Sol Eiji (3.5e Monster)
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Avatar of Sol Eiji | |
Size/Type: | Medium Outsider (Augmented Living Construct, Chaotic, Fire) |
Hit Dice: | 30d20+510 (1010 hp) |
Initiative: | +23 |
Speed: | 120 ft., fly 240 ft. (perfect) |
Armor Class: | 80 (+19 dex, +23 deflection, +4 divine, +1 luck, +15 mithral breastplate, +7 natural, +1 size), touch 58, flat-footed 61 |
Base Attack/Grapple: | +30/+56 (+61 sticky grapple) |
Attack: | Spammerbane +56 melee (4d8+27 plus 1d6 fire, 19-20/x2) or Slam +49 melee (1d8+14, 20/x2) or Bite +49 melee (3d6+14, 20/x3) |
Full Attack: | Spammerbane +56/+51/+46/+41 melee (4d8+27 plus 1d6 fire, 19-20/x2) or Slam +49 melee (1d8+14, 20/x2) and Bite +44 melee (3d6+14, 20/x3) |
Space/Reach: | 5 ft./5 ft. |
Special Attacks: | Bardic Music 15/day, Epic Go Boom, Epic Spells, Greater Turn Undead 26/day (+34), Maneuver-Like Abilities, Spell-Like Abilities, Spells, Sticky Grapple |
Special Qualities: | Bardic Knowledge (+30), Darkvision 180 ft., Death Throes, Divine Aura, Divine Plushie Immunities, Divine Plushie Traits, DR 30/cosmic and lawful, Fortification 100%, Grant Spells, Lawful Vulnerability, Negative Energy Vulnerability, Nuclear Fusion Stance, Portfolios, Powerful Build, Regeneration 15, Self-Haversack, Slight Build, SR 44, Virtual Size +2 |
Saves: | Fort +39, Ref +41, Will +33 |
Abilities: | Str 39, Dex 49, Con 44, Int 31, Wis 33, Cha 56 |
Skills: | Balance +37, Bluff +37, Climb +23, Concentration +37, Craft Disturbing Image +37, Hide +41, Knowledge Arcana +37, Knowledge History +37, Knowledge Religion +37, Knowledge The Planes +37, Listen +37, Move Silently +37, Perform (Dance) +37, Perform (Sing) +37, Sleight of Hand +37, Spot +37, Spellcraft +37, Tumble +37, Use Magic Device +37 |
Feats: | Luck of HeroesPGF, DarkstalkerLoM, Flyby Attack, Combat Reflexes, Song of the HeartECS, Lingering SongCAdv, Power Attack, Epic Spellcasting, Blinding Speed, Reactive Countersong, Severing Strike |
Environment: | Any |
Organization: | Unique |
Challenge Rating: | 30 |
Treasure: | Triple Standard |
Alignment: | Chaotic Neutral |
Advancement: | |
Level Adjustment: | — |
He looked like a 6 foot tall stuffed doll, with glassy black plastic eyes, soft cotton skin, adorable kitten ears and tail, an odd set of bat wings, and spiked hair made of stuffed soft material. He didn't even have any fingers or toes, just rounded nubs, and sporting a silly and somewhat sinister grin. Yet the animate creature was no mere normal eijilund plushie (as normal as they could come). A bright aura of oppressive heat radiated away from him, white flames licking around his footsteps, and a massive sword too big for his size in hand. Could this be the legend known as Spammerbane?
Avatar of the plushie god, lord of the sun and master of spontaneous insane creation. The creator of a thousand new things, Sol Eiji rarely needs to get involved in the world and instead focuses on his creative efforts. However when the shadow of evil looms over the land it is said that the sun will come down to earth and smite the forces of eeeeevvvvvviiiiiil!
Its still not known how Sol Eiji carries anything without fingers, much less his large bastard sword known as Spammerbane, a title also attributed to himself. He claims it is the "Powerpuff Girls Effect" and then proceeds to fill the room with gravy whenever asked about it. Regardless he wields it with ease, as if it were a light weapon much like a sun blade. He wears blue-hued breastplate which is comfy and easy to wear, and a red mantle which he conceals his draconic wings underneath. Sometimes he is known to wear gold armor instead, which seems simply a cosmetic choice.
