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Eryloth (3.5e Monster)

44 bytes added, 19:57, 5 September 2013
|author_name=Ganteka Future
|date_created=30 August 2013
|status=Version 1.12
''Under primal sky, deep within darkest earth, the fury of the eryloth, of blood infernal.''
First born of the spilled blood of lesser gods and powerful yugoloths slain upon the Material Plane, eryloths are evil incarnations of vengeance. Often looked down upon by other yugoloths for their connection to the Material Plane, eryloths serve a useful role; they're native to the Material plane and capable of replenishing their own stock to fulfill their goals. Eryloths , when allowed, attack when their targets are at their weakest, waiting weakened. They wait and stalking stalk prey for weeks until an opportunity arrivesarrises.
{{Stat Block 2
|lang=Abyssal, Auran, Common, Infernal, Terran, Undercommon
|ac=16 (*20 18 Blood Armor)
|flat=13 (*17 15 Blood Armor)|acmods=+3 natural armor, +3 Dexterity, (*+4 2 Blood Armor enhancement)
|othhp=1/2 damage from physical damage (bludgeoning, piercing or slashing)in blood pool form only
|melee1=blood sucking unarmed strike bash +9 (1d6+7 bludgeoning/19–20)
|melee2=2 unarmed strikes flurry +7 (1d6+5 bludgeoning/19-20)
|weak=An eryloth takes double damage from Good-aligned weapons.
|spd=40 ft. (8 squares)
|fly=80 ft. (poor) (in beast form only)
|skills=Bluff +11, Climb +11, Diplomacy +15, Disguise +15 (*+17), Intimidate +13, Jump +11, Knowledge (nature) +5, Listen +9, Move Silently +10, Sense Motive +9, Spot +9, Sleight of Hand +5, Survival +9, Tumble +5
|san1=Alternate Forms {{Su}}
|sad1=An eryloth can assume either the form of a pool of blood or a quadrupedal twin-headed winged beast as a free action on her turn. While in her beast form, she loses the ability to speak and her unarmed strike flurry but may still employ her unarmed strike bash. She gains wings allowing flight, stability (granting a +4 bonus on checks to resist being knocked over) when on the ground, two bite attacks and the ability to employ two blood tongues simultaneously. In puddle blood pool form she loses the ability to speak or make attacks (and no longer threatens in melee) but gains her Blood Armor, takes half damage from physical sources, ignores difficult terrain movement penalties and may slip through any crack a liquid would pass through (though at half her speed when [[SRD:Movement, Position, and Distance#Squeezing|squeezing]] with no need to make a check) without the −4 penalty to AC. Additionally, while in puddle blood pool form, she may attempt to appear as an inanimate pool of blood with a Disguise skill check. She may pass through threatened spaces to provoke an attack of opportunity while in puddle form and threatens an attack of opportunity to or assume one of her other forms while within a space occupied by an unfriendly creature, but doing so provokes attacks of opportunity against her.
|san2=Blood Armor {{Su}}
|sad2=If an eryloth drops to or below 1/2 her total maximum hp (16), her blood provides a +4 2 enhancement bonus to her armor class for as long as she remains so damaged. When in puddle her blood pool form, she always gains this bonus.
|san3=Blood Suck {{Su}}
|sad3=When an unarmed strike (such as with her bash, grapple or Blood Tongue) or bite (but not a flurry) successfully deals damage on a living corporeal creature with blood, she gains half of the damage dealt from the attack back as HP gain to herself.
|san4=Blood Tongue {{Su}}
|sad4=When in her humanoid form, she may make either a blood sucking unarmed strike bash (to deal damage normally) or a touch attack (which deals no damage) with a tongue of blood which extends from her mouth with a reach of 30 feet. This attack does not provoke attacks of opportunity. If either option successfully hits, she may attempt to start a grapple with her opponent as a free action. If she wins the opposed check, her opponent is considered grappled with the blood tongue (though the eryloth herself isn't considered grappled, her checks suffer a −10 penalty to maintain the grapple in this manner unless she grapples the opponent herself). Every round her opponent remains grappled, she deals constriction damage as if she had struck her opponent with her blood sucking unarmed strike bash. So long as she has the Strength to drag her opponent's weight, she may reel her opponent closer at 10 5 feet per round. If the blood tongue is dealt 12 hp (her HD × her Constitution bonus) or more damage in a single round (at her flat-footed AC of 13 or 17 with her Blood Armor), it breaks and the eryloth loses the ability to deploy her blood tongue for 1d4+1 rounds.
|san5=Draw Out Blood {{Su}}
|sad5=If an eryloth kills a living creature with blood of at least Medium size, she may draw out its remaining blood as a free action for two purposes. She may either heal herself of all lost hp, ability damage and negative levels or she may create a new eryloth which rises in the deceased creature's space in 1 round and at half (16) hp.
|sad7=An eryloth is able to attempt to grapple an opponent as a free action without provoking attacks of opportunity when she successfully strikes them with a melee attack (such as with her unarmed strikes or blood tongue).
|san8=Vengeance Strike {{Ex}}
|sad8=When a creature attacks an eryloth, she may declare that creature as the target of her vengeful fury once per turn as free action. She gains a +4 2 morale bonus on attacks, saves, skills and ability checks made against this single target.|sla1/minute=''[[SRD:Blacklight|Blacklight]]''—4 rounds (D), Will negates DC 17 (10 + spell level 3rd + Charisma mod 4)
|slad=CL 4th, 4 rounds (D), Will negates DC 17 (10 + spell level 3rd + Charisma mod 4)
===Tactics & Habits===
Though proficient with simple and martial weapons, an eryloth prefers to fight unarmed, feinting and grappling her flat-footed opponents with her Blood Tongue. Preferably, she'd employ her blacklight sphere on either herself or her target and move in silently on her foes. When without her ''blacklight'', she'll advance and employ combat feints as a [[SRD:Move Actions|move action]] to get her opponents off-guard and make attacks. If there are multiple weaker foes, she may employ her quadrupedal beast form to make two blood tongue attacks per round. If she is unable to get the drop on her opponent with a tactical advantage, gets heavily wounded or outnumbered, she'll transform into either her quadrupedal beast form to withdraw and fly away or slip into her puddle blood pool form to ooze through cracks, taking a [[SRD:Standard Actions#Total Defense|total defense action]] if necessary.
Unlike other fiends, an eryloth is incapable of magically summoning others to her aid, relying instead on her ability to draw out blood from her slain foes for backup.

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