Plane of Life (3.5e Sourcebook)/The People
A variety of creatures come from the plane of positive energy. Those creatures are shown here.
[hide]Positive Subtype[edit]
Creatures with this subtype contain positive energy, and can endure it as a result. All creature types can have the positive subtype, but they get it in various ways.
A Positive creature possesses the following traits (unless otherwise noted in a creature’s entry).
A creature with the positive subtype heals half again as much (+50%) damage as normal when magically healed. It has vulnerability to negative energy, which means it takes half again as much (+50%) damage as normal from negative energy, regardless of whether a saving throw is allowed, or if the save is a success or failure. In addition, creatures with the positive subtype are immune to the effects of the positive-dominant planar trait and can breathe the energy of positive-dominant planes as if it was air, if their creature type needs to.
Natives to the Plane of Positive Energy, these outsiders are made of positive energy.
A common phrase among lucerna is "Life is long, and regrets immortal" and this phrase describes most lucerna rather well. Lucerna feel that just as they live an infinity, so to do their memories. As a result, they often state what they feel sooner than most other races would and tend to take opportunities when they come, as they might never come again.
Physical Description[edit]
Lucerna appear to be pale white skinned humans with slightly glowing pastel eyes and pastel hair. Despite the paleness of their skin, they are very lively in appearance. Their eyes and hair can be any pastel color, but the two never match.
Lucerna mostly live on the plane of positive energy.
Lucerna speak Vitus, the language of the plane of positive energy.
Racial Traits[edit]
- +2 Constitution, -2 Strength: Lucerna are quite lively, but they aren't the strongest.
- Outsider: They are from the plane of positive energy.
- Medium: As a Medium creature, a lucerna has no special bonuses or penalties due to its size.
- Lucerna base land speed is 30 feet.
- Positive: Lucerna have the positive subtype. This increases their magical healing, while exposing them to negative damage.
- Loopback (Ex): Despite being outsiders, lucerna can be brought back from the dead as if they were not outsiders.
- Life Reserve (Ex): The lucerna have an innate ability to store positive energy and use it later. They have a life reserve that can store up to their their hit dice times their Charisma bonus in hit points. Whenever they receive magical healing that would take them above their maximum hit points, they add the excess to their life reserve. As a standard action, they may heal themselves a number of hit points equal to the number of points in their life reserve; this is nonmagical and resets their life reserve to zero hit points.
- Automatic Languages: Common, Vitus.
- Bonus Languages: Abyssal, Aquan, Auran, Celestial, Ignan, Infernal, Terran.
- Favored Class: Mender
- Level Adjustment: +0
- Effective Character Level: 1
Vital Statistics[edit]
Lucerna grow up into adults and then stop, living forever. Lucerna age like elves for the first part of their life. Lucerna do age into their young adult age category, but they stop aging at a random point in it. Calculate their height and weight as if they were human.
Life Elf[edit]
Also called light elves, life elves are a subrace of elves born on the plane of positive energy.
Life Elf Traits (Ex): These traits are in addition to the high elf traits.
- +2 Charisma, -2 Strength.
- A life elf has the positive subtype.
Born of positive energy outsiders, these folks have just a touch of that power.
Born of a mortal race and a lucerna, the half-lucerna retains its otherworldly parents liveliness, albeit not their endless life. They too can survive on the plane of positive energy.
Half-lucerna tend to look mostly like their mortal race, but with paler colors. They retain the pastel, slightly glowing, eyes of the lucerna.
Creating a Half-Lucerna[edit]
"Half-lucerna" is an inherited template that can be added to any living, corporeal creature with an Intelligence score of 3 or higher (referred to hereafter as the base creature).
A half-lucerna uses all the base creature’s statistics and special abilities except as noted here.
Size and Type[edit]
The half-lucerna retains the base creature's type, but gains the Positive subtype.
Special Abilities[edit]
As the base creature plus healing hands.