The avatar of Sol Eiji functions as the God-King of his home plane Eijilundia where he mustly amuses himself by making random events occur to keep his subjects interested. He leaves actual governing to the councils, who also control things when he is off world. Recently he was spotted with Captain Leziad on the Glorious Battle Barge Adminicus in the Wikia Zone in space, where a massive spambot incursion took place. After hours of constant battle, Captain Leziad withdrew to bring word of the invasion to their sacred headquarters and get Commander Ganteka and Emperor Surgo to bring the divine ward of Captcha and seal off the tear in space the spambots were using to flood in.
Sol Eiji speaks Abyssal, Auran, Aklo, Celestial, Common, Draconic, Engrish, Gnoll, Gnome, Goblin, Halfling, Ignan, Infernal, Plushese, and Sylven. Of course he usually just casts tongues if he needs to. He is 6'2" and is surprisingly dense, weighing 220 lbs.
In combat Sol Eiji has a host of options, from spells to bardic music to martial maneuvers to just plain brute force. Sol Eiji rarely takes a combat seriously and will choose the most amusing option for the fight. If faced with someone who can actually hurt him, he focuses on keeping the enemy on the defensive, be it through the application of negative status effects or enough damage to keep them in a state of constant healing. Stubborn and determined, he never stops fighting so long as he has something important to fight in, a drastic shift in personality from normal where he simply does whatever interests him at the time.
Bard Abilities: Sol Eiji counts as a 15th level bard. He has the following bardic abilities: countersong, fascinate, inspire courage +3, inspire competence, suggestion, inspire greatness, song of freedom, and inspire heroics.
Death Throes (Su): If Sol Eiji dies, he dies in style. Immediately on death Sol Eiji uses his Epic Go Boom ability, even if it has not fully recharged. Unlike a normal Epic Go Boom, this one is not instantaneous and remains in the area for 1 minute duration. Every round, the radius shrinks by 10 feet, and the blazing sphere of energy grows brighter and brighter. At the end of 1 minute, the energy implodes on itself and produces a megaton spell.
Divine Plushie Immunities (Ex): Sol Eiji is immune to bludgeoning, cold, fire, and sonic damage. He's also immune to [Light] spells and positive energy damage from his Sun portfolio. He is immune to ability damage, disease, energy drain, entanglement, exhaustion, fatigue, immobilization, imprisonment, nausea, poison, paralysis, petrification, sleep, slow, stunning, temporal stasis, and web.
Divine Plushie Traits: Sol Eiji has a slew of abilities as part of his race, his divinity, and his portfolio. He effectively possesses divine rank 1, but has unique abilities instead of the normal divine traits. He gains d20s as his hit dice and his hit points per hit die are maximized. Sol Eiji gains his Charisma as a deflection bonus to AC. He gains a +4 divine bonus to ability checks, AC, attack, caster level, DCs, initiative, saving throws, skill checks, spell resistance, and turning checks (added into his statistics above). He gains a natural armor bonus equal to 1/4 HD. He gains maximum hp per HD. Sol Eiji possesses 2 portfolios (see below) and 4 divine abilities (see above), and a divine aura out to 100 ft.
Divine Aura (Su): As a free action once per round, Sol Eiji can deal one of the following effects to all creatures he chooses within 100 feet. The saving throw against these is DC 37 (DC 14 + Charisma).
- Daze: Will save vs daze for 1 round.
- Fear: Will save vs shaken for as long as they remain within the aura.
- Heroism: All allies gain a +2 morale bonus on attack, saves, and skills.
Epic Go Boom (Su): Sol Eiji has a highly augmented version of the eijilund plushie's go boom ability. Sol Eiji deals 2d6 divine damage to all creatures within a 100 foot radius burst with a Reflex save for half, DC 48. Those who are vulnerable to fire take 150% damage as if it were fire damage, but those immune to fire do not apply their immunities or resistances. Sol Eiji can exclude up to 1 creature per HD from the effect. He may do this every 1d4 rounds. The save DC is Charisma based.
