Scourge Warlock (3.5e Feat)
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Scourge Warlock [General]
Prerequisites: Eldritch Blast +3d6, Knowledge (The Planes) 8 ranks, must know the Warlock's Curse, Vampiric Embrace and Killing Flames invocations.Benefit: You gain the ability to choose a Path from below, and you gain Talent Points to spend in the three Talent trees.
Upon taking this feat, choose one of: Path of the Hellbringer or Path of the Soulbinder.
Hellbringer Warlocks focus on damage. Soulbinders focus on stealing life from foes.
Once you choose your Path, it cannot be changed. Upon choosing a Path, you gain an ability that you can use at will, as shown below.
Upon gaining your 7th effective Warlock level, if you possess 10 or more ranks in Knowledge (The Planes), you gain one ability you can use, based on your Path choice; This ability can be used at will, but usually has a cooldown or other requirement.
At 10th level, if you possess at least 13 ranks in Knowledge (The Planes), you gain a power you can use once per day per point of Charisma modifer you possess, but no more than once per encounter.
You also gain a passive ability at 10th level (Requiring 13 ranks in Knowledge (Arcana)), and another one at 15th level (Requiring 18 ranks). All abilities here are treated as spell-like abilities unless otherwise noted. Unless otherwise noted, the save DC for any of these abilities is equal to DC 10 + 1/2 Warlock levels + Cha mod. Abilities are a Standard action to activate unless otherwise noted, with the exception of the At-Will powers.
- Hellbringer: Hellish Rebuke: As an attack option (Meaning a full attack can be made with it, but multiple applications to the same target do not stack), you can deal 1d6 damage with a ranged touch attack, +1d6 for every 3 Warlock levels you possess, to a target within 60'. They take half of this damage again each round thereafter (Fort save for half each round) for a number of rounds equal to the number of Eldritch Blast dice you possess. However, if the target attacks you (As per Invisibility), the duration is refreshed. This can be used with an Eldritch Essence invocation to change the damage type.
- Soulbinder: Essence Defiler: As an attack option, you can blast a target within 60 feet as a ranged touch attack, dealing 1d6 damage, plus 1d6 damage for every 3 Warlock levels you possess. Each time this attack hits, you generate one Soul Spark (Critical hits instead generate 3 Sparks). Soul Sparks are little green orbs of energy that float around you like lazy flies. You may have up to 30 Soul Sparks at any given time, and these sparks grant you 1% Lifesteal each. Lifesteal causes any weapon attack or Warlock ability that deals damage (Triggered separately each time it deals damage, thus D.o.T. powers like Soul Scorch are useful), whether from the class or from this feat, to have a chance to heal you for the amount of damage dealt (Though this cannot heal you beyond your maximum HP). When the encounter ends, the Sparks are consumed, each healing you for 1d4 points of health. Curse Synergy: Cursed targets generate 3 Soul Sparks on the final attack each round if it hits.
Secondary Powers
- Hellbringer: Pillar Of Power: You create a pillar of burning power in your square. While standing in the pillar, your effective Warlock level, for the purposes of Eldritch Blast damage, caster level and so forth, is increased by 1/3. The pillar persists until the end of your next turn, at which point it explodes outward, dealing 1d6 damage per caster level (Taking into account the increased caster level granted by the ability; Reflex half) in a 30ft burst centered on you. You take no damage from the explosion. Once used, this ability cannot be used again for 5 rounds.
- Soulbinder: Soul Scorch: This ability has no cooldown, but requires 6 Soul Sparks to cast, and consumes 6 Soul Sparks per cast. It deals 1d4 damage per Caster level with a ranged touch attack. Curse Consume: If this ability strikes a Cursed target, the target ignites, dealing 2d4 damage each round for 1 round per 2 caster levels (Fort save half each round). The damage over time can stack.
Passive Powers (10th level)
- Hellbringer: Flames Of Empowerment: Your damaging Warlock abilities, granted either by the class or this feat, deal additional damage per dice equal to the number of Daily Power uses you have remaining for the day.
