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Idylean Young God are not without their share of weaknesses, the being born on Idylis are all very very vulnerable to a substance known as [[Nitrion (3.5e Equipment)|nitrion]]. A semi gaseous blue substance with a strange ethereal hue, it origin is unknown and any attempts to recreate it with magic failed. The substance is highly toxic to all life (each pound count as one [[Refined Darklight Rod (3.5e Equipment)|refined darklight rod]] that ignore immunities) but it is much much more devastating against the young deities.  
Idylean Young God are not without their share of weaknesses, the being born on Idylis are all very very vulnerable to a substance known as [[Nitrion (3.5e Equipment)|nitrion]]. A semi gaseous blue substance with a strange ethereal hue, it origin is unknown and any attempts to recreate it with magic failed. The substance is highly toxic to all life (each pound count as one [[Refined Darklight Rod (3.5e Equipment)|refined darklight rod]] that ignore immunities) but it is much much more devastating against the young deities.  
If a Idylean Young God come in contact with sufficient amount of nitrion (at least one pound) it begin suffering nitrion sickness, at which point it start [[Burning (3.5e Condition)|burning]] permanently, however unlike normal [[Burning (3.5e Condition)|burning]] it burn away max hit points instead of normal hit points. The Idylean Young God become [[SRD:Nauseated|nauseated]] for as long as she suffer from the sickness, making her unable to help herself. A DC 40 [[SRD:Heal Check|heal]] check on Idylis or the application of a [[SRD:Miracle|miracle]]/[[SRD:Wish|wish]] spell can stop the sickness but nothing else.
If a Idylean Young God come in contact with sufficient amount of nitrion (at least one pound) it begin suffering nitrion sickness, at which point it start [[Burning (3.5e Condition)|burning]] permanently, however unlike normal [[Burning (3.5e Condition)|burning]] it burn away max hit points instead of normal hit points. Secondly she take  1 points of [[SRD:Ability Burn|ability burn]] to all her ability scores at the beginning of each round, this ability burn is extremely slow healing (see below). The Idylean Young God become [[SRD:Nauseated|nauseated]] (bypassing immunity to nausea) for as long as she suffer from the sickness and for the entire recovery time, making her often unable to help herself. A DC 40 [[SRD:Heal Skill|heal]] check on Idylis or the application of a [[SRD:Miracle|miracle]]/[[SRD:Wish|wish]] spell can stop the sickness but nothing else.
A less lethal weakness is their inability to use any supernatural and spell-liek ability garnted by this template while 'under the gaze of the old gods'. They may not use any supernatural or spell-like ability granted by this template while inside temples dedicated to traditional gods and similar places. If they attempt to do so they take 1 nonlethal damage per hit dice and the ability fail.
After the nitrion sickness is dealt with the young god will stop [[Burning (3.5e Condition)|burning]] but still need to recover. She recover one point of [[SRD:Ability Burn|ability burn]] per day of extended rest. The young god will stay [[SRD:Nauseated|nauseated]] until all her ability scores have recovered, forcing New Gods who suffered from nitrion poisoning to a long bedridden recovery period.
A less lethal weakness is their inability to use any supernatural and spell-like ability granted by this template while 'under the gaze of the old gods'. They may not use any supernatural or spell-like ability granted by this template while inside temples dedicated to traditional gods and similar places. If they attempt to do so they take 1 nonlethal damage per hit dice and the ability fail.
=== Welcome to Idylis ===
=== Welcome to Idylis ===

Revision as of 18:25, 17 February 2014

This template is made to work with the level adjustment dice variant rule.

Author: Leziad (talk)
Date Created: 16th Febuary
Status: Playable, not quite done.
Editing: Clarity edits only please
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Idylean Young God

Outside the Great Wheel the peaceful world of Idylis exist, it denizen are young gods ready to rise to glory and take their place. The young gods of Idylis are being of great power, born from the essence of dead primordial deities and the wishes and desires of the mortal masses. Those young gods do not need the worship of mortals, although created indirectly from mortals, most prefer to stay on Ydilis and live a peaceful eternal life but quite few adventure out of their peaceful home for many different reason.

The Young Gods are majorly good aligned, with some being neutral and a very few being evil. Those that leave Idylis are typically chaotic aligned, searching for adventure or perhaps in a quest to aid mortals. A few venture out to recover stolen technology or avenge some mortal acts but that happen very rarely. Evil young gods are typically forced to stay on Idylis, stuck in a gilded cage of somekind, allowed to live a peaceful and comfortable existence but restrained there until they change their ways.

