From Dungeons and Dragons Wiki
Homebrew Classes[edit]
Paragon Classes, ACFs, Racial Substitution Levels[edit]
Racial Paragon Classes
Alternate Class Features
Racial Substitution Levels
Sandbox Classes[edit]
Sandbox Base Classes[edit]
- Ironsworn: d12, simple and martial weapon prof or three simple, one exotic. light and medium armor, no shield. 1 variable saves (choose 2), ironstrike (+1d6/level): once per round, swift action, must strike with the other weapon and then make an attack roll with the same bonus, done with a punch that deals only 1d6/level (no added bonus nor crit) with a -2 to all attacks, iron oath: must use no two handed weapons, nor projectile weapon nor heavy armor nor two weapon fighting, must not retreat, full bab,; 2 DAsh feat violence: +2 to confirm crits, increase crit range and damage multiplier by one (does not stack) gains a bonus 1/2 class to all combat maneuvers against enemies at half hp o lower or when they are fearful or intimidated; 3 Endurance e Diehard; 4 Einhander variant? Juggernaut? Extraordinary Prowess feats for one handed combat, dispelling/magic resistance/ eschew magic. 10 levels only
- Furijah Barbarian (Rampaging Manticore): poison spike when enraged (+barb level in Posion damage to spikes, probably reduces the duration or deals one poison damage per round to the barb) no replacement; manticore slash (jump half movement and attack on the way, with melee or thrown weapon, even with spikes), replace trap sense; cold resistance equal to x2 Damage reduction, no damage reduction(?).
Sandbox Alternate Features[edit]
- Furious Lover (Barbarian)
- Erotomancer (Arcane caster)
Racial Paragon Classes[edit]
Gravsteel body (feat for cosmins) must have masterwork body
Racial Substitution Levels[edit]
- Furijah Fighter: bodyguard, adds racial feats to list of feats it can take, something defending
- Furijah Druid: party face, uses Wisdom for Diplomacy, has Skill focus Diplomacy
Sandbox Prestige Classes[edit]
- Folk Hero Commoner Authority, Folks Magic, Low feats and class features, from Commoner class
- Wrapped - d6, divine/arcane, necromancy focus, req: fabric channeler, scribe scrolls. feature: scroll wrappings: scribe scrolls on wrappings that may be wrapped around the body to use the scrolls without somatic components. Natural armor bonus up to +3