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Ah, finally, a page where I can screw up and not feel like a complete jerkass. Going to be making a rough equivalent to True Fiend/Geinie/True Dragon for Xenotheric characters. Or at least a caster/fighter hybrid. Well, sort of a mix of light sphere(or something vaguely magical, even gadgeteering) and feats, maybe some DR if need be to boost the power level. Still rather just a theory, but I have a few versions of it in my head.

Full BaB, two spheres every two levels, but can not upgrade them at all until level 5 to get above basic, and 15 to get the highest level of mastery. But, instead of being limited to normal 1/3/at will, you instead get a effective at will at all levels, but costs 5-1(mastery rank) bio-energy per use. A small pool of Xenotheric feats which they can retrain once in a while(at a cost).

Going to think over it for a while. Maybe less spheres, or something other then spheres(Xeno-Alchemy, perhaps?).

Upon reviewing both the Teknolojia and State Alchemist, I think just making a Xenotheric version of State Alchemst would be what I'm looking for. Or, maybe even FoxWarrior's variant of the alchemist, which is something I have to admit he's thought out well enough. In either case, I'll have to tie in the feats. Less then a fighter with the normal fighter gets in bonuses, but they can switch them once per day(or more then once a day at a cost of 1 Bio-Energy Drain per switch).

Still, I want to make more Xenotech. For such a awesome project, they have zero armor. And while some of the big guys have made equipment, the amount is still small. For such a huge universe, you'd think someone would have made energy weapons, or maybe even some sort of tech beyond our scientific understanding... Well, more then just Eiji. Gonna have to make a some more chems for them. Names are always hard for me, but they'll come in time. Likely at 3 in the morning.

Energy Savant [General] Benefit: You may chose the following energy types when you manifest a power with the word Energy in the name, assuming it allows for you to pick the energy type, and deals damage: Augment:

  • Acid: +2 PP, causes same damage again next round if target fails a Fort save(DC is normal power DC, or the DC of the power minus one, if higher)
  • Vile: +3 PP, damage from the power is treated as Vile damage, and resists healing per normal Vile damage. Must chose a second energy type, either one of the normal ones at no extra cost, or any energy type listed here except for Aligned. Vile is valid, and if selected, the power is untyped Vile damage
  • Force: +2 PP, target is bull rushed, STR of bull rush is equal to damage dealt, or 15, if better. Those who fail to resist the bull rush must make a Reflex save(same DC as power) or be knocked prone
  • Hellfire: +4/+3, fire damage is Hellfire, ignores resistance to fire, immunity counts as if foe had Improved Evasion against this damage. Foes who are hit must make a second Reflex save or catch on fire, taking 1d6 damage for 1d6 rounds(can be smothered as normal). Foes killed by this power are reduced to ash(no save). The PP cost is reduced to +3 if you take 2 con damage while manifesting
  • Hellfrost: +4/+3, cold damage is Hellfrost, ignore resistance to cold, immunity counts as if foe had Improved Evasion against this damage(even though it's a Fort save). Foes who take damage also are slowed for 1d6 rounds(no save). Foes killed by this power are turned to magical ice, and can be destroyed with but a strong kick(no save)
  • Plasma: +4, foes without Power Resistance are stunned from power for one round(Fort Negates), foes with Power Resistance have their PR negated for 1d6 rounds. Damage ignores Resistance/Immunity
  • Raw Energy: +3, half damage is raw energy, and is not subject to resistance or immunity to the powers normal energy type(must select a energy type from the normal choices)
  • Physical: +1, damage is normal weapon damage(pick type), and thus ignores PR, but instead faces DR, and counts as a magical weapon against DR, and epic if the user has at least 21 Manifester levels
  • Material(requires Physical): +2, counts as one material against DR, selected upon manifesting. Does not have materials other effects