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Saintclair of the Manifold Curses (3.5e Vestige)

1,177 bytes added, 20:56, 5 April 2019
This is a thing
|date_created=11/24/2015April 5, 2019
|status=Vanished into the aether.
==Saintclair, of the Cursed OneManifold Curses==
[[Summary::A person so cursed by vestiges and personal misfortune, she became that which she most hated.]]
'''Special Requirement:''' Cannot [[Willing Influence (3.5e Feat)|willingly fail the influence check,]] and must have previously either bound any other vestige or been cursed.
'''Special:''' Saintclair can be bound as any level of vestige by (doing something)lengthening her Binding. If bound as a level higher than one, some of her abilities may change, as described in their description. You cannot use Improved Binding to bind Saintclair of the Manifold Curses at a higher level.
Eventually, a solution was found that dealt with Polly's little problem with serial possession, but by then it was too late. Each of the vestiges that had bound themselves to her took a piece of her soul with it.
===Special summoningSummoning===
You must insult a vestige. Any vestige works, including Saintclair. For every level above first, you must curse an additional vestige, and the binding takes an additional minute.
====Vestige of Vestiges====
Current thoughts too strongSaintclair is bound to all sorts of Vestiges. You can call upon an at-will ability with no cooldown of any Vestige at least one level lower than you have bound Saintclair of the Manifold Curses once every 5 rounds. Additionally, once per binding, you may call upon the ability of a Vestige of the same level as you have bound Saintclair or an ability that has a cooldown of no longer than 1 minute. If you do, will Vestige of Vestiges cannot be reworkedused for 1 hour.
====Curse Magnet====
====The Ghosts That Haunt Me====
StuffIf you are mind controlled for a long period of time (through suggestion, geas, domination, mind rape or even under the effect of magic jar) Saintclair's desire for freedom kicks in, you fall under the effect of [[Hostile Schism (3.5e Power)|''hostile schism'']] for the duration of the mind control. Unlike a normal [[Hostile Schism (3.5e Power)|''hostile schism'']] you are in full control of the alternate personality (free of the effect of the possession) allowing you to hinder your mind controlled body and whoever is controlling you.
If you are [[Soulbound (3.5e Template)|Soulbound to Saintclair, of the Cursed OneManifold Curses,]] and you have [[Intense Soulbound (3.5e Feat)|Intense Soulbound,]] Saintclair counts as being bound at a level one below the highest you can Soulbind (so if you have Intense Soulbound 3 times and can be Soulbound to a level 4 Vestige, Saintclair would be bound at level 3).

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