Painfire [General]
A special kind of fire made in the Nine Hell, painfire was designed so it would burn the skin and flesh without damaging it. It is essentially a tool for infernal everlasting torture.Prerequisites: Must be able to use a [fire] spell, spell-like ability or supernatural abilityBenefit: Whenever you would deal fire damage with a spell, spell-like ability or supernatural ability you may make that fire painfire instead, painfire cannot bring down a creature below 0 hit points. Any creature struck by painfire must make a fort save (with the same DC as the effect, or the effect would have if it has no normal DC) or take a -4 penalty to -4 penalty on attack rolls, skill checks, and ability checks for 3 rounds, this is a pain-effect. Painfire leave no scars or any visible traces on the body of it victims.
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