Einherjar Paragon (3.5e Racial Paragon Class)/Companion Mount
The Companion Mount[edit]
A companion mount is a base animal who's CR + companion mount level is 3 less than its master's ECL. A companion mount cannot exceed this limit nor can it have a HD total exceeding that of its master. A companion mount must have 1 level in this special class for it to be chosen. The CR 2 heavy warhorse and large shark (for aquatic campaigns) are the most common starting companion mounts. Base animals with fractional CR are treated as CR 1 for this calculation.
Example: An ECL 10 einherjar paragon could have a dire boar (CR 4, 7 HD) companion mount, putting it at 3rd companion mount level with a HD total equaling, but not exceeding, the master's HD total. Alternately, a light horse (CR 1, 3HD) companion mount would be at 6th companion mount level.
A starting creature may have the animal of the land or animal of the sea template applied to it.
Augmentation: At 1st companion mount level, the creature becomes a native outsider, with Ysgard as its home plane. Previous HD are not recalculated. Its Intelligence, Wisdom and Charisma are all increased to a minimum of 5 (unless the creature has a non-ability for any such scores). It gains a +2 racial bonus to one mental ability score of its master's choice. It gains the master's alignment.
Empathic Link (Su): The master has an empathic link with his companion mount while on the same plane, allowing empathic communication to convey emotions and concepts. Accurately conveying these concepts isn't always clear.
Paragon Movement: At 1st companion mount level, while mounted atop it, an einherjar paragon's special companion mount gains the benefit of any of his movement abilities and special qualities, such as Astral Stride and Longstrider.
As One (Su): At 2nd companion mount level, the companion mount is also healed an equal amount by Muster Vitality when the two are touching as the ability is used. The companion mount, when in contact with its master, also gains the benefits of Repairing Touch, Fast Healing and any special resistances (such as energy resistance, damage reduction and fortification) or immunities the master may have.
Additionally, whenever a companion mount's master uses Rally Call, and the mount can hear it, the mount gains the benefits of the ability as well.
Endurance: At 2nd companion mount level, the mount gains Endurance as a bonus feat. If the mount already has Endurance, its master may choose another feat for which it meets the prerequisites.
Improved Speed (Ex): At 3rd companion mount level, the mount’s speed increases by 10 feet. This increases by 10 feet every 3 levels (at 6th, 9th, 12th and 15th).
Natural Armor: At 4th companion mount level, the companion mount gains an improvement to the mount’s existing natural armor bonus, starting at +1 and increasing to +2 at 7th, +3 at 10th, +4 at 13th and +5 at 16th level.
Ability Boosts: A companion mount gains racial ability score boosts as it gains levels. Starting at 5th level and every third level after (8th, 11th and 14th), a companion mount gains a +1 bonus for three if its ability scores (Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, Intelligence, Wisdom and Charisma). However, the boosts gained at a single level must go to different abilities. Unlikes other characters, a companion mount does not gain a +1 ability score increase every 4 HD.
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