- Soulbinder: Borrowed Time: Soul Sparks grant you Fast Healing 1 for every 10 Soul Sparks you have.
Daily Powers
- Hellbringer: Gates Of Hell: Upon activating this ability, you spawn a gate anywhere within Medium range of you. It gushes hellfire in your direction in the form of a 5-foot-wide line (But does not damage you in you enter the flames) that stretched from the Gate to your square; Targets within the flames take 1d6 damage per caster level, with a Reflex save for half. You can use an Eldritch Essence invocation to change the damage type. As you move, the gate turns to continue spewing energy in your direction, thus essentially allowing your movement to cause the hellfire to hit several targets each round. The gate lasts for one round per caster level. Enemies killed by the flames cannot be raised, and for every 15 enemies killed in this manner that have a CR no less than 3 levels below your character level, you regain one use of your Daily powers.
- Soulbinder: Immolation Spirits: Upon activating this ability, you spawn one Immolation spirit within Medium range for every 5 Soul Sparks you have; This Daily ability consumes all of your current Soul Sparks. These spirits have the stats of Soul Puppets of your size, subtype(s) and alignments (Using your base stats), with maximum HP, but they have an additional +4 to Dexterity and Charisma, and their incorporeal touch attacks are Empowered. As with the Killing Flames invocation, you may use an Eldritch Essence invocation to change the damage type and energy immunity of the Spirits. These spirits last 1 round per caster level or until destroyed.
Passive Powers (15th level)
- Hellbringer: No Pity, No Mercy: Critical Hits increase your Base Attack Bonus to your character level for a number of rounds equal to your Charisma modifier.
- Soulbinder: Dust to Dust: For every 60 Soul Sparks you consume in a single encounter, you regain one use of your Daily power.
At each Warlock level, you gain 3 Talent points. These can be spent in any of the three Talents trees shown below. You must spend at least 5 points in a single tier in a single tree in order to spend any points in the next tier in that tree, and you only gain access to a particular tier when you have a number of ranks in Knowledge (The Planes) equal to twice the Tier level +3 (Thus Tier 6 of any tree requires at least 15 ranks in Knowledge (The Planes)). The 6th tier only has one ability that costs 1 point, but is the culmination of that tree's theme. The three trees are show below. Abilities are all passive, granting either a continual bonus, altering an ability, or granting a percentage chance for the ability to engage upon the occurrence of a certain event. Each point spent in an ability increases accordingly, as shown in the order between the slashes. For example, spending one point in the Daughter's Promises talent means the damage taken by the nearby foe is equal to 1d6 of your Eldritch Blast damage. Two points spent increases it to 2d6, three to 3d6, and so forth.
You can also spend Talent points on the following:
- Dark One's Blessing: When a Cursed target within 60ft of you dies, you are healed for 1/2/3/4/5 points per HD of the slain creature. Excess HP are retained as Temporary HP for 1 minute per HD of the slain creature, up to a maximum number of HP equal to your normal max HP. These temporary HP do not stack with each other.
- Deadly Curse: Your Curse now deals 1d6/2d6/3d6/4d6/5d6 damage, with a Fort save for half, when applied to a target not already affected by the Curse. You can apply an Eldritch Essence to this damage if you like.
- Damning Curse: Cursed targets now suffer a -1/-2/-3/-4/-5 penalty to Strength while cursed.
- Tyrannical Curse: Cursed targets are damage-linked. When you damage a Cursed target with a weapon attack or Warlock ability, other Cursed targets within 30' take 10%/20%/30%/40%/50% of the damage, with a Will save for half.
- Curse Bite: As a swift action, you can deal 1d4/2d4/3d4/4d4/5d4 damage to all Cursed targets within Medium range of you. The damage increases to 1d6/2d6/3d6/4d6/5d6 as a standard action, 1d8/2d8/3d8/4d8/5d8 as a full-round action, and 1d10/2d10/3d10/4d10/5d10 if you spend two rounds casting the ability. Targets are allowed a Will save for half, and an Eldritch Essence can be applied to this.
