Preacher (3.5e Alternate Class Feature)/Preacher Feats
This page contains additional material to support the Preacher ACF
Dreadful Reproach[edit]
Dreadful Reproach [General]
As the priest started recounting the deeds of its god, the cultists shivered in pure fear.Prerequisites: Ability to Reproach Infidelds, Character Level 6thBenefit: When you successfully reproach infidels who directly oppose your beliefs, you make them frightened instead of shaken.
Special: At character level 12th and above, those that fail the save and have less HDs than your HDs + your Charisma modifier will, at your option, become panicked instead.
Imbued Conversion[edit]
Imbued Conversion [General]
Prerequisites: Ability to Convert Incredulous, Character Level 3thBenefit: When you successfully convert your targets you may use a swift action to cast a spell onto them. The spell must be a non-harmful, non-personal spell that you have prepared or that you can cast. The spell must still be applied to valid targets (for example, you can't summon a monster while converting).
Imbued Reproaching[edit]
Imbued Reproaching [General]
Prerequisites: Ability to Reproach Infidels, Character Level 3thBenefit: When you successfully repraoch your targets you may use a swift action to cast a spell onto them. The spell must be an harmful, non-personal spell that you have prepared or that you can cast. If the spell you cast has a limited number of targets you must choose to which ones of the affected it applies. If it has an area of effect you must choose one of the reproached as the starting point of the effect.
Summoning Conversion[edit]
Summoning Conversion [General]
Prerequisites: Ability to Convert Incredulous, Knowledge (the planes) 1 rankBenefit: Whenever you cast a Conjuration (summoning) or Conjuration (calling) spell, you may spend a convert incredulous attempt to try to convert the summoned or called creature(s) (adding a +2 to the DC). if you succeed, the creatures are converted to your beliefs for the duration of the spell, you don't suffer any consequences from conjuring a creature with an incompatible alignment and the spell's descriptor matches your alignment. This allows you to bypass restriction to which spells you can cast.
Special: All summoned or called creatures that pass the save won't be conjured, potentially meaning that you wasted your spell (you still retain the convert incredulous attempt if you fail to conjure anyone).
Prerequisite | Ability to Reproach Infidelds +, Character Level 6th +, Ability to Convert Incredulous +, Character Level 3th +, Ability to Reproach Infidels + and Knowledge (the planes) 1 rank + |
Summary | When reproaching your enemies you instill true fear into their hearts +, When converting creatures to your faith you give them buffs as divine gifts +, When reproaching infidels you can cast damaging spells onto them at the same time + and Summon celestial beings and convert them to Vecna immediately + |
Type | General + |