Grant Spells (Su): As an avatar of Sol Eiji, he can grant spells to divine casters who worship him and provides the Sun and Plushie domains. He may also grant the domain spells to a willing creature on touch, in which case the creature gains them as spell-like abilities that may be cast once each, before they are permanently expended. Sol Eiji can grant spells in this way a number of times equal to his Charisma modifier, or 23/day.
Greater Turn Undead (Su): Sol Eiji can turn undead as a cleric of his HD (+4 due to his divine abilities). Whenever he uses a turn undead attempt it is always a greater turning, as per the sun domain power.
Nuclear Fusion Stance (Su): The nuclear fusion stance functions as a unique martial stance which follows all the normal rules for martial stances. He is cloaked in cosmic flames which blaze as bright as the sun. Anyone who makes views Sol Eiji in this state must make a Will save DC 48 or become permenantly blind. Treat this as a gaze attack. Those within 30 feet of Sol Eiji must succeed on a DC 48 Fortitude save or take 5 points of fire damage per initiator level (or 150 fire damage) and 1 point of Con drain from radiation damage. A successful save halves the damage and negates the drain. This is considered a 9th level maneuver.
Portfolios: Sol Eiji has several special abilities due to his portfolios, in which as an avatar he possesses two. Besides gaining the spells of his portfolios as spell-like abilities at will, he gains the following benefits:
- Plushie Domain: Sol Eiji loses the magical life force and soggy when wet weaknesses typical of eijilund plushies. He gains a +4 competence bonus on attack rolls on attack, damage, and armor class against lawful creatures (not included to the statistics above). Any construct creatures he summons have 50% more HD than normal. As a downside to his plushie themed powers he takes a -4 competence penalty on attack rolls while in an aquatic environment, and receives 50% more damage from lawful attacks and spells.
- Sun Domain: Sol Eiji gains immunity to [Light] spells and positive energy damage. He gains a +4 competence bonus on attack rolls on attack, damage, and armor class while in sunlight (not included to the statistics above). Any [Light] based creatures he summons have 50% more HD than normal. Light based creatures are any creature dealing with or attuned with light, the sun, or starlight. As a downside to his solar themed powers he takes a -4 competence penalty on attack rolls while in a sunless environment, and he has negative energy vulnerability, receiving 50% more damage against negative energy attacks.
Powerful Build (Ex): The physical stature of Sol Eiji lets him function in many ways as if he were one size category larger. Whenever subject to a size modifier or special size modifier for an opposed check (such as during grapple checks, bull rush attempts, and trip attempts), Sol Eiji is treated as one size larger if doing so is advantageous to him. He is also considered to be one size larger when determining whether a creature’s special attacks based on size (such as improved grab or swallow whole) can affect him. Sol Eiji can use weapons designed for a creature one size larger without penalty. However, his space and reach remain those of a creature of his actual size. The benefits of this racial trait stack with the effects of powers, abilities, and spells that change the subject’s size category. With his other abilities this means that Sol Eiji can count anywhere from Small size to Gargauntuan size, whenever beneficial.
Regeneration (Ex): Lawful and negative energy deal normal damage to Sol Eiji. If Sol Eiji loses a limb or body part, the lost portion regrows in 3d6 minutes. He can reattach the severed member instantly by holding it to the stump.
Self-Haversack (Su): Sol Eiji may swallow items as if he were a handy haversack. He has no danger of imploding if entering a portable hole, though he becomes unable to access his extradimensional space. Unlike normal haversacks, he is capable of holding 100 cubic feet or 1000 lbs per HD for a total storage space of 3,000 cubic feet and 30,000 lbs. Sol Eiji is capable of fitting anything Large size and smaller in his mouth without much trouble, though creatures inside may need a source of air once Sol Eiji closes his mouth for any extended periods of time.
Slight Build (Ex): The physical stature of Sol Eiji lets him function in many ways as if he was one size category smaller. Whenever subject to a size modifier or special size modifier for an opposed check (such as hide), Sol Eiji is treated as one size smaller if doing so is advantageous to him. He is also considered to be one size smaller when "squeezing" through a restrictive space. Sol Eiji can use weapons designed for a creature one size smaller without penalty. However, the space and reach of Sol Eiji remain those of a creature of his actual size. The benefits of this racial trait stack with the effects of powers, abilities, and spells that change his size category. With his other abilities this means that Sol Eiji can count anywhere from Small size to Gargauntuan size, whenever beneficial.