- Dark Prayers: While below 50% health, healing abilities heal you for 1/2/3/4/5 more per dice and you gain an additional 1%/2%/3%/4%/5% Lifesteal chance.
- All-Consuming Curse: When you score a successful critical hit with a weapon or Warlock ability, that target has a 15%/30%/45%/60%/75% chance of inflicting the target with a Lesser Curse.
Scourge Of Fury
Fury Warlocks focus on one thing - The destruction of their foes, dealing enhanced damage.
Tier 1
- Daughter's Promises: When a Cursed target is slain, one target within 30' of the slain target takes damage equal to 1/2/3/4/5 dice of your Eldritch Blast damage (But not more dice than you possess), with a Fort save for half. An Eldritch Essence can be applied to this damage.
- Critical Promise: After a critical hit, your next attack will deal an additional +1/+2/+3/+4/+5 damage per dice. You can apply an Eldritch Essence to this extra damage.
Tier 2
- Offering The The Prisoner: When a Cursed target is killed, you add one-fifth/one-quarter/one-third/one-half/your entire caster level to the damage of all damaging Warlock abilities, whether gained from the class or this feat, for a number of rounds equal to your Charisma modifier.
- Gatekeeper's Empowerment (Hellbringer): Gates Of Hell now deals an additional +1/+2/+3/+4/+5 damage per dice, and the number of targets the ability needs to slay in order to generate a use of your Daily power is reduced by 1/2/3/4/5.
- Burning Soul (Soulbinder): Your Soul Sparks now increase the damage of all of your damaging Warlock abilities by 1/2/3/4/5 per dice per Spark.
Tier 3
- Infernal Wrath: Targets affected by any of your Curses have all of their forms of Damage Reduction and Damage Resistance reduced by 1/2/3/4/5.
- Helltouched: Targets that attack you (As per Invisibility) become Helltouched for 1 round on a failed Will save. Helltouched targets take an additional +1/+2/+3/+4/+5 damage per dice from your damaging Warlock abilities.
Tier 4
- Killing Curse: When attacking a Cursed target, your Base Attack bonus is treated as 1/2/3/4/5 points higher.
- Executioner's Gift: Your At-Will and Secondary powers deal 1 additional point of damage for every 10/8/6/4/2 HP the target is missing.
Tier 5
- Brutal Curse: Your Curse increases your damage against affected targets by an additional 1/2/3/4/5 per dice (Applied after splitting the Curse's base damage increase between the Cursed targets).
- Murderous Flames: Killing Flames deals 1/2/3/4/5 dice of its base damage to enemies within 30ft, with a Fort save (Using the DC of the invocation) for half damage. HP-based damage is applied separately for each target. If there are no other targets, the primary target takes the additional damage.
Tier 6
- Creeping Death: When Cursed targets take extra damage because of any of your Fury tree Talents, they are afflicted with Creeping Death, which causes them to take half of that damage again each round for the next 2 rounds. Creeping Death is applied separately for each instance, and thus stacks.
