Talk:Marksman (3.5e Feat)

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RatedFavor.png MadmanFromSpace favors this article and rated it 4 of 4!
Perfect replacement for Point Blank Shot and Far Shot.

Makes the feat tax not as feelsbadman, makes the player think about how they wanna be doing ranged shenanigans, and gives a meaningful bonus to damage rolls on ranged weapons. Will definitely be adding this as an option on my stunt fighter class, as well as adding this to my list of approved homebrew feats.

RatedLike.png Ghostwheel likes this article and rated it 3 of 4.
I really like this feat in that it gives ranged characters something that they should get at the start as far as I'm concerned--Dexterity to damage. A suggestion might be the addition of ignoring Soft Cover (such a stupid rule...), the bane of many ranged characters who aren't familiar with Goggles of Foefinding in MIC.

A little unbalanced

For its requirement, it offers two much of a bonus. It completely obsoletes the composite longbow, and if first level even a composite longbow +3 (which a first level wouldn't be able to afford), is less effective than a feat, than I'd say its pretty overpowered. Take out the dex bonus to damage or make the requirement a lot higher and it's fixed —Preceding unsigned comment added by Dm of 2 years (talkcontribs) at

You seem to think that the fact that archers had to pay more money to get a composite longbow to get an ability mod to damage was fair, which it isn't and I do believe having to use a feat to fix that makes for a decent compromise. Take for instance a rogue with a bow (since that to me describes best a marksman or sniper), he can't dual-wield for that extra sneak attack damage, he has to be within 30 feet of his target for sneak attack, they only get Dex to attack rolls but not damage rolls (whereas a melee rogue can get both albeit it takes 3 feats, though those 3 are very useful for a rogue), it's harder to get sneak attack to work since you can't get flanking with a ranged weapon and theres a bunch of other things that other more experienced people can probably tell you. In short, this is a brilliant 1st-level feat for an archer that every DM should allow, If I could favor this I would.--Stryker 07:23, 2 March 2011 (UTC)
Facts about "Marksman (3.5e Feat)"
FavoredMadmanFromSpace +
LikedGhostwheel +