Healing Hands (Su): The half-lucerna is capable of channeling positive energy to heal themselves or others by touch. Each day they can heal a total number of hit points equal to their hit dice times their Charisma bonus, with a minimum of their hit dice. They may choose to divide their healing among multiple recipients, and they don’t have to use it all at once. Using healing hands is a swift action if targeting the user and a standard action otherwise.
Change from the base creature as follows: Con +2.
Half-lucerna age slower than their mortal parent. To calculate the age categories of a half-lucerna, start with the age categories of their non-lucerna race. Increase the start point of each category by 20%.
Half-lucerna tend to live on the plane of positive energy, but can be found anywhere.
Challenge Rating[edit]
Same as base creature.
Same as base creature.
Level Adjustment[edit]
Anguis | |
Size/Type: | Large Dragon (Extraplanar, Positive) |
Hit Dice: | 10d12+30 (100 hp) |
Initiative: | 6 |
Speed: | 60 ft. (12 squares), fly 100 ft. (average) |
Armor Class: | 25, touch 11, flat-footed 23 |
Base Attack/Grapple: | +10/+14 |
Attack: | Bite +11 (2d6+2) |
Full Attack: | Bite +11 (2d6+2), 2 claws +9 (1d8+1), and 2 wing buffets +9 (1d6+1) |
Space/Reach: | 10 ft./5 ft. (10 ft. with bite) |
Special Attacks: | Breath weapon |
Special Qualities: | Darkvision 60 ft, immunity to sleep and paralysis, low-light vision, extra healing, vulnerability to negative energy, positive resonance |
Saves: | Fort +10, Ref +9, Will +6 |
Abilities: | Str 14, Dex 15, Con 16, Int 10, Wis 8, Cha 14 |
Skills: | Escape Artist +13, Intimidate +13, Search +13, Sense Motive +13 |
Feats: | Alertness, Multiattack, Improved Initiative, Hover |
Environment: | Any positive-dominant plane |
Organization: | Solitary |
Challenge Rating: | 12 |
Treasure: | None |
Alignment: | Any |
Advancement: | 15 HD (Huge) |
Level Adjustment: | - |
At first glance, an anguis looks like a somewhat shiny white dragon who is just out of place. However, that first glance can be deceiving. Anguis are dragons of life energy, and are fiercely territorial.
Breath Weapon (Su): Anguis have two different breath weapons (usable once every 1d4 rounds): a 40 ft. cone of great sound (6d6 sonic damage) and a 40 ft. cone of positive energy (6d6 positive energy healing, undead are damaged instead). Both weapons allow a Reflex save for half (DC 10 + half HD + Con modifier).
Positive Resonance (Ex): While in a location with the major positive-dominant trait, anguis get a +5 morale bonus to all attack rolls and saving throws and a +5 morale bonus to AC.
Extra Healing (Ex): Anguis gain 50% more from magical healing due to their Positive subtype.
Special note: The anguis is added to the list of monsters for summon monster VII.
Phoenix | |
Size/Type: | Medium Magical Beast (Extraplanar, Positive, Fire) |
Hit Dice: | 10d10+40 (75 hp) |
Initiative: | 7 |
Speed: | 60 ft. (12 squares), fly 100 ft. (good) |
Armor Class: | 20, touch 13, flat-footed 17 |
Base Attack/Grapple: | +10/+10 |
Attack: | Talons +13 melee (1d6+1) |
Full Attack: | 2 talons +13 melee (1d6+1) and bite +8 melee (1d6) |
Space/Reach: | 5 ft./5 ft. |
Special Attacks: | Spell-like abilites |
Special Qualities: | Darkvision 60 ft, low-light vision, extra healing, vulnerability to negative energy, immunity to fire, vulnerability to cold, rebirth |
Saves: | Fort +11, Ref +10, Will +5 |
Abilities: | Str 12, Dex 16, Con 18, Int 5, Wis 10, Cha 14 |
Skills: | Heal +13 |
Feats: | Improved Initiative, Wingover, Iron Will, Alertness, Weapon Finesse (B) |
Environment: | The Radiance |
Organization: | Solitary |
Challenge Rating: | 12 |
Treasure: | None |
Alignment: | Any |
Advancement: | 15 HD (Large) |
Level Adjustment: | - |
The mythical immortal bird of fire, the phoenix bursts into flames upon death and is then reborn from its ashes.