Example Scourge Of Fury
Male Human Warlock 12 | |
CE Medium Humanoid | |
Init/Senses | +7/Listen +1, Spot +1 |
AC | 21, touch 13, flat-footed 18 (+8 Armor, +3 Dex) |
hp | 50 (12 HD); DR 3/Cold Iron |
Resist | Fire and Acid resistance 5 |
Fort/Ref/Will | +5/+7/+9 |
Speed | 30 |
Melee | +15/+10, Furious Pactblade (+4 Flaming Combustion [+4 Implement] Dagger); 1d4+6 piercing or slashing plus 1d6 fire) |
Ranged | +12, Eldritch Blast (Ranged touch; 6d6) or |
Ranged | +12/+7, Hellish Rebuke (Ranged touch; 5d6 plus 5d6x1/2 per round for 6 rounds, Fort save (DC 19) for half) |
Space/Reach | 5 ft./5 ft. |
Base Atk/Grp | +9/+11 |
Special Actions | Hellish Rebuke at will, Pillar of Power once every 5 rounds, Gates Of Hell 3/day but no more than 1/encounter, Fiendish Resilience 1, Detect Magic |
Combat Gear | Wand of Fireball (CL 5, DC 14, 15 charges) |
Invocations Known | (CL 12th): Lesser—Eldritch Chain, Eldritch Escape, Brimstone Blast (DC 16), Eldritch Cone Greater—Caustic Mire
Abilities | Str 14, Dex 16, Con 12, Int 12, Wis 13, Cha 16 |
SQ | Resistance to Fire and Acid 5, Deceive Item, Imbue Item, Flames of Empowerment, No Pity, No Mercy, Daughter's Promises V, Gatekeeper's Empowerment V, Infernal Wrath V, Killing Curse V, Brutal Curse V, Creeping Death, Deadly Curse V, Tyrannical Curse V. |
Feats | Combat Casting, Improved Initiative, Scourge Warlock (Hellbringer), Extra Invocation ( Eldritch Claws), Extra Invocation (Eldritch Cone) |
Skills | Concentration +16, Knowledge (The Planes) +16, Use Magic Device +19 |
Possessions | combat gear plus Furious Pactblade (+4 Flaming Combustion [+4 Implement] Dagger), +4 Chain Shirt |
Hellish Rebuke | As an attack option (Meaning he can make a full attack with it), Ashilon can make a ranged touch attack, dealing 5d6 damage (Usually modified with Brimstone Blast). The target takes half of 5d6 damage every round for 6 rounds thereafter, with a Fort save for half. |
Pillar of Power | Ashilon can create a pillar of energy in his square. While he stands in the pillar, his effective Warlock level for determining the strength of his abilities is increased by 4 until the beginning of his next turn, at which point the pillar explodes outward, dealing 16d6 damage (Usually modified with Brimstone Blast) in a 30ft burst centered on himself (Reflex half). Once used, this cannot be used again for 5 rounds. |
Gates Of Hell | Ashilon can create a hellgate in any unoccupied square within 220 ft. Starting in the round in which it is created, it deals 12d6+60 damage (Ref half) to each creature (Except Ashilon himself) in a 5ft line that stretches from the hellgate's square to Ashilon's (As long as he remains within range). Moving makes the beam of energy pass over enemies, subjecting them to the damage. Targets killed by this ability are reduced to ash and cannot be raised. This ability can be used 3/day, but no more than once per encounter; However, for every 10 enemies killed by this ability during an encounter, the Warlock regains one use of the power, so long as the enemies were of a CR of at level the Warlock's level -3. |
Scourge Of Damnation
Damnation Warlocks debilitate and cripple their targets, using their souls as puppets to perpetuate their reign.
Tier 1
- Parting Blasphemy: When a Curse is removed from a target, either from being consumed or running out, that target takes damage equal to 1/2/3/4/5 dice of your Eldritch Blast damage, with a Fort save for half. An Eldritch Essence can be applied to this damage.
- Relentless Curse: When a Cursed target is slain, an enemy target within 30ft of the slain target has a 20%/40%/60%/80%/100% chance to be affected by a Lesser Curse.
Tier 2
- Siphoning Curse: When a Cursed target is killed, the target is healed for 1/2/3/4/5 points per HD of the slain creature.
- Power of the Nine Hells (Hellbringer): The level buff from your Pillar of Power ability lasts for 1/2/3/4/5 rounds after you leave its area, and allies who stand within the Pillar have their effective level for their abilities increase by one-9th/one-8th/one-7th/one-6th/one-5th, but only while they remain within the Pillar.
- Sparkbinder (Soulbinder): Your Immolation Spirits now last for 2/4/6/8/10 rounds per caster level.
Tier 3
- Mocking Spirit: Enemies must make a Will save (DC 12/15/18/21/24) each round or attack your Soul Puppet(s) that round instead of you.
- Spiritfire: Targets within 20ft of your Soul Puppet take 1/2/3/4/5 dice of your Eldritch Blast damage each round, with a Will save (Against the DC of the blast, usually 11+Cha) for half. An Eldritch Essence can be applied to this damage. Overlapping areas from multiple spirits do not stack the damage.