Despite being called young gods some of them are extremely old, however none of them were present for the creation of the multiverse and are thus cosmologically young. Young Gods have a society of their own, while peaceful and utopian-esque is not perfect, some seek to escape what they see as a restricting life to take their chance within the great wheel.

It said the denizen of Iylis are fighting a secret war against a powerful and alien enemy, but only the highest ranked Idylean god would know for sure.

Creating a Idylean Young God

Idylean Young God is inherited template that can be applies to any humanoid or outsider (native).

Ability Scores: An Idylean Young God receive a +6 bonus on all ability scores.

Size and Type: An Idylean Young God's type change to outsider (augmented humanoid). Do not recalculate base attack bonus, saves, hit points or skill points. Size is unchanged. Unlike normal outsiders Idylean Young God need to breath, drink, eat and sleep.

Feat: An Idylean Young God receive one additional feat at 1st level, it must meet the prerequisites for the feats. They also receive the True Immunity (disease) and grimoire endurance feat as bonus feats.

Skills: A Idylean Young God receive 8 extra skill points at 1st level and 2 extra skill point at each additional level. All skills are considered class skill for any class taken by a Idylean Young God.

Saving Throw: A Idylean Young God add it highest mental ability score to all it saving throws, this ability do not stack with similar ability such as a paladin's divine grace.

Immunities and Resistance A Idylean Young God are immune to disease, poison, death-effect, polymorphing, petrification, possession-effect (such as magic jar) and form-altering effects. Their powerful mental resistance grant them a +4 bonus against mind-affecting effects.

Regeneration: Idylean Young God are nearly impervious to nonmagical harm, they have regeneration infinity bypassed by magic. Effectively healing up nonlethal completely every round, but not healing any wounds inflicted by a magical weapon, spell, power or supernatural effects. Creatures with a CR higher than the Idylean Young God's ECL automatically bypass it regeneration even with nonmagical weapons.

Denizen of Idylean:The young deities hail from Idylis, a demiplane said to be outside the great wheel. Idylean Young Gods are capable of using Idylean technology instinctively. All yound god in good standing are welcomed in Idylis (see below) and possess a Idylean Smart Cube.

Immortality: All Idylean Young God are immortal, they do not age and do not accrue bonuses or penalties from aging. If they are slain in combat or due to another disaster their essence scatter and they are reborn within 1d4 years on Idylis at the Tree of Rebirth, and mature to adulthood within 1 month. Upon death their form scatter into energy, leaving any carried and worn item behind.

However if they are killed while under the effect of Nitrion poisoning (see weaknesses) they truly die, their essence destroyed (and cannot be raised or resurrected in any ways) and explode in a furious explosion as their part of the godforce leave their body, the radius and effect of the explosion depend on their ECL.

Table: Young God's 'Death Scream'
ECL Effect
5-8 Widened Fireball (all damage purely magical)
9-12 Superexplosion (all damage purely magical)
13-16 Nine Acre Fire (all damage purely magical)
17-20 Megaton (all damage purely magical)
21+ Widened Widened Widened Megaton (all damage purely magical)

New God Spark: Idylean Young Gods count as deities for interacting with items and effect when beneficial. Young Gods have powerful magical abilities over a single domain, at character creation it choose one domain and gain it granted power as if it was a cleric of it ECL. Additionally it may use the spell granted by the domain as as spell-like abilities as long as their ECL would allow them to cast (so an ECL 7 young deity could use the spell granted at 4th level as a spell-like ability but no higher). The highest spell-like ability granted by the domain is usable once per day, the second highest is usable twice per day, the third highest is usable three time a day and all other are usable at will.

When the young god take level in god it receive the chosen domain as a bonus domain.

Young God's Power: Idylean Young Gods possess incredible latent powers, however much of it is hidden within each individual young deity. A Idylean Young God receive scaling abilities based on it ECL or CR, whichever is appropriated for your game.

