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Hair Dryer (3.5e Equipment)

Revision as of 08:53, 7 October 2012 by The Dire Reverend (talk | contribs)
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Author: The Dire Reverend (talk)
Date Created: 7/22/12
Status: Just Started
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Hair DryerEdit

Invented by Dawn Plushies, the "Hair Dryer" gently blows warm air out of its opening. It was originally intended to quickly dry wet Plushies, however other races found it useful for drying their hair after bathing.

Any creature with the Soggy When Wet quality can use this device to quickly dry off if they are wet. Doing so takes one minute. Other creatures can dry their hair as well, however this provides no mechanical benefit.

Market Price: 10 gp

Weight: 1 lb.

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Sourcebooks Bleach D20
Classes & ACFs Militant Spellcaster, Spellcasting Lifedrinker, Unarmored Duskblade, Undead Paragon, Boneclaw Hybrid, Undead Soul Eater, Unevasive, Wand Wizard, Whiteguard
Feats, Flaws, Traits Adaptive Weapon, Advanced Spiked Chain Proficiency, Armorless Warforged, Bundle of Terror, Deathless Energy Drain Immunity, Emo Vampire, Expendable Familiar, Hungry Hungry Construct, Incognito Undead, Increased Monk AC, Independent Mage of the Arcane Order, Missing Hand Replacement, Necessary Evil, Painful Energy Charge, Persistent Shapechange Attack, Reloading Finesse, Sharp Teeth, Shoulder Riding, Simply Exotic, Spell-Like Imbuing, Jump
Equipment AC Scouter, Battle Sai, Chained Weapon, Cloak of Vampiric Protection, Contracting, Disguised Weapon, Expanding, F.U.E.L., Hair Dryer, Infinite Ammunition, Long Fall Boots, Merciful Crystal, Orb of Power Amplification, Wizard's Wand
Creatures,Races & Templates Awakened Avian, Awakened Bat, Awakened Ferret, Beeforged, Child, DR Variant, Dire Reverend Vampire, Draconic Kobold, Kitten of Endless Decanters, Redeemed Undead, Slaymate, Technoplush, Unhallowed Minion, Werecorgi
Etc. Binding Pact, Energy Charge, Revised, Vampiric Protection, Jump Speed
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