Undead Fellow (3.5e Feat)

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Author: Leziad (talk)
Date Created: 23rd April 2018
Status: Almost Finished
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Undead Fellow [Subsidy, Undead] Benefit: Subsidy Feat Bonuses are based on what other feats you possess.

  • Cadaver Transformation: You can assume a monstrous undead form as a move action, this grant you a +4 bonus on Intimidate but a -8 penalty on all other Charisma-based skill and creatures of the Animal Type are At Bay from you. You may resume to your previous form with a move action.
  • Corpse Strength: You gain a +2 Inherent Bonus to Strength.
  • Corpse Toughness: You gain a number of additional hit point equal to your hit dice.
  • Dark Soul: Your corpse automatically radiate a permanent desecrate effect after you are slain. The effect is only dispelled if the corpse of completely destroyed. However it is suppressed by consecrate as normal.
  • Daywalker: You gain Resistance 5 to [Light] damage.
  • Fall to Pieces: Once per day when you would be destroyed by damage, you may use the Fall to Pieces to compleetly negate the damage.
  • Ghastly Hide: UNKNOWN YET
  • Incognito Undead: You may use your Alternate Form as a move action instead of a full-round action.
  • Lich Toughness: Your DR is now DR/ X and Good instead of DR/X and Magic.
  • Persistence of Undeath: You may delay your standard for up to 3 rounds after your destruction, for this action you may get up from prone as a free action. You may not use this ability if your body is utterly destroye
  • Sensitive Corpse:
  • Tomb Tainted SoulLbM: You gain Fast Healing 1 when in a tomb or graveyard, this stack with other sources of fast healing you possess.
  • Unliving Hide: UNKNOWN YET
  • Unliving Heart: You gain temporary hit points equal to your Charisma modifier. It refreshes after 3 rounds you last took damage.

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Leziad's Homebrew (4445 Articles)
Article BalanceHigh +
AuthorLeziad +
Identifier3.5e Feat +
PrerequisiteNone +
RatingUnrated +
SummaryYou gain benefits from having undead and undead related feats. +
TitleUndead Fellow +
TypeSubsidy + and Undead +