Sticky Grapple (Ex): Using the extraordinary grip a plushie uses as hands, Sol Eiji can stick to surfaces much easier. He can use his Dexterity modifier for initiating grapple and climb checks instead of strength. However a grapple made in such a fashion does not restrict the grappled target in any way, for the plushie is too small and light to pose a real threat, he is merely climbing and being very tricky about staying on. Instead it is used to stay stuck to a target. They target may break the plushie's hold with a Strength check whose DC equals the Sol Eiji's sticky grapple score. While grappled in such a way, the Sol Eiji does not lose his Dexterity to AC and can use weapons and cast spells normally, provided he keeps one hand stick to the opponent. Attacks against him have a 50% chance of hitting his target he is stuck to instead. Sol Eiji can only target creatures with sticky grapple if they are at least one size larger than him. His sticky hands gives him a +4 racial bonus to Climb and Grapple checks.
Virtual Size (Ex): By virtue of sheer density and strength behind his blows, Sol Eiji is treated as two size categories larger than normal for the purposes of ability checks, skill checks, carrying capacity, and how much damage his weapons deal in his hands. This stacks with powerful build, meaning that Sol Eiji can count anywhere from Small size to Gargauntuan size, whenever beneficial.
Vulnerabilities (Ex): Sol Eiji takes 150% damage from any lawful or negative energy damage.
Maneuver-Like Abilities: appeal to coincidence (strike), arguement by gibberish (stance), burning brandToB (boost), desert tempestToB (strike), improved aerial evasion (counter), inferno bladeToB (boost), leading the chargeToB, meaningless questions (strike), razor wind (strike), red tornado (strike), ring of fireToB (strike), sarcasm attack (strike), springless step (stance), taunt (strike), whirlwind barrel roll (counter), without thought (counter)
Epic Spells (Sp): megaton (1 round action casting, no additional casters), sunfire orb, volcano (1 round action casting, no delay). Sol Eiji can cast up to 3 epic spells per day. Caster level is equal to HD.
Spell-Like Abilities (Sp): At will- animate objects, baleful polymorph (as plushie domain version), charm person, commune, confusion, detonatePHBII, dream, endure elements, etherealness, fireball, fire seeds, fire shield, fire storm, flame strike, geas/quest, greater dispel magic, greater teleport, heat metal, SRD:Hideous Laughter, irresistible dance, magic jar, meteor swarm, prestidigitation, prismatic sphere, searing light, sending, sunbeam, sunburst, tongues; 4/day- wish. Caster level 34th, the DCs are Charisma based.
Bard Spells Known (4/10/9/9/8/7; base DC 23 + spell level): 0th-dancing lights, detect magic, ghost sound, mage hand, message, read magic; 1st-grease, improvisationSpC, inspirational boostSpC, silent image; 2nd-alter self, glitterdust, mirror image, whirling bladeSpC; 3rd-glibness, puppeteerSpC, haste, sculpt sound; 4th-ray deflectionSpC, shadow conjuration, ruin delver's fortuneSpC, unlucky backlash; 5th-greater blinkSpC, misspell, summon monster V; Caster level 15th. The saving throws are Charisma based.
Feats: The Luck of Heroes feat provides a +1 luck bonus on AC and saves. The Darkstalker feat makes even creatures with extrasensory abilities such as blindsight need to make spot and listen checks when Sol Eiji hides. The Song of the Heart feat boosts Inspire Courage, Inspire Competence, Inspire Greatness, and Inspire Heroics by 1. The DC of Fascinate and Suggestion rise by 1. The Lingering Song feat allows his bardic music with durations last for 1 minute after he stops singing. The Severing Strike feat allows Sol Eiji to take a -10 on his attack roll and if he hits, he deals damage and normal and the opponent takes 1d6 Con damage and loses a limb (including, possibly, the head).
Possessions: Spammerbane (+6 large speed flaming burst bastard sword), +10 mithral breastplate, a box stuffed with abstract concepts.
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