Tier 4
- Warding Spirits: While you have a Soul Puppet active, 1/2/3/4/5 per dice of the damage you take is taken by your Soul Puppet instead. If you have more than one Puppet active, the oldest Puppet takes the damage.
- Burning Puppets: The incorporeal touch attack of your Soul Puppets has a 5%/10%/15%/20%/25% chance to apply a Lesser Curse to the target on a successful hit.
Tier 5
- Ghastly Commander: Your Soul Puppets have a +1/+2/+3/+4/+5 bonus on attack rolls, damage rolls and saving throws.
- Wrathful Souls: The incorporeal touch attacks of your Soul Puppets now deal 1/2/3/4/5 more damage per dice, and heal you and the puppet for the amount of the additional damage per dice dealt.
Tier 6
- Soul Desecration: Your Soul Puppets now last until destroyed, and you can have up to one Soul Puppet per Warlock level. The HD of your Soul Puppets is now based off of your HD (But still uses the original creature's stats, size and alignment) rather than the HD of the slain creature.
Example Scourge Of Damnation
Male Human Warlock 12 | |
NE Medium Humanoid | |
Init/Senses | +7/Listen +1, Spot +1 |
AC | 21, touch 13, flat-footed 18 (+8 Armor, +3 Dex) |
hp | 50 (12 HD); DR 3/Cold Iron |
Resist | Cold and Acid resistance 5 |
Fort/Ref/Will | +5/+7/+9 |
Speed | 30 |
Melee | +15/+10, Damned Pactblade (+4 Frost Glaciation [+4 Implement] Dagger); 1d4+6 piercing or slashing plus 1d6 cold) |
Ranged | +12, Eldritch Blast (Ranged touch; 6d6) or |
Ranged | +12/+7, Essence Defiler (Ranged touch; 5d6; Generates one Soul Spark per hit.) |
Space/Reach | 5 ft./5 ft. |
Base Atk/Grp | +9/+11 |
Special Actions | Essence Defiler at will, Soul Scorch at will, Immolation Spirits 3/day but no more than 1/encounter, Fiendish Resilience 1, Detect Magic |
Combat Gear | Wand of Sleet Storm (CL 5, DC 14, 15 charges) |
Invocations Known | (CL 12th): Lesser—Eldritch Chain, Eldritch Escape, Hellrime Blast (DC 17), Blades Of Vanquished Armies Greater—Chilling Tentacles
Abilities | Str 14, Dex 16, Con 12, Int 12, Wis 13, Cha 16 |
SQ | Resistance to Cold and Acid 5, Deceive Item, Imbue Item, Borrowed Time, Dust To Dust, Relentless Curse V, Sparkbinder V, Spiritfire V, Burning Puppets V, Wrathful Souls V, Soul Desecration, Damning Curse V, All-Consuming Curse V. |
Feats | Combat Casting, Improved Initiative, Scourge Warlock (Soulbinder), Extra Invocation ( Eldritch Claws), Extra Invocation ( Blades Of Vanquished Armies) |
Skills | Concentration +16, Knowledge (The Planes) +16, Use Magic Device +19 |
Possessions | combat gear plus Damned Pactblade (+4 Frost Glaciation [+4 Implement] Dagger), +4 Chain Shirt |
Essence Defiler | As an attack option (Meaning he can make a full attack with it), Ashilon can make a ranged touch attack, dealing 5d6 damage (Usually modified with Hellrime Blast). Each successful attack generates one Soul Spark (Up to 30), which grants Ashilon's attacks and Warlock abilities a 1% chance each to heal him for the amount of damage done. Cursed targets grant 3 Soul Sparks instead of one on the last attack, and Critical hits also generate three Sparks. When the encounter ends, the Soul Sparks are expended, healing Ashilon for 1d4 each. |
Soul Scorch | By expending 6 Soul Sparks, Ashilon can make a ranged touch attack against a target as a standard action, dealing 1d4 damage per CL (Usually modified by Hellrime Blast). If the target was Cursed, the curse is consumed and the target ignites, taking 2d4 damage every round for 1 round per 2 CL. This ability has no cooldown but consumes 6 Soul Sparks on each use and cannot be used with insufficient Orbs. |
Immolation Spirits | Upon activating this ability, Ashilon spawns one Immolation spirit within Medium range for every 5 Soul Sparks he has at the time, consuming all his Soul Sparks. These spirits have the stats of Soul Puppets of his size, subtype(s) and alignments (Using using his base stats), with maximum HP, but they have an additional +4 to Dexterity and Charisma, and their incorporeal touch attacks are Empowered. These spirits last 1 minute per caster level or until destroyed. |
Scourge Of Temptation
Temptation Warlocks bolster their allies and siphon life from their foes, draining vitality from those around them to turn the tide.