Spell-Like Abilities: 3/day—fireball, cure serious wounds. Caster level 10th. The save DC is Charisma-based.
Rebirth (Ex): When a phoenix dies, it bursts into flames; this creates a blast of fire with a 50 foot radius. All creatures within this radius take 10d6 points of fire damage; fire resistance doesn't apply and fire immunity only prevents half of this damage unless that immunity comes from the Fire subtype. After the burst of fire, all that remains of the phoenix is a pile of ashes. Inside this pile of ashes is a newborn phoenix.
Extra Healing (Ex): Phoenixes gain 50% more from magical healing due to their Positive subtype.
Mote | |
Size/Type: | Tiny Outsider (Extraplanar, Positive) |
Hit Dice: | 1d8 (4 hp) |
Initiative: | +5 |
Speed: | Fly 60 ft. (perfect) (12 squares) |
Armor Class: | 13, touch 13, flat-footed 12 |
Base Attack/Grapple: | +1/-7 |
Attack: | Light ray +2 ranged touch (1d6) |
Full Attack: | Light ray +2 ranged touch (1d6) |
Space/Reach: | 2½ ft./0 ft. |
Special Attacks: | -- |
Special Qualities: | Darkvision 60 ft, damage reduction 5/magic, immunity to sleep and paralysis, low-light vision, extra healing, vulnerability to negative energy, positive resonance. |
Saves: | Fort +3, Ref +3, Will +3 |
Abilities: | Str 1, Dex 12, Con 11, Int 2, Wis 13, Cha 9 |
Skills: | Hide +5, Listen +5, Move Silently +5, Spot +5 |
Feats: | Improved Initiative |
Environment: | Any positive-dominant plane |
Organization: | Swarm (6-15) |
Challenge Rating: | 1 |
Treasure: | None |
Alignment: | Any |
Advancement: | 3 HD (Small) |
Level Adjustment: | - |
Motes are little bits of positive energy that condensed into a simple form of life. When a mote dies, the positive energy that they are made of condenses further into a small gold bead, known as a mote bead.
Light Ray (Ex): A mote’s light rays have a range of 30 feet. This attack overcomes damage reduction of any type.
Positive Resonance (Ex): While in a location with the major positive-dominant trait, motes get a +2 morale bonus to all attack rolls and saving throws and a +2 morale bonus to AC.
Extra Healing (Ex): Motes gain 50% more from magical healing due to their Positive subtype.
Animut | |
Size/Type: | Medium Construct (Extraplanar, Lawful) |
Hit Dice: | 17d10+20 (118 hp) |
Initiative: | 6 |
Speed: | 20 ft. in full plate (4 squares); base speed 30 ft. |
Armor Class: | 30, touch 12, flat-footed 28 |
Base Attack/Grapple: | +12/+22 |
Attack: | +3 axiomatic greatsword +26 (2d6+18+2d6 if target is chaotic/17-20) |
Full Attack: | +3 axiomatic greatsword +26/+21/+16/+11 (2d6+18+2d6 if target is chaotic/17-20) |
Space/Reach: | 5 ft./5 ft. |
Special Attacks: | Spell-like abilities |
Special Qualities: | Construct traits, damage reduction 10/chaotic, darkvision 60 ft., fast healing 5, low-light vision, spell resistance 27, true seeing |
Saves: | Fort +6, Ref +7, Will +11 |
Abilities: | Str 30, Dex 15, Con --, Int 13, Wis 20, Cha 18 |
Skills: | Spot +25, Listen +25, Sense Motive +25 |
Feats: | Improved Initiative, Power Attack, Cleave, Great Cleave, Weapon Focus (greatsword), Improved Critical. |
Environment: | Any lawful-aligned plane |
Organization: | Solitary |
Challenge Rating: | 16 |
Treasure: | None |
Alignment: | Always lawful neutral |
Advancement: | 17-25 HD (Medium); 26-40 HD (Large) |
Level Adjustment: | - |
Animuts are inevitables who defend the sanctity of the mortal soul.
