


A elderly man or women always on the outskirt of civilation leaning heavy on a staff


When people work, help them.

When people don't work, work and show them the way.

When the harvest is done, save it because no one knows what next year brings.

Clergy and Temples[edit]

All the Clergy wears green colored simple robes. It is not one of the richest temples but it is the one most people pray to!


The Caretaker is part of the Creator's pantheon a group of 5 mortal who gained ascention to guide mortals and civilation, the Creator's pantheon is often worshipped alongside the Mother and her aspects!

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AlignmentTrue Neutral +
Allowed AlignmentsAll +
AuthorWildmage +
DomainAnimal Domain +, Healing Domain + and Plant Domain Any Alignment Domain that the worshipper have! +
Favored WeaponSickle +
Home PlaneConcordant Domain of the Outlands (The Ever Garden) +
Identifier3.5e Deity +
PantheonThe Creator +
PortfolioCrops, Harvest, Livingstock, Woodland and Peasants +
RatingUndiscussed +
SummaryThe Caretaker serves the Creator by blessing the land and watching over the livestock. +
SymbolA sickle in a pyramide +
TitleThe Caretaker +
TypeIntermediate +