[[Summary::Gunpowder is a volatile pyrotechnic composition of sulphur, charcoal and potassium nitrate. Hence, it derives its explosive power from mundane means.]] Gunpowder can be bought in barrels. A barrel of gunpowder has hardness 5, has 15 hit points, contains 10 lb. of usable gunpowder and costs 100 gp. Gunpowder can also be bought in pellets (either in a barrel or loose), which are handfit to be used in the stoking of a [[Blunderbuss (3.5e Equipment)|Blunderbuss]]. Pelleted gunpowder essentially weighs the same per amount of gunpowder as normal gunpowder, but costs twice as much (200 gp for one barrel). 1 lb. of pelleted gunpowder corresponds to 50 pellets ready to use in a propelled projectile weapon.
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