Tier 1
- Vengeful Curse: When you are attacked (As per Invisibility), you have a 2%/4%/6%/8%/10% chance to afflict that target with a Lesser Curse.
- Hope Stealer: After a critical hit, you gain a 1%/2%/3%/4%/5% chance to Lifesteal with your weapon attacks and damaging Warlock abilities for 1/2/3/4/5 rounds afterwards.
Tier 2
- Compounded Soul: Striking Cursed foes has a 4%/8%/12%/16%/20% chance to grant 1/2/3/4/5 HD of the Warlock's Max HP (Which generally means 6/12/18/24/30) as Temporary Hit Points to the Warlock and allies within 30ft for 1 minute.
- Hellish Condemnation (Hellbringer): Targets afflicted with Hellish Rebuke have their damage reduced by 1/2/3/4/5 per die (Min 1 per die) for 1/2/3/4/5 rounds.
- Vampiric Sparks (Soulbinder): Your Soul Sparks now increase your Lifesteal by .1%/.2%/.3%/.4%/.5% more per Spark (Thus max Lifesteal from 30 sparks is 33%/36%/39%/42%/45%).
Tier 3
- Soul Breaker: When a foe dies within 30' of the Warlock, a random nearby ally within Medium range is granted a +1/+2/+3/+4/+5 morale bonus on attack rolls, damage rolls and saving throws for 1/2/3/4/5 rounds.
- Dark Revelry: When you Lifesteal, there is a 5%/10%/15%/20%/25% chance you will gain Revelry for 1/2/3/4/5 rounds. Revelry increase the movement speed of the Warlock and allies within 60ft by 5ft/10ft/15ft/20ft/25ft, and grants a +1/+2/+3/+4/+5 Morale bonus to attack and damage rolls.
Tier 4
- Aura of Despair: Enemies within 20ft of you suffer a -1/-2/-3/-4/-5 penalty on attack and damage rolls, as well as Will saves, while they remain within your Aura of Despair. They are allowed a Will save each round to avoid the effect that round.
- Aura of Cruelty: Allies within 20ft of you gain 1%/2%/3%/4%/5% Lifesteal on all attacks while they remain within your Aura of Cruelty.
Tier 5
- Eldritch Momentum: Your movement speed increases by 5ft/10ft/15ft/20ft/25ft until the beginning of your next turn in any round in which you take damage.
- Blades of Darkness: Enemies damaged by Blades Of Vanquished Armies, if you possess it, deal 1/2/3/4/5 per die (Min 1 per die) for 1/2/3/4/5 rounds.
Tier 6
- Soul Bonding: Your Lifesteal now heals allies within Medium range for double the amount it heals you. The healing component of Vampiric Embrace also now heals allies within Medium range for the same amount it heals you.
