User talk:Qwertyu63/God-touched (3.5e Template)

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RatedOppose.png Ganteka Future opposes this article and rated it 0 of 4.
"This template grants scaling benefits based on your total hit dice."... except that it only grants one thing which isn't worth losing a level over, except maybe that 25% DBP if it made sense but don't bother because what this is saddled to is unfortunately not particularly usable either. If you want your character to be "more awesome" and not the weirdly gross sounding "god-touched", look elsewhere for things that will actually benefit your character, like leveling up in a class that gives you fun stuff.
RatedDislike.png Eiji-kun dislikes this article and rated it 1 of 4.
What is going on with the formatting of this template?


DBP percentages. That explains it, it's nonsense. Ick.