Table: Young God's Power
ECL Ability
6 The Becoming
8 Command Mortal (Command)
9 Bonus Feat
11 Bend Reality 1/day
13 Command Mortal (Gea/Quest)
14 Bend Reality 2/day
17 Bend Reality 3/day
18 Bonus Feat
19 Reject 1/day
20 Bend Reality at Will, Godspark

The Becoming: Upon attaining ECL 6, an Idylean Young God is called for the Becoming, a purely mental and spiritual trial.While the trail take several day in the spiritual realm it take a few seconds in the material world. The trials are difficult and harrowing but essentially impossible to fail, and upon completing them the young deity is granted access to much of it latent potential. The Idylean Young God must choose one of the following bonus:

  • Complete Warrior: The Idylean Young God receive profiency with all weapons, armors and shields, this include exotic weapon and armor. Additionally she gain weapon focus as a bonus feat.
  • Questing Scholar: The Idylean Young God receive bardic knowledge, using their ECL instead of their character level. If she already possess bardic knowledge or a similar ability she gain a +4 bonus on the check.
  • Mystic: The Idylean Young God receive a +1 bonus on the casting level, manifesting level and initiator level or every class she possess.
  • Unfettered: The Idylean Young God receive a bonus feat she meet the prerequisite of.

Command Mortal (Su): Idylean Young God of 8th level or higher are able to command mortals with ease. As a free action each 1d4 round they may use command as a supernatural ability. Unlike the spell it does not have the [mind-affecting] tag nor the (compulsion) subschool but it may only affect mortals, creature of the humanoid, monstrous humanoid, animal, magical beats and giant type. If a mortal save against this ability it become immune for 24 hours and gain a permanent +4 bonus against any future attempts.

At 13th level she may use gea as supernatural ability with the same specification (lack of tag and subschool) and type restrictions as above. The casting time is the same as the spell.

Bonus Feat: At 9th and 18th a Idylean Young God receive a bonus feat she meet the prerequisite of.

Bend Reality (Sp): Idylean Young God of 11th level or higher are capable of bending reality to their will, replicating the effects of limited wish. They start with a single use per day at 11th but gain an additional use at 14th and 17th before being able to use it at will at 20th. Reality only accept being altered so much, after using this ability they cannot do so for 1 hour. The DC is based on the Idylean Young God's highest ability score.

Reject (Sp): A 19th level Idylean Young God can cast reject as a spell-like ability once per day.

Godspark: At ECL 20 young deity is rrefered as an Idylean God, she gain the godpsark template without undergoing the task of ascension. Since they are natural deities, Idylean Gods do not need to undertake any particular task when gaining divine ranks (see God).

Level Adjustment: +5


Idylean Young God are not without their share of weaknesses, the being born on Idylis are all very very vulnerable to a substance known as nitrion. A semi gaseous blue substance with a strange ethereal hue, it origin is unknown and any attempts to recreate it with magic failed. The substance is highly toxic to all life (each pound count as one refined darklight rod that ignore immunities) but it is much much more devastating against the young deities.

If a Idylean Young God come in contact with sufficient amount of nitrion (at least one pound) it begin suffering nitrion sickness, at which point it start burning permanently, however unlike normal burning it burn away max hit points instead of normal hit points. Secondly she take 1 points of ability burn to all her ability scores at the beginning of each round, this ability burn is extremely slow healing (see below). The Idylean Young God become nauseated (bypassing immunity to nausea) for as long as she suffer from the sickness and for the entire recovery time, making her often unable to help herself. A DC 40 heal check on Idylis or the application of a miracle/wish spell can stop the sickness but nothing else.

After the nitrion sickness is dealt with the young god will stop burning but still need to recover. She recover one point of ability burn per day of extended rest. The young god will stay nauseated until all her ability scores have recovered, forcing New Gods who suffered from nitrion poisoning to a long bedridden recovery period.

A less lethal weakness is their inability to use any supernatural and spell-like ability granted by this template while 'under the gaze of the old gods'. They may not use any supernatural or spell-like ability granted by this template while inside temples dedicated to traditional gods and similar places. If they attempt to do so they take 1 nonlethal damage per hit dice and the ability fail.

Welcome to Idylis

Idylis is the home of the young deities, and thus unless it behaved extremely poorly every Idylean young god are welcomed there, it and any of it allies are granted lodging, food and other accommodations for free. The only way to travel to Idylis is through the gate spell (typically through a smart cube) and transportation to pretty much anywhere within the multiverse is available in Idylis.

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Leziad's Homebrew (4499 Articles)
AuthorLeziad +
Identifier3.5e Template +
Level Adjustment5 +
Rated BySpanambula + and Planterobloon +
RatingRating Pending +
SummaryOutside the Great Wheel the peaceful world of Idylis exist, it denizen are young gods ready to rise to glory and take their place. +
TitleIdylean Young God +