Those who steal or trap the souls of others are the usual targets of the animut. Messing with the font of life can also get you targeted by an animut. Buying someone's soul isn't enough to earn an animut's ire, assuming the one selling their soul is genuinely willing.
True Seeing (Su): Animuts have a continuous true seeing ability, as the spell (caster level 17th).
Spell-Like Abilities: At will— gate (planar travel only), detect lifeforce; 1/day—banishment, dictum; 1/week— time stop. Caster level 17th. The save DCs are Charisma-based.
Just as undead are corpses animated by negative energy, you can animate a corpse with positive energy. A corpse animated in this fashion is known as a reborn. Reborn are like undead in most cases, but interact with positive energy like living creatures. Reborn can be created with the spell Artificial Life.
Creating a Reborn[edit]
"Reborn" is an acquired template that can be added to any undead creature (referred to hereafter as the base creature).
A reborn uses all the base creature’s statistics and special abilities except as noted here.
The reborn retains the base creature's type of undead.
Special Qualities[edit]
As the base creature plus Positive Animation (see below):
Positive Animation (Ex): Unlike most undead, reborn are powered by positive energy. As a result, effects that use positive or negative energy affect reborn as if they were living creatures rather than undead (so cure spells heal them and inflict spells harm them).
Furthermore, the effects of turn undead and rebuke undead are reversed for reborn (so using turn undead rebukes/controls reborn and vice versa).
Any (remove any requirements on the base creature).
Positive Energy Elemental[edit]
Just as the other inner planes, the plane of positive energy has its own elementals. Positive energy elementals speak Vitus (the language of the positive energy plane) but rarely choose to do so.
Combat: Positive elementals tend to fight by supporting someone else. While they can slam into targets to deal damage, they are far more effective when assisting others. Just as their energy type would suggest, they are also greatly skilled at battling undead.
Stats: Statistically, a positive energy elemental is a fire elemental, with the following changes:
- Replace the Fire subtype with the Positive subtype.
- Remove the fire damage from their slam attacks.
- Remove the Burn special attack.
- Remove "immunity to fire, vulnerability to cold" from their special qualities.
- Add "increased healing, vulnerability to negative energy" to their special qualities
- Add the Positive Strike special attack (shown below).
Positive Strike (Ex): When making a slam attack on a target, a positive elemental can choose to make the attack a positive strike. If they do, the damage for the attack is turned into positive energy healing (remaining damage for creatures damaged by positive energy) and is doubled. Creatures damaged by a positive strike may make a Fortitude save to cut the positive energy damage in half (DC is the same as the DC to avoid the Burn of a fire elemental of the same type).
Alignment | Any + and Always lawful neutral + |
CR | 1 + |
Challenge Rating | 12 +, 1 + and 16 + |
Effective Character Level | 1 + |
Environment | Any positive-dominant plane +, The Radiance + and Any lawful-aligned plane + |
Favored Class | Mender + |
Level Adjustment | 0 +, 1 + and - + |
Racial Ability Adjustments | +2 Constitution + and -2 Strength + |
Size | Medium +, Tiny + and Large + |
Subtype | Positive +, Extraplanar +, Fire + and Lawful + |
Summary | Natives to the Plane of Positive Energy, these outsiders are made of positive energy. +, Born of positive energy outsiders, these folks have just a touch of that power. +, Just as the other inner planes, the plane of positive energy has its own elementals. + and Creatures with this subtype contain positive energy, and can endure it as a result. + |
Type | Outsider +, Dragon +, Magical Beast + and Construct + |