Example Scourge Of Temptation
Male Human Warlock 12 | |
CN Medium Humanoid | |
Init/Senses | +7/Listen +1, Spot +1 |
AC | 21, touch 13, flat-footed 18 (+8 Armor, +3 Dex) |
hp | 50 (12 HD); DR 3/Cold Iron |
Resist | Electricity and Acid resistance 5 |
Fort/Ref/Will | +5/+7/+9 |
Speed | 30 |
Melee | +15/+10, Tempting Pactblade (+4 Lifesteal Magnetism [+4 Implement] Dagger); 1d4+6 piercing or slashing plus 20% chance to heal user for weapon damage dealt) |
Ranged | +12, Eldritch Blast (Ranged touch; 6d6) or |
Ranged | +12/+7, Essence Defiler (Ranged touch; 5d6; Generates one Soul Spark per hit.) |
Space/Reach | 5 ft./5 ft. |
Base Atk/Grp | +9/+11 |
Special Actions | Essence Defiler at will, Soul Scorch at will, Immolation Spirits 3/day but no more than 1/encounter, Fiendish Resilience 1, Detect Magic |
Combat Gear | Wand of Lightning Bolt (CL 5, DC 14, 15 charges) |
Invocations Known | (CL 12th): Greater— Eldritch Claws, Greater
Abilities | Str 14, Dex 16, Con 12, Int 12, Wis 13, Cha 16 |
SQ | Resistance to Electricity and Acid 5, Deceive Item, Imbue Item, Borrowed Time, Dust To Dust, Vengeful Curse V, Compounded Soul V, Dark Revelry V, Aura Of Cruelty V, Blades of Darkness V, Soul Bonding, Dark One's Blessing V, Dark Prayers V. |
Feats | Combat Casting, Improved Initiative, Scourge Warlock (Soulbinder), Extra Invocation ( Dark Spiral Aura), Extra Invocation ( Blades Of Vanquished Armies) |
Skills | Concentration +16, Knowledge (The Planes) +16, Use Magic Device +19 |
Possessions | combat gear plus Damned Pactblade (+4 Frost Glaciation [+4 Implement] Dagger), +4 Chain Shirt |
Essence Defiler | As an attack option (Meaning he can make a full attack with it), Ashilon can make a ranged touch attack, dealing 5d6 damage (Usually modified with Blackbolt Blast). Each successful attack generates one Soul Spark (Up to 30), which grants Ashilon's attacks and Warlock abilities a 1% chance each to heal him for the amount of damage done. Cursed targets grant 3 Soul Sparks instead of one on the last attack, and Critical hits also generate three Sparks. When the encounter ends, the Soul Sparks are expended, healing Ashilon for 1d4 each. |
Soul Scorch | By expending 6 Soul Sparks, Ashilon can make a ranged touch attack against a target as a standard action, dealing 1d4 damage per CL (Usually modified by Blackbolt Blast). If the target was Cursed, the curse is consumed and the target ignites, taking 2d4 damage every round for 1 round per 2 CL. This ability has no cooldown but consumes 6 Soul Sparks on each use and cannot be used with insufficient Orbs. |
Immolation Spirits | Upon activating this ability, Ashilon spawns one Immolation spirit within Medium range for every 5 Soul Sparks he has at the time, consuming all his Soul Sparks. These spirits have the stats of Soul Puppets of his size, subtype(s) and alignments (Using using his base stats), with maximum HP, but they have an additional +4 to Dexterity and Charisma, and their incorporeal touch attacks are Empowered. These spirits last 1 round per caster level or until destroyed. |
While this should be covered anyway, gonna go ahead and restate it - I don't own these abilities; Original credit goes to Neverwinter by Perfect World Entertainment. I've merely adapted the mechanics for use in the pen-and-paper version of this edition.
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Article Balance | Very High + |
Author | Zhenra-Khal + |
Challenge Rating | 12 + |
Identifier | 3.5e Feat + |
Name | Ashilon Baelfire + |
Prerequisite | Eldritch Blast +3d6 +, Knowledge (The Planes) 8 ranks +, must know the Warlock's Curse + and Vampiric Embrace and Killing Flames invocations. + |
Race | Human + |
Rating | Undiscussed + |
Size | Medium + |
Summary | A warlock with this scaling feat is a rather powerful, if specialized, warlock. +, A Scourge Warlock specializing in the Fury talent tree. +, A Scourge Warlock specializing in the Damnation talent tree. + and A Scourge Warlock specializing in the Temptation talent tree. + |
Title | Scourge Warlock + |
Type | General + and Humanoid + |